
Spiritual Awakening: What Stage Are You In? (Quiz)

Take the free spiritual journey quiz below to find out what stage you’re at. Spiritual awakening is a highly individualized and subjective process. There is no perfect model or method for awakening and most people don’t know where they are or where they could be in their spiritual development. However, there are several distinct stages that most seekers must go through in their spiritual journey. Here are the 6 stages of spiritual awakening: These stages are modeled after the 10 ox herding pictures of Zen Buddhism that represent the stages of awakening. Although everyone’s spiritual journey is different, there is a generally well-documented path toward awakening and enlightenment. The 6 Stages of Awakening Stage 1 – Asleep At this stage you are completely asleep and not even aware that something greater may possibly exist. You’re just living your life as most people do. Those in stage 1 may associate spirituality with religion and dismiss the possibility of divinity outside of a religious ideology. There is nothing inherently wrong with being in this stage, and many people who stay in stage 1 are able to live happy and purposeful lives. This is where everyone begins their journey, unaware of the profound and infinite rewards of the path toward awakening. Stage 2 – Spiritually Curious In stage 2 spiritual curiosity begins. You begin hearing about spiritual awakening and may feel like something is “off” about reality. This leads to greater openness to the possibility of something greater and increased inquisitiveness toward spirituality. People in stage 2 are often intrigued by general philosophy, eastern spiritual teachings, and the nature of reality. You see the possibility of something greater in this stage but are unable to actually know it for certain. People in stage 2 lack the first awakening experience necessary to fuel their desire to go “all in” on the spiritual path. Later in stage 2 you may become very intrigued with the idea of “waking up” and pursue spiritual philosophy more intensely. potential trouble spots Stage 3 – The First Awakening > see also “What Is A Spiritual Awakening” In this stage, you experience awakening for the very first time, although it may only be for a few minutes or even just a couple of seconds. After your first experience with awakening, an internal fire is ignited inside of you. The desire for the spiritual path takes hold as the profound experience of spiritual truth dawns on you for the first time. This stage can come as a great relief for spiritual seekers who have been antsy to see what all the hype was about. After your first glimpse at awakening, you now know that the spiritual path is worth pursuing. This stage begins with an awakening, or profound experience of divine truth, and continues with a deep desire for more spiritual fruits. potential trouble spots Stage 4 – Growth & Plateau Stage 4 is the troubleshooting phase. You may have several sporadic awakenings spread out through this phase, but you don’t entirely know how to access them consistently. This stage is less about a fiery passion that arose in stage 3 and is more about commitment to the spiritual path and steady learning. Many spiritual roadblocks will be encountered and overcome during the growth and plateau phase. Stage 4 is called “Growth & Plateau” because of the series of spiritual plateaus and then growth that accompanies the transcendence of those plateaus. This is one of the longest stages out of the 6. potential trouble spots Stage 5 – Integration As you continue to raise your consciousness you begin to find a deeper sense of sacredness in every aspect of life and reality. As you raise your consciousness higher and experience more spiritual truth, you’ll begin to integrate what you’ve experienced into everyday life. Every moment becomes rich and full of meaning in this stage. This isn’t to say you’ll be free of suffering, but meaning and grace are found even in your suffering and negative experiences. All of your previous awakenings and the spiritual truth you have accumulated in previous stages come together in this stage. This stage is about dissolving the separation between your spiritual self and your regular everyday self. In the integration stage, you begin to live your every day as if it is divine. Spiritual truth permeates your reality and experiences. Throughout this stage there is an ongoing commitment to spiritual growth and self-discovery. potential trouble spots Stage 6 – Transcendence Transcendence is the 6th and final stage of awakening. This stage is about leaving behind the idea of a separate self. In stage 6 you become both simultaneously detached and more deeply connected with the world around you. Stage 6 is a nondual stage, meaning your understanding of reality and of yourself is holistic and complete within the universe. You transcend the identification with a separate human ego and understand directly that you are an inseparable aspect of all that exists. In stage 6 you understand the highest truths of the universe and have direct access to the divinity of the universe. Notable examples of people who were in stage 6 include: Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, & Eckhart Tolle So What Do I Do next? Congratulations! Now you know what stage of your spiritual journey you’re in. With this knowledge you can see what stage is next for you and what potential trouble spots you may encounter trying to get there. It’s important that you have a baseline for where you’re at and where you’re going. Otherwise, you’re wandering through the spiritual path in the dark. Find a guru If you genuinely want to go all in on this journey towards awakening you may want to find a spiritual mentor. A guru can help guide you on your journey towards awakening. A guru may also be able to expedite or accelerate your spiritual growth, as they’ve done most of the hard work already and can share this with you. > see my

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Deep PEAT: What is Primordial Energy Activation & Transcendence?

What is deep PEAT? PEAT stands for Primordial Energy Activation & Transcendence. Deep PEAT is a therapeutic technique that can alleviate emotional conflicts and raise an individual’s conscious awareness, pioneered by Serbian psychologist and spiritual leader Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski. Before you get completely scared away by the mystical sounding name of PEAT let me assure you it is deeply grounded in reality. PEAT is just a fancy name for practicing non-duality. PEAT also goes by the names: “end of words”, “end of thought”, &”Satori Protocol”. The deep PEAT technique can help you process and overcome any situation or conflict that has emotional charge. It is especially useful for healing and accepting traumas. The Non-dual Nature of PEAT PEAT is founded upon a centuries old idea with roots in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity. Despite its religious roots, PEAT really has nothing to do with religion and can be practiced by any individual of any culture or religious background. Deep PEAT is based on the philosophy of non-duality. Non-duality is the philosophy that everything in reality is one. The only separations and conflicts that we encounter are made up by the human mind. In a state of no-mind there are no separations, there is just the universe as a whole. PEAT takes into account this truth of non-duality and seeks to dissolve the conflict that is encountered by the individual. We as humans separate reality into polarities which inherently cause conflicts: These are examples of some basic polarities that cause a whole host of conflicts in most human beings lives. PEAT is amazing because it allows the individual using it to start to merge these polarities one by one. The PEAT process shows you the illusion of these polarities. With this new perspective and understanding, the conflict caused by the polarity starts to dissolve. Individuals who practice the deep PEAT technique start to release strong emotional charges in their life, leading to a greater sense of peace and well being. PEAT practice leads to a greater feeling of unity within the world and one’s life. Check out’s deep dive into non-duality to learn more about non-duality if you’re a bit confused on the topic. How Does PEAT Work? Step 1 (Defining The Issue) Traditional PEAT is done with a PEAT processor. A processor is someone who has been trained in guiding others through PEAT. The PEAT processor starts the session by identifying the issue that the client wants to work on. For example the client might say they want to work on their self-consciousness. Step 2 (Identifying The Polarities) The next step in the PEAT process is identifying the opposite polarities of the problem. Every emotional conflict has 2 conflicting sides. You see, In order for there to be any conflict at all there must 2 sides fighting each other. We do this with ourselves in our own mind. For the issue of self-consciousness, the 2 sides could simply be: The key here is that they are opposite polarities. Step 3 (Taking Mental Snapshots) Using these 2 polarities, the client must take a mental snapshot of a moment in time where they felt each polarity. Ideally, the snapshot should be detailed and be highly emotionally charged. An example of the “being self-conscious” snapshot might be a memory of when the client felt especially self-conscious when they were bullied in high school. An example of “freedom from self-consciousness” could be a memory when they felt especially confident on a date a few weeks ago. The memory should be a specific moment in time. It’s important to set these snapshots up in as much detail as possible as we will be revisiting them quite a lot in the next steps. Step 4 (Feeling Both Polarities) Step 4 is the longest and most involved part of PEAT. The processor will guide the client back and forth between the polarities and snapshots associated with them. The PEAT processor will ask the client things like “what comes up in the self-conscious snapshot?” and “what does freedom from self-consciousness feel like in that moment?” The client will continually go back and forth between these polarities continually saying what comes up and what they see, think, and feel about each scenario. This may last a few minutes for basic issues or could go on hours for particularly deep problems. Step 5 (Things Start Changing) At some point the polarities or snapshots start to change in the mind. The snapshots might feel somehow different than they did before. This may be confusing or surprising for PEAT first timers Common things that happen during this step are: Step 6 (Merging Polarities) The end result of a PEAT processing session is the complete unification of the original polarities. Think of a Venn diagram. PEAT’s goal is to have both circles of the diagram to cross over each other more and more until they become one circle in the mind. This leads to a greater holistic understanding of the original issue at hand. The emotional charge behind both polarities (good and bad charges) are gone. PEAT leaves you in a pleasantly peaceful & neutral state. People that successfully merge their polarities around an issue are able to better deal with the issue in the future and from a more neutral and less (or not all) emotionally charged place. The original polarities are an illusion that the human mind creates. PEAT helps the human mind see the issue at hand completely. Here is a great example of a PEAT processing by certified PEAT processor Ivana: Variations of PEAT Self-processing PEAT does not have to be a guided experience. This is something that you can learn to do on your own (although it may be more difficult to learn on your own at first). Many choose this option for the sake of saving money and as a self exploration journey. At the end of the day, you know yourself best. Meridian points Some versions of PEAT involve using something called meridian points around

Deep PEAT: What is Primordial Energy Activation & Transcendence? Read More »

Discover the 6 stages of awakening and find out where you are in your spiritual journey.

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