Astral projection and lucid dreaming seem like two very similar phenomena. Both experiences involve a sense of being in a non-physical world.
However, astral projection and lucid dreaming differ in a couple different ways.
Though both astral projection and lucid dreaming exist in non-physical astral consciousness, they are achieved in different ways and the level of objectivity in their experience will differ as well.
Astral projection itself can be achieved through a lucid dream by becoming conscious enough to shift into the projection experience.
Key Takeaways
- Astral projection, dreaming, & lucid dreaming all occur on the astral domain of non-physical reality.
- Astral projection is an objective non-physical experience while lucid dreaming is a subjective non-physical experience.
- The lucid dream state can be used as a gateway into astral projection with proper technique and practice.
What is Astral Projection?
Astral projection, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), is a phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness separates from their physical body.
During astral projection your consciousness enters into the astral plane.
In astral travel you experience a sense of floating and can observe your physical body from a distance. In the astral you can go wherever you want and learn from some of the most enlightened beings in the universe.
Astral Projection vs Lucid Dreaming
Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul could leave the body during sleep and travel to other realms. Hinduism and Buddhism refer to astral projection as “yoga nidra” and “dream yoga”. Clearly there is some connection between dreaming and astral projection.
So what’s going on when we lucid dream? Are we astral traveling when this happens?
Dreams happen in the astral
You are not astral projecting when you lucid dream, however your dream is happening in the astral. You can think of lucid dreaming as less conscious astral travel.
Lucid dreams exist in a subjective astral domain while astral projection exists in an objective astral domain.

The more conscious you become in the astral the more objective it will become.
This means that the things that happen and the people you meet in during astral projection will be real entities and events. It’s not just happening in your own little dream world anymore.
Think of it like this:
Two people can dream of eachother but not actually encounter eachother in the astral.
If both people then astral project and meet in the objective astral, then they can have a conversation, come back to the physical, and know exactly what the other has said to them.
Think of a dream as your own personal non-physical world in your mind. Lucid dreaming still happens in this subjective environment as well.
However lucid dreams can be used to enter into astral projection directly. Once you fully astral project from a lucid dream you will be in an objective non-physical astral reality.
Astral projecting from a lucid dream
One of the most well known astral projection techniques involves having a lucid dream and then becoming conscious enough to astral project.
In this way you slowly move into more objective astral space.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and can manipulate the dream environment and events.
In a lucid dream, the dreamer can control their actions and the dream’s narrative.
Techniques to Induce Lucid Dreams
There are several techniques that one can use to induce lucid dreams.
Reality testing
One of the most popular techniques is reality testing. In this technique the dreamer checks their reality several times a day to determine whether they are dreaming or not.
For example, during the day look at your hand and count 5 fingers. This will create a mental habit that will happen in your dream. When you look at your hand in your dream and there are more or less than 5 fingers you may then realize you are dreaming.
Wake back to bed
Another technique includes wake back to bed (WBTB). In wake back to bed you wake up after a few hours of sleep and go back to bed with the intention of having a lucid dream.
For some reason this works like a charm for many people.
Transitioning from a lucid dream to astral projection
It’s possible to transition from a lucid dream into a full on astral projection.
See John Dennery’s method of converting a lucid dream to an astral projection here:
Comparing and Contrasting
Similarities Between Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming
Astral projection and lucid dreaming share some similarities:
- Both experiences involve the feeling of being awake while in a non-physical state.
- During both experiences, the individual is conscious and aware of their surroundings, and they have the ability to control their actions to some extent.
- Both happen to some extent in the astral realm.
Key Differences
Despite their similarities, there are some key differences between astral projection and lucid dreaming:
One of the main differences is the level of control the individual has over their experience.
In astral projection you have greater control over your actions and can explore the astral plane with more freedom. In lucid dreaming you are more limited in terms of control despite being aware you are dreaming.
Another difference is the level of objectivity. Astral projection happens in an objective reality. Lucid dreaming is happening in your own personal subjective reality.
Interconnectivity of Experiences
Despite their differences, astral projection and lucid dreaming can be interconnected experiences.
Some individuals report being able to transition from one experience to the other seamlessly. Some individuals may start with a lucid dream and then transition into an astral projection experience by accident.
This interconnectivity happens because both experiences are happening on the same astral level of reality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is astral projection dangerous?
No, astral projection is not dangerous. Though it may be a scary experience at times, your physical body cannot be harmed at any time in the astral.
see my article is astral projection dangerous?
How can I astral travel while awake?
There are many methods to astral project from waking consciousness. I recommend you see my article the 4 stages of astral projection to learn more about how it works.
Can real entities visit me in my dreams?
Yes, though dreaming happens in a more subjective version of the astral it is possible to be visited by other objective beings. Many people experience visits from deceased loved ones or spiritual guides during dreams.
Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a meditation teacher, spiritual seeker, and founder of I’m glad you’re here! I founded Nurture Your Spirit because of my love of meditation, spirituality, and spiritual awakening.