
Spiritual Awakening Depression: Why It Happens & How To Overcome It

Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it’s not always easy. Many people experience a period of depression during their spiritual journey. This phenomenon is known as spiritual awakening depression and is more common than you might think. There are many reasons why spiritual awakening causes depression which we will dive into today. It’s important to understand that episodes of depression are a normal part of the awakening process which can be overcome with the right approach. Main Points Why Spiritual Awakening Can Cause Depression When you experience a spiritual awakening you are increasing your awareness. This expansion of consciousness can bring a lot of things to the surface. During the awakening process you may be forced to confront your shadow head on. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience depression during this process. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience or feeling disconnected from your old way of life. Spiritual Awakening Depression Symptoms Spiritual awakening depression can be identified with a specific set of symptoms. These can include: It is important to remember that everyone’s spiritual awakening journey is different. Don’t compare your experience with others who’s awakening journey unfolded much differently. There is no right or wrong way to come to awakening. Depression During Spiritual Awakening If you are experiencing depression during your spiritual awakening, you are not alone. Many people go through this phase. In fact psychological distress is the #1 cause of spiritual awakening according to recent research on the matter. The fact that you’re going through this phase is a sign that you are going through deep transformation. Common Triggers What is it about spiritual awakenings that can trigger depression in us? Well, there are several reasons this occurs including: Depression As A Sign of Awakening Depression can actually trigger spiritual awakenings believe it or not. There are many sources that say the most likely time you will break into a spiritual awakening is when you are in your lowest points. Being in a high level of suffering forces your psyche into surrender. This state of openness and surrender can lead to consciousness breakthroughs. So if you’re going through a bout of deep depression you may be on the verge of a spiritual awakening. Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul St. John of the cross named this particular part of the spiritual journey “the dark night of the soul”. This is a period of intense emotional and spiritual turmoil that leaves you feeling lost, depressed, and alone. The dark night of the soul is the bleak period you must go through for the sun to rise in the morning of spiritual liberation. All kinds of difficult emotions and inner demons will come up to be purged during the dark night of the soul. Your job during this dark night is to surrender and allow everything to come up. It’s important that you process what arises without resistance. This can be a deeply painful experience, but it’s crucial to go through to enter the next phase of awakening. How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last? How long will the dark night last? The dark night of the soul can last as long as it needs to. For some this will only be a few days, while others will go through years of depression. Luckily there are some things you can do to overcome this experience much more quickly. Below is my guide to best overcoming your spiritual awakening depression. Strategies for Overcoming Spiritual Depression If you are experiencing spiritual depression there are some things that are in your control. Here are some things to keep in mind to overcome your spiritual awakening depression. Self-Care Practices First and foremost is maintaining basic self care. Try your best to take care of your mind and body during this difficult period. This basic self care includes: Obviously if you’re going through a depression doing these things will be difficult. Simply try your best on these points everyday and be kind when you fall short. You will thank yourself after your dark night of the soul ends. By taking care of yourself you can also reduce the symptoms of depression that comes along with your awakening. Find A Spiritual Guide Having spiritual support has always helped me advance spiritually. There are so many guides out there who’s entire life is dedicated to helping people in your position. Getting guidance from someone who knows the path to spiritual awakening can make your experience so much more bearable. They will know what to do and how to do it. How do you find a spiritual mentor? Check out the MyGuru spiritual mentor directory to find a guide. When To See A Therapist There are times when your depression can go beyond what spiritual mentor can do to help. For issues of the soul consult a spiritual expert. For issues of the mind see a therapist. If you have pre-existing depression spiritual awakening may exasperate it. For dealing with depression directly you may need a licensed therapist. If you ever have thoughts of suicide during this journey please call the suicide hotline (dial 988) and see a therapist asap. Mindfulness and Meditation One of the most powerful tools to get through spiritual awakening depression is simple mindfulness meditation. Practicing meditation will allow you to observe all of your thoughts and emotions more clearly. Getting clear on what exactly is coming up during your dark night of the soul is an important part in overcoming it. Surrender to The Process By far the most important part of overcoming spiritual awakening depression is surrendering. This may sound counterintuitive, but in many cases resisting your negative emotions may prolong and exacerbate your depression. Allow everything to come up and be seen no matter how painful it may be. This can be particularly challenging for deep traumas that we never want to think about every again. Surrendering

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How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last?

Many people who experience the dark night of the soul wonder “how long will this last!” and if there is anything they can do to make it end sooner. The dark night of the soul is a period of intense spiritual crisis, where an individual often feels disconnected and depressed. It’s a time of great confusion, despair, and uncertainty. During the dark night of the soul you’re plunged into your shadow to do the deep work that is involved in transcending it. Key Points The dark night of the soul can last varying lengths of time from person to person. Some people may experience it for only a few days or weeks, while others may struggle with spiritual depression for months or even years. This difficult period lasts depending on several factors including: While this can be a difficult and painful experience, the dark night of the soul is a tremendous opportunity for growth and awakening. Many people come out of their dark night of the soul happier and more at peace than ever. Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul Dark Night Of The Soul Symptoms First of all you may be wondering if what you’re experiencing really is a dark night of the soul. Let me list some common symptoms of this experience to see if it matches with your experience. Common symptoms include: The Dark Night of the Soul is characterized by feelings of despair, emptiness, and a sense of disconnection. These negative emotions are often coupled with lots of questioning and confusion. This happens because a seismic shift is occurring inside your mind and soul. The leap into greater consciousness requires the death of many things including your ego, your old ways of thinking, and trauma. The thing is, death and change are painful. With such a large inner shift there will be a lot of suffering to be transcended. How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last? Personal Journey The first thing I need to mention is that there is not a one size fits all answer to this question. We are all unique souls with our own personal journey. Some people take just a few days to process everything and enter out of their dark night of the soul. Others may be stuck in this phase for years. It’s best not to compare or judge yourself if you find your journey is taking longer than you would’ve hoped. Intensity of Experience The more intense your emotions are in this experience, the longer it may take to work through it. This is often a signal that you are dealing with deep-seated emotional wounds and trauma. These deep wounds may take longer to heal. You will be forced to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. All of your demons will come up to test you. No matter how intense the emotions that arise are, they can be worked with. The key is your ability to dive into the suffering head on. Your Ability To Surrender And Process The one factor that is in your control throughout this entire experience is your ability to surrender to what arises. It’s so crucial that you allow things to come up and to be experienced. By not resisting the trauma and despair you will fully experience it. When you fully experience what is being presented to you by your psyche it will begin to dissolve. Keep practicing surrendering to the experience no matter how painful it may be. This will help you get through your dark night of the soul faster. With time these feelings will begin to relax and subside into more pleasant feelings of deeper connection with your spiritual self. Navigating Your Dark Night Going through the dark night of the soul can be so challenging and tiring. It can last way longer than you expect it to. These are a couple things to keep in mind while going through this truly unpleasant endeavor. Taking Care Of Yourself It’s very important that you don’t stop doing basic self care during this challenge. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. It’s also important to take time for yourself and do things that help you relax and recharge, such as spending time in nature and with people you love. Don’t let yourself slip away during this difficult time. Try your best to maintain your health even on your hardest days. Seeking Support You don’t have to go through the dark night of the soul alone. Though it may seem that no one understands what you’re going through there is always someone who can help. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Try connecting with a spiritual mentor online (Check the MyGuru spiritual mentor directory). Having a guide throughout your dark night will make it much more bearable. Remember that this journey is temporary and you will come out stronger on the other side. Conclusion The duration of the dark night of the soul varies from person to person. It can last for a few days, weeks, months, or even years. The dark night of the soul is a natural process of spiritual growth and transformation. It’s just part of the journey. Your ability to surrender and allow things to come up and be experienced will help shorten the duration of your dark night. It’s important to remember that this phase is not permanent and that at the end of it all it can lead to profound peace and spiritual awakening. Remember that the dark night of the soul is not a sign of weakness or failure, but an invitation to embrace your shadow and transform into your highest self.

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How to Use The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)

What is EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. The Emotional Freedom Technique is a therapeutic method developed by Gary Craig that releases emotional energy and trauma by tapping specific acupressure points around the body. The tapping is often accompanied with a repeated mantra. EFT has roots in the ancient Chinese practice of “chi” and other “energy psychologies” often regarded as pseudoscience. However, EFT has been proven effective with hard empirical evidence from several well known studies. What is EFT tapping used for? EFT can be used for any emotional issue in your life. If there is an emotional charge behind it, EFT can be used. Some of the things EFT tapping can help resolve are: Some scientific studies found EFT to be particularly useful for relieving anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Although some practitioners claim it can even relieve physical pain. How to use the Emotional Freedom Technique This 5 step process is directly modeled after Gary Craig’s 5 steps for EFT Step 1) Identify the issue you want to work through In this step the individual should choose an issue or difficult emotion they’d like to work on. The issue should be specific and solitary. Don’t try to work on several issues at the same time. An example of an emotionally charged issue could be feeling anxious about an upcoming event such as a graduation or family gathering. Step 2) Test the intensity of the issue Start this step by asking the participant how intense the issue is in their mind on a scale of 0-10. 0 being no issue at all, 10 being the most intense it could possibly be. A memory or thought of the issue should be held vividly in the mind when rating the intensity. This number will serve as bench mark for later. The goal of EFT is to have the issue get as close to 0 as possible. We will continue to ask where the individual is on the 0-10 scale after every round of EFT. Step 3) Setting up the process Before you start going through a full round of EFT you have a little prep work to do. We must create a two part mantra/ phrase that will be used during the tapping: This looks a little something like this: “Even though I have (blank issue), I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Using the example from step 1, this would look like: “Even though I have anxiety about my graduation, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Step 4) The tapping sequence The tapping sequence is the order of pressure points that you will tap on 5-7 times as you repeat the mantra created in the step 3. The tapping sequence is as follows: Before your start tapping repeat your mantra. Then as you tap each point, say out loud the issue. For example say “anxiety” or “anxiety about graduation” as you tap each of the 9 pressure points. Step 5) Test the intensity again After a full round of tapping, assign a number to the level of intensity around the issue from 0-10. This should show you if any and how much progress is being made with relieving the issue. Repeat the steps until the number reaches 0 or until it plateaus at the same number several times. If this happens it’s best to revisit the issue again later. Does EFT really work? Yes. Although many scientists have their skepticism over EFT, as any good scientist should, there have been many studies reporting statistically significant positive results from the Emotional Freedom Technique. One study found EFT helped reduce anxiety by 40%, depression by 35%, and cravings by 74%. Another scientific study showed that clinical usage of EFT was “highly effective in reducing depressive symptoms in a variety of populations and settings”. The results speak for themselves when it comes to the efficacy of EFT. EFT in PEAT The EFT tapping is sometimes merged with other therapeutic practices. One of these methods that sometimes uses EFT is PEAT. PEAT is a therapeutic technique that can heal and alleviate emotional conflicts (inner or outer). Both EFT and PEAT focus on relieving emotional charges around personal issues. The tapping of EFT can easily be used to heighten other talk therapies or psychological relief methods. Conclusion The Emotional Freedom Technique is a therapeutic method that releases emotional energy and trauma by tapping pressure points around the body while repeating a specialized mantra. How do you practice EFT? The Emotional Freedom Technique has been proven to be effective at relieving emotional issues by several academic and scientific studies.

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