Ryan Molkentin

Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a meditation teacher, spiritual seeker, and founder of nurtureyourspirit.org. I’m glad you’re here! I founded Nurture Your Spirit because of my love of meditation, spirituality, and spiritual awakening.

Why Is My Heart Racing During Meditation?

If you’ve experienced a racing heartbeat during meditation you know it’s not very pleasant. It can even be a bit of a scary experience. Why does this happen and can you even stop it? The truth is your heart might be racing for several reasons during meditation. One is that you’re simply becoming aware of your heartbeat during mindful practice which can be a jarring experience. You might also be experiencing some anxiety which could be speeding up your heartrate. It’s also possible that your body is tapping into a divine energy known as Kundalini, though this is not the most likely reason. Whichever of these you’re experiencing, none of them are dangerous or need to be worried about. You’re becoming aware of your heartbeat You might simply be raising your awareness enough to start truly feeling your heartbeat for the first time. If you’ve never really slowed down enough to feel your powerful heart pumping blood it can be a jarring experience. The fact may be that your heart isn’t actually speeding up, but your awareness is just becoming deep enough to notice the heart beating very intensely. This can then actually cause anxiety which then leads to your heart racing more. Meditation may be causing you anxiety This probably sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes meditation can actually cause anxiety. Meditation can cause us to see a lot of anxiety inducing things about ourselves. You might be experiencing meditation anxiety. Maybe feeling your heartbeat itself is anxiety inducing which is causing thoughts of your own mortality and the thought “this is the only thing keeping me alive”. That’s a powerful thought which can lead to a fear response in the body. This can lead to a cyclical effect where feeling your heartbeat creates a fear response which then releases adrenaline which causes an even higher heart rate. Kundalini can cause a racing heartbeat Though unlikely you may also be experiencing a release of Kundalini energy. Kundalini is a powerful divine energy that resides in the body which can be triggered by practices like deep meditation. The symptoms of Kundalini being awakened in the body include racing heart, body shakes, feeling energy shooting up the body. What can you do about a racing heart during meditation? There are a couple approaches you can take to a racing heart during meditative practice. 1. Continue meditating anyways The first thing you can do is sit through the discomfort and continue meditating anyways. A racing heart is usually caused by fear in minds which our body responds to. To get over this simply become aware of the racing heart and continue meditating anyways. You’re more than likely not in any physical danger. 2. Surrender into the experience A racing heartbeat is a sign showing you something causing you fear. This is your sign to dive in further. If you find yourself with an unexpected racing heart during meditation, the best course of action is to feel more deeply into it. This could be a call to surrender and discover what’s truly causing it. By surrendering you will start to dissolve any fear around the experience and find out what lays on the otherside of this strange racing heart phenomenon. 3. See a doctor If you’re concerned that this goes beyond just a psychological response and you’re having chest pain then you may need to see a medical professional. It’s also possible you may actually be having a medical issue that needs to be seen by a cardiologist. Though this is likely not the case, use your best discretion and know when it’s time to go the ER. What Does It All Mean? Racing heartbeats are signs given to us by our body during meditation. It’s your job to dive more deeply into it during meditation to discover what that message is. You may be experiencing anxiety for a variety of reasons that is creating a bodily fear response. More likely than not this will pass within a few minutes.

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The 5 Best Ashrams In The United States

If you search Google maps for ashrams in the US, you’ll likely encounter a lot of low quality spiritual or retreat centers that cost thousands of dollars to attend. True ashrams will cost very little and are welcoming to all seekers looking for spiritual awakening and divine union. Today we’ll be listing our favorite ashrams around the United States that are of the highest quality and integrity. Many of these ashrams you will be allowed extended stays and will work with experienced gurus. So here are Nurture Your Spirit’s best true ashrams to attend in the United States. #1 Truth Consciousness Sacred Mountain Ashram (Boulder, Co) The sacred mountain ashram is situated amongst the most beautiful aspens and pines of Colorado at 9000 feet elevation. This ashram is one of two ashrams under Truth Consciousness. The sacred mountain ashram is set in the middle of silent woodland making it a perfect retreat for inner growth. Swami Amar Jyoti founded this ashram in 1974 for spiritual seekers to find union with the divine in the mountains. Location: Boulder, CO Extended stays: Yes, extended stays can be organized by reaching out with the leadership directly Cost of attending: No cost but donations are welcomed (unknown cost of overnight stays) check it out here. #2 Haidakhandi Universal Ashram (Crestone, CO) Established in 1986 the Haidakhandi Ashram was inspired by the teachings of Haidakhan Babaji and dedicated to the Divine Mother. Daily work and Karma practice is required to stay at the ashram, as well as daily devotional temple services that take place morning and evening. The ashram is situated at the foot of a large mountain in the midst of Colorado’s natural beauty. Location: Crestone, CO Extended stays: Yes, they offer long term extended stays. Cost of attending: Day visits are free but over night stays will cost $36.00/night per person, $180.00/week or $450.00/month. Check it out here. #3 Mount Soma Ashram (Clyde, NC) Mount Soma ashram is a 448-acre Vedic community in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina 45 minutes out from Asheville, North Carolina. Mount Soma is designed to help people awaken to their innate divinity and integrate ancient spiritual wisdom with modern life. Michael Mamas based Mount Soma in the Vedic teachings from his guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Location: Clyde, NC Extended stays: For acceptance into the long term program you are required a commitment of a 6 month stay at the ashram. Cost of attending: inquiry needed. It appears attendance is of no cost with a request of donations. Check it out here. #4 Truth Consciousness Desert Ashram (Tucson, AZ) The second Truth Consciousness ashram on this list is their Desert Ashram situated outside of Tucson, AZ. Situated in the Sonoran Desert foothills, the Desert Ashram is located on 26 acres of palms, eucalyptus, native shrubs, cacti, an orchard, and gardens. This ashram has a women’s monastery and limited retreat stays can be schedule by reaching out to the leadership. Location: Tucson, AZ Extended stays: Yes, extended stays can be organized by reaching out with the leadership directly Cost of attending: No cost but donations are welcomed (unknown cost of overnight stays) Check it out here. #5 Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham Ashram (Lodi, CA) The ashram includes a Meditation Hall, Relics Room, Library, and residential facilities. The property includes flower gardens, fruit trees, a vegetable garden, a swimming pool, a yurt, a play area, and a tennis and basketball court. This is a sustainable and self sufficient ashram. Location: Lodi, CA Extended stays: Trial membership lasts 3 months before a possibility of up an additional year stay. After 1 year you have the option of staying for life. Short term retreats are also offered. Cost of attending: unknown, direct inquiries are required. Check it out here. See my list of the 11 Most Spiritual Locations in the United States.

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Spiritual Fatigue: How To Overcome Exhaustion After Awakening

You started your spiritual journey to make your life fuller and more expansive, but for some reason all you feel is tired. This is not what you signed up for. Spiritual awakening can be taxing for many reasons leaving you beyond tired. Why does this happen and how can you overcome spiritual fatigue? Let’s find out. Key Takeaways What is Spiritual Fatigue? Spiritual fatigue is a phenomena experienced by many spiritual seekers who have a spiritual awakening. Spiritual fatigue is the experience of exhaustion after spiritual awakening. The deep inner transformations that happen during awakening use a ton of mental and physical energy. This profound shift in your being can leave you drained for days. This can happen for many reasons. Spiritual Fatique Symptoms Not sure if you’re experiencing spiritual fatigue after awakening? Here are the signs and symptoms of spiritual fatigue: Spiritual awakening affects the mind, body, and soul. All three of these get tired after lots of engagement. Why Spiritual Awakening Can Be Exhausting There are many reasons why spiritual awakening can cause you to feel exhausted including: Dealing with past traumas Awakening may bring up traumas to be dealt with. The experience of processing and healing those traumas can be extremely emotionally taxing. The rising of traumas can also play a large part of the dark night of the soul and spiritual depression. To overcome this experience you must dive head first into those traumas to dissolve them. This will take a lot of mental and emotional energy out of you. Spiritual awakening insomnia Spiritual awakening can be such a powerful experience that it causes you to loose sleep. You mind and body can really suffer with a loss of sleep from awakening. You may be suffering from insomnia due to spiritual awakening anxiety from an difficult awakening. Your insomnia could also be caused by your mind and body being filled with divine energy. Intense bodily energy surges In a particular type of awakening known as a kundalini awakening, an intense divine energy awakens in the body. Though at first you may be filled too much energy, the awakening of kundalini can leave the body feeling exhausted afterwards in some cases. In all of these cases the mind, body, and soul can all become drained leaving you feeling utterly fatigued. see also why spiritual awakening can be a difficult experience. How To Overcome Spiritual Fatigue Can’t seem to catch your breath after awakening? Let’s dive into how we can recover from spiritual fatigue after awakening. Sleep! The best thing to do if you’re feeling exhausted after spiritual awakening is to sleep. Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest the night after a particularly exhausting spiritual experience. Good old sleep will do the trick most of the time. Grounding Sometimes we can’t seem to calm down and bring our consciousness back to Earth. Even when we’re exhausted our awareness can stay too heightened and may need grounding. There are a few grounding exercises you can practice to bring your consciousness down a notch and finally get some rest. I recommend: These can help bring your consciousness back down to Earth so you can finally get some rest. With time you will recover Eventually you will recover with enough rest. Your spiritual exhaustion won’t last forever and you’ll likely feel back to normal within a few days. During this period make sure to take it easy and get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, and drink lots of water. Conclusion Spiritual awakenings can be both profound and tiring. If you’re going through a spiritual awakening you may feel exhausted. Spiritual awakenings can leave your mind, body, and soul feeling like you need some extra rest. This is normal and you’ll likely recover within a day or two.

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How To Have Your First Spiritual Awakening (Beginner’s Guide)

If you’re reading this you likely feel called to pursue a spiritual inner journey. Spiritual awakening is not an easy thing to pursue and it will be challenging and frustrating at times. All seekers who search wide and far will find what they’re looking for in the glorious “spiritual awakening”. It can be a daunting task figuring out how to start this massive spiritual undertaking. It’s hard to know where to even begin with all of the information dumped on us at every turn we make. This will be a complete guide for beginners who want to embark on an inner journey to spiritual awakening. Everything you need to know to start your spiritual awakening journey is here for you. So let’s begin. What is Spiritual Awakening? Before we dive into how to have an awakening we need to determine what an awakening even is. A spiritual awakening is a term that refers to the process of experiencing existential truth by shifting or expanding your consciousness. Awakening is fundamentally something you must experience with your awareness. It is not a concept you can grasp with your thinking mind. Types of Awakening There are all kinds of awakenings you can have. What type of awakening are you pursuing? Let’s get specific. Nondualism The most general form of awakening that most seek for their first inner journey is a non-dual awakening. This is the experience of unity with everything around you. In a nondual awakening nothing is separate from anything else in your awareness. Your sense of self vanishes. In this profound perspective shift everything in your awareness is all part of one thing. Including your body and thoughts. You no longer own or identify with your body, mind, or thoughts in a nondual awakening. You simply observe them Other forms of awakening There are a couple other awakenings you can have that can be trickier to experience including: For this guide we’re going to focus on having a nondual awakening. Why Pursue Awakening? You may say “well why should I go through all of this work for awakening?” Something inside of you intuitively knows that awakening is the path forward for your life. There’s something inside calling you towards this experience. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this. Benefits of Spiritual Awakening Awakening will allow for a more peaceful and expansive life. After awakening you create space between your awareness and life’s drama. You don’t get as stuck in the suffering around you after waking up. There are many benefits people report after having a spiritual awakening including: Everyone will of course experience different things, but most find that the problems that once troubled them are less bothersome after awakening. Awakening creates some cushion between you and your suffering. Preparing For Awakening Before we embark on the journey and practices of awakening there are some things we should prep with. Setting an intention The first thing we should do is set an intention. Figure out your “why”. Do you simply feel called to this experience? Are you attempting to live a happier, more expansive life? Do you want to evolve spiritually? Find your why and set an intention that the next phase of your life will be for waking up. Writing this down will help solidify this intention into reality. Don’t underestimate the power of simple intention. Your subconscious self takes these things very seriously. Optional preparation There are some things you can do that may help with the process of waking up spiritually that aren’t necessarily essential. Here are some things you can do to optimize this journey: These are some additional things that will help the process, but aren’t essential. How To Have a Spiritual Awakening Here we go, now we’re getting into the meat of it! These are the things you can actively start doing to have a spiritual awakening. Some of these things will be techniques while others will just be tips. All are not in any particular order. Meditation For Awakening Cultivating your conscious awareness is a foundational and non-negotiable part of the path to awakening. You must start some sort of mindful practice to grow your ability to use and tap into your conscious awareness. Whether you start a meditation habit or bring mindfulness to a daily activity, you must be practicing mindfulness. I recommend you start up a simple mindfulness meditation habit for just 10 minutes everyday to start. A shift in our consciousness is how awakening happens. This can only occur if you’re strengthening and expanding your awareness. Self Inquiry A particularly potent form of meditation for spiritual awakening is self inquiry meditation. Self inquiry meditation adds an extra step to regular mindfulness meditation. Self inquiry adds a simple question to your practice, “Who am I? Who am I really?” This facilitates deeper and deeper self reflection during meditation. This question helps the meditator continually turn their awareness back on itself. Working With a Guru If you want to properly wake up and do it fast, then you should find an awakening coach, teacher, or guru. There are people who dedicate their lives to helping people wake up and they can be really good at it. Find someone who can guide you in this experience and you wil Signs and Symptoms of Awakening As you begin to wake up and having deeper spiritual experiences there are some spiritual awakening signs that you are close to a consciousness breakthrough. You will begin to feel these as you come close to your awakening: The moment of awakening itself will happen in as an instantaneous shift in awareness, but you will experience some warning before this happens such as the symptoms listed above. Awakening Common Challenges There are two major challenges that beginner seekers face on their journey to spiritual awakening. Resistance The first of these challenges is encountering resistance in spiritual practice. The shift in awareness necessary for awakening can sometimes feel scary to jump into. During meditation practice you can feel yourself getting

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Fasting For Spiritual Awakening (How To Fast For Breakthroughs)

If you’re on the journey to awakening you’re likely trying all kinds of techniques and practices. One such practice that can aid in a consciousness breakthrough is fasting. Are wondering if fasting is worth it for spiritual awakening? And if so, how do you do it and for how long? Let’s find out together in today’s post. Key Takeaways Fasting as a spiritual practice The practice of fasting can be found in just about every world religion and spiritual tradition out there. Why? Because fasting really does have spiritual benefits. Christians often fast and pray during specific seasons of the year. Muslims fast during Ramadan. Other traditions fast simply for it’s cognitive and consciousness enhancing effects. Humans in general have been fasting both intentionally and unintentionally out of necessity for tens of thousands of years. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting There are several reasons to fast for spiritual growth and awakening. Here are some spiritual benefits of fasting: Heightened awareness The greatest benefit of fasting is it’s consciousness enhancing effect. Fasting creates conditions in the body such as ketosis which enhance focus and hone your awareness. Fasting can create a mindset of clear consciousness that is conducive to having spiritual insights. Having clear awareness is the foundation of awakening. Cleansing Many spiritual traditions fast for the purpose of cleansing. The Hindu tradition believes that fasting can cleanse the mind, body, and spirit. There is real scientific evidence to back. Research shows that fasting can: This can have a compounding positive effect on your mind and body. Having an optimized mind and body will make the experience of awakening easier to achieve. Practicing discipline and focus Some spiritual traditions simply fast as a practice of discipline. Developing discipline through fasting can give you an edge during meditation and other spiritual practices that aid in awakening. How to Fast for Spiritual Breakthroughs Fasting for spiritual insights is relatively simply, but there are a few things you should know before starting your fast. Set Your intention The first step in a spiritual fast is to set your intention. Setting an intention may not seem that important, but it can really make a big difference. State that the purpose of this fast is to help you break into greater consciousness. This will give a sense of focus and purpose to your fast. Don’t go into a fast without a proper reason, otherwise you may not receive the outcome you hope for. Where focus goes, energy flows. Choose what type of fast There are many different types of fasts you can choose to try including: These are the main types of fasting. One isn’t better than the other, however I’d recommend an intermittent fast for your first attempt. Determine how long you will fast Before you begin should determine how long your fast will go for. There’s no right or wrong answer here and you should always listen to your body if you feel the duration is getting too long to handle. However, to enter into a state of ketosis, which creates many of the consciousness enhancing benefits you’re likely looking for, you should fast for at least 12 hours. Meditation and fasting If you’re attempting to fast for the purpose of having an awakening meditation can be very effective. Meditating while fasting will compound the consciousness expanding effects of both. This can be a particularly potent combination for spiritual awakening and existential insights. Try to set aside 20 to 30 minutes to meditate during the peak of your fast for the best results. Breaking your fast If you’re breaking a fast of less than 36 hours then simply eat a regular sized meal that you would normally eat at that time of day. If you’re breaking a fast of more than 36 hours then eat a high protein snack of roughly 200 calories first around an hour before your true sized meal. This will allow your gut to reengage and mitigate unpleasant refeeding syndrome symptoms. Fasting Challenges Fasting, especially your first few time, can be more challenging than you anticipated. Let’s talk about how to overcome some of these common challenges. Weight loss Some people find that fasting can cause unexpected weight loss. For some this is a pleasant surprise, while others aren’t as happy about this aspect of their spiritual practice. If this is a concern of yours simply fast for shorter periods of time and eat plenty of calories before and after your fast. see also how spiritual awakening can cause weight loss. Feeling weak and/or dizzy A common concern during a fast for spiritual growth is weakness and dizziness. This happens quite commonly for first time fasters. If this happens to you make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and not being over active. Take it easy on fast days. The emphasis of this type of fast should be on slowing down and going inward, so limit your physical activity on fast days. If you ever feel to weak or uncomfortable simply break your fast with the recommended guidelines above. Hunger and cravings Many people at the beginning of their fast will feel very hungry and experience cravings for food. This is very normal and should be expected. Eventually later on in a fast these cravings will tone down. While your hunger and cravings are present simply observe it and mindfully tap into the unpleasant experience. Use this as a focus point for your meditation until it goes away. Tips on fasting for awakening Here are 2 extra things to keep in mind while fasting for awakening. Stay hydrated Make sure you’re not getting dehydrated during your fast. Drink plenty of water throughout your spiritual fast. Listen to your body Finally, make sure you’re listening to your body. If you ever become too weak or dizzy it may be time to break the fast. Overdoing it for the sake of a spiritual breakthrough is not worth an accidental trip to the ER. Stay in touch with your body and take it

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How To Awaken Through Self-Inquiry Meditation

One of the most well known meditation techniques for spiritual awakening is self-inquiry, known in the Hindu tradition as Jnana yoga. This powerful technique involves questioning your thoughts and beliefs to gain insight into your true nature. By examining the stories we tell ourselves, we can begin to see through them and discover a deeper sense of peace and freedom. self-inquiry involves gaining insight into who we truly are by diving deeper and deeper behind the layers of identity we’ve placed on our consciousness. To begin practicing self-inquiry meditation, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of meditation. If you don’t know how to meditation please see my article on basic mindfulness meditation. With a solid foundation in place, you can begin to prepare for self inquiry meditation. Key Takeaways Fundamentals of Self-Inquiry Meditation What is self inquiry? Self inquiry is the meditative practice of exploring the “I” by questioning what the self really is. This may involve asking yourself simple questions like “Who am I?” or “What is the nature of my existence?” As you continue to explore these questions, you may begin to experience moments of insight and clarity. However, it’s important to be aware of the way your ego likes to trick you in this process. Understanding the Self Self-inquiry meditation is a practice that involves questioning the nature of the self. It’s a process of self-discovery that helps you to understand who you are and what your true nature is. The self is fundamentally a made up construct of our mind. The self that we think we are is simply a thought. Your body, your thoughts, and your identify are not really what you are. The self you think you are is just a set of thoughts and constructs that you’ve been conditioned to believe is you since your birth. As you continue to practice self-inquiry, you may find that your understanding of yourself evolves and changes. Any thought that arises of “self” is not the true self. This is because who we really are is beyond thought altogether. It’s something you must simply become aware of. The Role of the Observer The observer is a key aspect of self-inquiry meditation. It is the part of you that is able to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without becoming attached to them. This is why basic mindfulness meditation is important for cultivating the observer. To cultivate the observer, start by simply observing your thoughts without judgment or analysis. Notice the thoughts that arise and let them pass without becoming attached to them. As you continue to practice, you may find that your ability to observe becomes stronger and easier. This can lead to greater clarity and insight into the nature of the self. This practice paired with continually turning in on the self and questioning it can lead to an awakening of true self. Preparing for Meditation Creating a Conducive Environment Creating a peaceful and quiet environment can help you focus and relax during your meditation. Here are some to consider before starting your self-inquiry practice: The Practice of Self-Inquiry Below is one of my favorite guided meditations for self-inquiry. I highly suggest this for a first dive into self-inquiry. The Questioning Technique To begin, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and let your mind settle. Then, ask yourself a question such as “Who am I?” or “What am I really?” Allow the question to sink in and observe any thoughts or feelings that arise. Don’t try to answer the question with your mind, rather use your awareness to try and go deeper. Focusing the Mind As you continue to ask yourself these questions, you may notice that your mind becomes distracted or wanders off. This is very normal. When you notice your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the question of “who am I?” Deepening Awareness As you practice self-inquiry, you may begin to notice a shift in your awareness. You’ll start to see through constructs of the mind and reality. Insights can happen in a single moment and be a profound experience. You can have many awakenings this way, going deeper each time. You can keep going back to self-inquiry even after you’ve your first awakening. Challenges and Obstacles False Answers As you practice self-inquiry your mind will want to answer the question you’re presenting to yourself. Any answer you think of is not what we’re looking for. Sometimes we can even trick ourselves with very subtle thoughts. Any visualization or feeling you come up with is not it. You will know when it happens. What you’re looking for is a shift in awareness that is greater than the mind or any thought. It’s more like an a-ha eureka moment. Dealing with Distractions When practicing any kind of meditation distractions are to be expected. Our mind likes to focus on noise and mental chatter. To deal with these tempting distractions simply acknowledge them without judgment and gently return to the self inquiry practice. Self Inquiry FAQs Can self-inquiry meditation lead to a spiritual awakening? Yes, self-inquiry meditation can absolutely cause an awakening. In fact it’s one of the most well known practices used to intentionally achieve spiritual awakening today. Is Jnana yoga the same thing as self-inquiry? Jnana yoga and self inquiry are essentially the same practices. Jnana yoga is simply the original Yogic practice created in India that founded the method of questioning the self through meditation. Self inquiry is the Westernized name for Jnana yoga. How long does self-inquiry take to work? Results from self inquiry are different for everyone. Some people will experience an awakening within a few days of practicing self-inquiry while others will struggle with it for years before having breakthroughs.

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Can You Stop A Spiritual Awakening?

Not all spiritual awakenings are full of bliss and glory. Sometimes our awakening experience can end up being scary and dreadful. If you’re going through a particularly unpleasant spiritual awakening you may be wondering if you can stop a spiritual awakening. The short answer is no. Most of the time if a spiritual awakening has begun the best way out of the experience is to surrender to it. That being said there are many things in your control during this experience that can help mitigate the unpleasant effects of spiritual awakening. Key Takeaways Understanding Spiritual Awakening To answer this question, let’s first understand what a spiritual awakening is and how it unfolds. Spiritual awakening is a process of transformation in which an individual experiences a profound shift in their consciousness. There are all types of awakening and not all of them are pleasant in the beginning. During a spiritual awakening, you’ll likely experience a range of emotions, from fear and confusion to joy and bliss. This intense swinging of emotions can feel like too much to handle. This can lead you to trying to stop it all together. Common Unpleasant Symptoms Many people have negative experiences at some part of their awakening journey. Here are some of the signs and symptoms some people experience that makes them want to stop the process: If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be a sign that you are going through a difficult spiritual awakening. It’s important to remember that this is a natural process and that it can be a positive and transformative experience. Can You Stop a Spiritual Awakening? If you are experiencing a difficult spiritual awakening, you may be wondering if it’s possible to stop it. The answer is no. Once a spiritual awakening has started there’s no stopping it. The only way out of the experience is through it. This can be a terrifying response to hear. I don’t say that to scare you, but to show you the path forward. You must face the experience head on, and sometimes that can even feel like charging head on into death itself. While it may be tempting to resist your awakening, it’s crucial to know that this experience is entirely natural. You might be just moments away from utter peace and bliss. Your Resistance Creates Your Suffering Let’s say you really want out of your awakening. How do we get out if we can’t stop it from happening? Surrender. The way out of your suffering is by utterly surrendering to the experience. Your awakening is happening for a reason. Trust the universe and allow it happen. Your resistance to it mentally, physically, and spiritually is the very thing that can make your awakening unpleasant. Some people don’t realize how much they resist life until they are forced to surrender to a challenging spiritual awakening. Why You’re Resisting Your Awakening There may be several reasons why you might want to stop a spiritual awakening. Perhaps you’re afraid of the changes that are happening, or you feel like you are losing control. The changes that can come from awakening can truly be drastic. Though you will be different after your awakening it’s almost always for the better. Your life will change for the better. There can also be a lot of fear involved in the raising of consciousness itself. Having your consciousness blasted up 20x can be unlike anything you’ve known. Sometimes this can even feel like you’re going to die. Or rather your ego might die (ego death). But I promise you will live to see another day if you simply surrender. Support and Guidance If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, you don’t have to go it alone. Here are some ways you can find the spiritual support you need: Reach Out To Me Honestly I’d be happy to help you through your awakening. Just find the “contact” tab at the bottom of the page and shoot me an email. Finding a Spiritual Mentor If you’re struggling to cope with the changes that come with a spiritual awakening, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a spiritual mentor. You can find a spiritual guide using the MyGuru spiritual mentor directory on our website. A good guide can carry you through a particularly difficult awakening experience. Don’t be afraid to reach out to these potential guides! Frequently Asked Questions Is it possible to reverse a spiritual awakening? Once a spiritual awakening has occurred, it cannot be reversed. It is possible to manage the effects of the awakening and find ways to integrate it into your life. What techniques can help manage overwhelming spiritual experiences? There are several techniques that can help manage overwhelming spiritual experiences. You can try meditation, grounding exercises, working out, taking time in nature, and seeking support from a trusted spiritual advisor. What are the signs that a spiritual awakening is coming to an end? This can vary from person to person because awakening is different for everyone. Some common signs include a sense of peace and acceptance, decreased anxiety, and a increased love for yourself and others.

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Weight Loss During Spiritual Awakening? Yes, It Happens

If you’re having a spiritual awakening and you recently started losing weight there might be more going on underneath the surface. Spiritual shifts can result in physical changes to your mind and body. Yes, spiritual awakening can cause a reduction in your weight. There can absolutely be a correlation between awakening and weight loss. Let’s dive into a couple causes for this. The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection Mind, body, and spirit are intricately connected. A shift in one can lead to drastic changes in the other. Many people who undergo spiritual awakenings find that other aspects of their life improve alongside their spiritual growth. An upward shift in consciousness may trigger a long lasting change in your way of thinking which in turn changes the way your body looks and feels. Why You Might Lose Weight From Spiritual Awakening #1 You’re becoming aware of bad habits A spiritual awakening can increase your resting state of awareness. In this increased state on consciousness it may be easier to see unhealthy patterns and eating habits. Once you see what is causing suffering for your body you will begin cutting out the habits that may lead to weight gain. This overall reduction in bad habits from spiritual awakening can cause weight loss. #2 You have more self love After spiritual awakening you may feel more compassion for yourself. One of the biggest causes of overeating is feeling shame and engaging in negative self talk leading you to self sooth with food. It can become a nasty cycle that leads to weight gain. Spiritual awakening can foster a deep love for yourself, those around you, and all of existence. You then start to let go of that shame and negative self talk. With greater self compassion you may begin to naturally eat healthier. #3 You raised your vibration A spiritual awakening can permanently increase your resting vibration. Some people believe that your resting vibration can actually affect your metabolism. A higher vibration will cause an energetic shift in your body. Though there’s no real evidence for this happening, it’s possible that other positive life changes that accompany awakening can change your physical metabolism. #4 You’ve lost your appetite Many people experience spiritual awakening anxiety and depression. Both of these can lead to a loss of appetite. This loss of appetite due to spiritual awakening can then lead to a loss of weight. The Best Diet For Spiritual Awakening The best diet for spiritual awakening is simply a healthy diet full of whole foods and low in added sugar. This diet will optimize your mental state for clear consciousness for awakening. Some traditions encourage the adoption of a vegetarian diet for maximum spiritual benefits including a reduction in karma and an increased awareness. The diets often recommended for the most spiritual benefits are usually conducive to weight loss. Fasting For Spiritual Awakening Many spiritual traditions practice fasting for spiritual growth. Fasting can create a clear state of mind that can allow for greater spiritual insights. Meditating while fasting can be a particularly potent practice for spiritual awakening. Fasting can amplify the consciousness boosting effects of meditation leading to possible awakenings. While fasting for weight loss isn’t the goal with this particular practice, it may still be an unintentional result. Mindful eating The increase in awareness that can accompany a spiritual awakening can cause you to live much more mindfully and presently. This mindfulness may start to permeate all areas of your life. When you eat mindfully you will slow down and enjoy more. You will also notice who certain foods make you feel. When you notice that junk food actually makes you feel worse you’ll start to ditch those foods all together. This can also inadvertently cause weight loss. Conclusion Many aspects of your spiritual awakening journey can be the culprit of a reduction in weight. From increased awareness of bad habits to unintentionally losing weight with particular spiritual practices, your spiritual path can create the conditions for weight loss.

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Spiritual Awakening as a Muslim? Yes, It’s Possible

If you’re a Muslim curious about enlightenment, mysticism, and direct God consciousness you may be interested to know if it’s possible to achieve spiritual awakening. The term spiritual awakening has become increasingly popular in recent years, but what does it mean for Muslims? The short answer is yes, Muslims can experience spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment. Islam has a deep history of mysticism and direct experience with God consciousness. In today’s article we’ll dive into what spiritual awakening is, its history in Islam, and what it means for a practicing Muslim. What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual awakening is the experience of shifting into a state of higher divine consciousness. In other words, spiritual awakening is when you experience God or the divine face to face. Mysticism is simply the way that religious ideologies label spiritual awakening. Awakening itself however is not limited to a specific religion. People often describe their spiritual awakening experiences as the most profound experience of their life. Mysticism in Islam Mysticism aims at having direct experience with God, Source, or Allah. The purpose of mysticism is to come as close to God as possible and experience divinity directly. Mysticism is not about “knowing” or trying to learn about some philosophy, rather it’s focused on direct experience itself. Mystical experiences will be unfathomable. No matter how much you try to describe it, it simply must be experienced to be understood. Islam has a long history of mysticism, most notably in the Sufi tradition. Sufism, Islam’s Mystical Tradition Sufism is the lineage of Islam concerned with mysticism and spiritual awakening. This branch of Islam focuses on having deep experiences of the divine and close relationship with Allah using several spiritual practices. Sufis focus on the concept of “Tawhid”, the fundamental Islamic belief in the oneness of God. Sufis seek to experience this oneness on a personal level. The concept of Tawhid has been interpreted by some to be similar to concepts like sat chit ananda in Hinduism and non-duality in Buddhism. Sufis have many different forms of practice to aid in attaining mystical experiences such as: Though Sufism is a real Islamic tradition that embraces spiritual awakening experiences, it’s a sect that is often rejected by mainstream Islam. Sufis have faced persecution for their practices many times throughout history. Rumi, Islam’s Most Important Mystic The greatest figure in Islam who focused on mysticism was Rumi or Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī in the 13th century. Rumi created some of the most profound spiritual literature and poetry in regards to mysticism in Islam that we know of. One quote by rumi reads, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” referring back to the concept of oneness and Tawhid. It’s believed that Rumi’s writings have inspired much of the Sufi ideology and practices that exist today. Rumi’s spiritual appeal spans past just Islam. Almost all spiritual traditions today see Rumi as a great spiritual teacher. Conclusion Though often not incorporated in mainstream Islam, spiritual awakening and mysticism can be found in the Islamic tradition of Sufism. Muslims can absolutely seek mystical experiences to have direct connection with Allah and his universal divinity. See also the mystical traditions of every major world religion.

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Ego Death: The Awakening To No-Self

If you’re in pursuit of spiritual awakening and enlightenment you’ve likely come across the term “ego death” or “ego dissolution” in your search. Ego death has a deep tradition in Hinduism and Buddhism, becoming popularized in the west by Carl Jung’s term “psychic death”. But what exactly is ego death? How do you experience it and is it even desirable? These are all questions we’re going to answer today. Key Takeaways What Is Ego Death? Ego is an individual’s sense of a separate self. It’s the identification with your mind and body. Ego death is the experience of losing your sense of self. During ego dissolution your sense of self identity literally dies leading to a feeling of unity with all of existence. It’s the experience of losing the boundaries between the self and the external world. What Does Ego Death Feel Like? At first, ego death can be the most terrifying experience of your life. It’s a truly intense experience. Imagine feeling like you’re actually dying. The ego death experience itself can be full of panic, fear, shakiness, and adrenaline. Now you aren’t dying of course, just the “you” that you thought you were dies. After the death of the ego you merge with infinite consciousness. That is what “you” end up being behind the ego. The experience after ego death can be quite blissful and peaceful as you’ve merged with all of existence. Some say they merge with love itself during ego death which is a very pleasant experience. Other’s say that after ego death you forget not only who you are, but you forget that anything exists at all. You just are. Plain and simple. Ego Death Symptoms The symptoms of going through the ego death itself can be described as: After the ego actually dies and you merge with consciousness itself symptoms include: What Causes Ego Dissolution? Many things can cause the experience of ego death. Some can be intentional while others accidentaly causes. Spiritual Awakening Ego death is a form of spiritual awakening itself. However, other types of spiritual awakenings can trigger the experience of ego death as well. Anything that increases your conscious awareness has the potential to trigger ego death including spiritual awakening. Psychedelic Usage Another common cause of spiritual awakening is using psychedelic substances. These mind altering drugs can expand and change your consciousness in such a way that ego death occurs. Substances that can induce ego death include: * I am not advising anyone to take these substances, use your own discretion and consult local laws in your area for legality. Meditation Many spiritual practices can induce ego death. The most notable of these practices is simple meditation. Meditation is known for its ability to expand your awareness and help seekers have spiritual insights. The best way to meditate for spiritual awakening and ego death is by using a technique known as strong determination sitting. Benefits Of Ego Death Many ego death experiencers claim that it changed their life for the better. Some commonly reported benefits of ego death include: The experience of ego death is deeply personal. What one person experiences will be totally different from what you might experience. Ego Death Common Issues Ego death is not without its issues. Especially leading up to the experience ego death can cause a lot of inner turmoil. Common issues with ego death include: Though ego death may have some common problems, most report it to be a positive experience leading to beneficial life transformations. Ego Death FAQs How long does ego death last? The duration of ego death can varies from person to person. The experience after ego death is often that of timelessness. Usually the experience lasts from a few minutes to several hours. In rare cases some individuals experience a prolonged state of ego death that lasts for several days or even longer. Is depersonalization the same thing as ego death? Depersonalization is a dissociative experience that involves feeling detached from one’s self. It can be a symptom of ego death, but depersonalization is not the same thing as ego death. Can you experience ego death without psychedelics? Yes, it’s possible to experience ego death without using psychedelic drugs. Ego death can be triggered by many things including meditation and other spiritual practices. However, the use of psychedelic drugs can induce ego death more quickly and reliably than other methods. Conclusion Ego death can be the most intense and transformational experience of your life. Though at first it may be challenging, this common type of spiritual awakening will leave you feeling connected with all of existence. At the end of the day ego death will lead to positive spiritual transformation.

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