Ryan Molkentin

Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a meditation teacher, spiritual seeker, and founder of nurtureyourspirit.org. I’m glad you’re here! I founded Nurture Your Spirit because of my love of meditation, spirituality, and spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Awakening Depression: Why It Happens & How To Overcome It

Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it’s not always easy. Many people experience a period of depression during their spiritual journey. This phenomenon is known as spiritual awakening depression and is more common than you might think. There are many reasons why spiritual awakening causes depression which we will dive into today. It’s important to understand that episodes of depression are a normal part of the awakening process which can be overcome with the right approach. Main Points Why Spiritual Awakening Can Cause Depression When you experience a spiritual awakening you are increasing your awareness. This expansion of consciousness can bring a lot of things to the surface. During the awakening process you may be forced to confront your shadow head on. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience depression during this process. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience or feeling disconnected from your old way of life. Spiritual Awakening Depression Symptoms Spiritual awakening depression can be identified with a specific set of symptoms. These can include: It is important to remember that everyone’s spiritual awakening journey is different. Don’t compare your experience with others who’s awakening journey unfolded much differently. There is no right or wrong way to come to awakening. Depression During Spiritual Awakening If you are experiencing depression during your spiritual awakening, you are not alone. Many people go through this phase. In fact psychological distress is the #1 cause of spiritual awakening according to recent research on the matter. The fact that you’re going through this phase is a sign that you are going through deep transformation. Common Triggers What is it about spiritual awakenings that can trigger depression in us? Well, there are several reasons this occurs including: Depression As A Sign of Awakening Depression can actually trigger spiritual awakenings believe it or not. There are many sources that say the most likely time you will break into a spiritual awakening is when you are in your lowest points. Being in a high level of suffering forces your psyche into surrender. This state of openness and surrender can lead to consciousness breakthroughs. So if you’re going through a bout of deep depression you may be on the verge of a spiritual awakening. Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul St. John of the cross named this particular part of the spiritual journey “the dark night of the soul”. This is a period of intense emotional and spiritual turmoil that leaves you feeling lost, depressed, and alone. The dark night of the soul is the bleak period you must go through for the sun to rise in the morning of spiritual liberation. All kinds of difficult emotions and inner demons will come up to be purged during the dark night of the soul. Your job during this dark night is to surrender and allow everything to come up. It’s important that you process what arises without resistance. This can be a deeply painful experience, but it’s crucial to go through to enter the next phase of awakening. How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last? How long will the dark night last? The dark night of the soul can last as long as it needs to. For some this will only be a few days, while others will go through years of depression. Luckily there are some things you can do to overcome this experience much more quickly. Below is my guide to best overcoming your spiritual awakening depression. Strategies for Overcoming Spiritual Depression If you are experiencing spiritual depression there are some things that are in your control. Here are some things to keep in mind to overcome your spiritual awakening depression. Self-Care Practices First and foremost is maintaining basic self care. Try your best to take care of your mind and body during this difficult period. This basic self care includes: Obviously if you’re going through a depression doing these things will be difficult. Simply try your best on these points everyday and be kind when you fall short. You will thank yourself after your dark night of the soul ends. By taking care of yourself you can also reduce the symptoms of depression that comes along with your awakening. Find A Spiritual Guide Having spiritual support has always helped me advance spiritually. There are so many guides out there who’s entire life is dedicated to helping people in your position. Getting guidance from someone who knows the path to spiritual awakening can make your experience so much more bearable. They will know what to do and how to do it. How do you find a spiritual mentor? Check out the MyGuru spiritual mentor directory to find a guide. When To See A Therapist There are times when your depression can go beyond what spiritual mentor can do to help. For issues of the soul consult a spiritual expert. For issues of the mind see a therapist. If you have pre-existing depression spiritual awakening may exasperate it. For dealing with depression directly you may need a licensed therapist. If you ever have thoughts of suicide during this journey please call the suicide hotline (dial 988) and see a therapist asap. Mindfulness and Meditation One of the most powerful tools to get through spiritual awakening depression is simple mindfulness meditation. Practicing meditation will allow you to observe all of your thoughts and emotions more clearly. Getting clear on what exactly is coming up during your dark night of the soul is an important part in overcoming it. Surrender to The Process By far the most important part of overcoming spiritual awakening depression is surrendering. This may sound counterintuitive, but in many cases resisting your negative emotions may prolong and exacerbate your depression. Allow everything to come up and be seen no matter how painful it may be. This can be particularly challenging for deep traumas that we never want to think about every again. Surrendering

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How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last?

Many people who experience the dark night of the soul wonder “how long will this last!” and if there is anything they can do to make it end sooner. The dark night of the soul is a period of intense spiritual crisis, where an individual often feels disconnected and depressed. It’s a time of great confusion, despair, and uncertainty. During the dark night of the soul you’re plunged into your shadow to do the deep work that is involved in transcending it. Key Points The dark night of the soul can last varying lengths of time from person to person. Some people may experience it for only a few days or weeks, while others may struggle with spiritual depression for months or even years. This difficult period lasts depending on several factors including: While this can be a difficult and painful experience, the dark night of the soul is a tremendous opportunity for growth and awakening. Many people come out of their dark night of the soul happier and more at peace than ever. Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul Dark Night Of The Soul Symptoms First of all you may be wondering if what you’re experiencing really is a dark night of the soul. Let me list some common symptoms of this experience to see if it matches with your experience. Common symptoms include: The Dark Night of the Soul is characterized by feelings of despair, emptiness, and a sense of disconnection. These negative emotions are often coupled with lots of questioning and confusion. This happens because a seismic shift is occurring inside your mind and soul. The leap into greater consciousness requires the death of many things including your ego, your old ways of thinking, and trauma. The thing is, death and change are painful. With such a large inner shift there will be a lot of suffering to be transcended. How Long Does The Dark Night Of The Soul Last? Personal Journey The first thing I need to mention is that there is not a one size fits all answer to this question. We are all unique souls with our own personal journey. Some people take just a few days to process everything and enter out of their dark night of the soul. Others may be stuck in this phase for years. It’s best not to compare or judge yourself if you find your journey is taking longer than you would’ve hoped. Intensity of Experience The more intense your emotions are in this experience, the longer it may take to work through it. This is often a signal that you are dealing with deep-seated emotional wounds and trauma. These deep wounds may take longer to heal. You will be forced to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. All of your demons will come up to test you. No matter how intense the emotions that arise are, they can be worked with. The key is your ability to dive into the suffering head on. Your Ability To Surrender And Process The one factor that is in your control throughout this entire experience is your ability to surrender to what arises. It’s so crucial that you allow things to come up and to be experienced. By not resisting the trauma and despair you will fully experience it. When you fully experience what is being presented to you by your psyche it will begin to dissolve. Keep practicing surrendering to the experience no matter how painful it may be. This will help you get through your dark night of the soul faster. With time these feelings will begin to relax and subside into more pleasant feelings of deeper connection with your spiritual self. Navigating Your Dark Night Going through the dark night of the soul can be so challenging and tiring. It can last way longer than you expect it to. These are a couple things to keep in mind while going through this truly unpleasant endeavor. Taking Care Of Yourself It’s very important that you don’t stop doing basic self care during this challenge. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. It’s also important to take time for yourself and do things that help you relax and recharge, such as spending time in nature and with people you love. Don’t let yourself slip away during this difficult time. Try your best to maintain your health even on your hardest days. Seeking Support You don’t have to go through the dark night of the soul alone. Though it may seem that no one understands what you’re going through there is always someone who can help. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Try connecting with a spiritual mentor online (Check the MyGuru spiritual mentor directory). Having a guide throughout your dark night will make it much more bearable. Remember that this journey is temporary and you will come out stronger on the other side. Conclusion The duration of the dark night of the soul varies from person to person. It can last for a few days, weeks, months, or even years. The dark night of the soul is a natural process of spiritual growth and transformation. It’s just part of the journey. Your ability to surrender and allow things to come up and be experienced will help shorten the duration of your dark night. It’s important to remember that this phase is not permanent and that at the end of it all it can lead to profound peace and spiritual awakening. Remember that the dark night of the soul is not a sign of weakness or failure, but an invitation to embrace your shadow and transform into your highest self.

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Shaktipat: How A Guru Can Cause Spiritual Awakening

Shaktipat is a Sanskrit term that refers to the process of spiritual awakening caused by a guru. This phenomenon has been practiced in India for centuries and is still alive today. The word ‘Shaktipat’ is derived from two words, ‘Shakti’ meaning power or energy and ‘pat’ meaning to bestow. Put the two words together and you get the act of bestowing spiritual energy to a disciple by a guru. Each of us has dormant divine energy in us known as Kundalini. In Shaktipat a guru is able to awaken this powerful dormant energy. The awakening of Kundalini then helps you awaken further. The process of Shaktipat involves the transfer of spiritual energy from the guru to the disciple through: A particularly powerful guru may have the ability to help you awaken your Kundalini with just their force of will. The student can experience intense physical and emotional sensations during the process, such as heat, vibrations, and strong emotions. Understanding Shaktipat Historical Context The practice of Shaktipat has been a part of the Hindu spiritual tradition for thousands of years. The earliest references to shaktipat can be found in the Upanishads dating back to around 800 BCE. Over the centuries, Shaktipat has been practiced by various schools of Hinduism, as well as by some branches of Buddhism and Sikhism. The Process of Transmission There are several ways in which shaktipat can be transmitted. In some cases, it is done through touch. A guru may place their hands on the spiritual seeker’s head or heart. It can also be done just through eye contact, where the guru looks into your eyes. Some gurus may use a mantra or meditation to transmit the energy. Sometimes the guru isn’t even present! They simply will it to happen and it activates the awakening in you. The Two Forms of Shaktipat There are two main types of shaktipat: spontaneous and deliberate. Spontaneous shaktipat occurs when the guru’s energy spontaneously activates the disciple’s dormant spiritual energy. This can happen unexpectedly during a random encounter with a guru or during spiritual retreat. Deliberate Shaktipat is a formal process of being initiated by your guru. The seeker may be required to undergo a period of preparation before receiving the transmission. There are also different levels of Shaktipat. Some people experience a mild awakening while others a full-blown kundalini awakening. The intensity of the experience can vary depending on the disciple’s readiness and receptivity, as well as the guru’s level of spiritual enlightenment. It’s important to approach anything around Kundalini with respect and reverence. make sure to seek out a qualified and trustworthy guru who can guide you on your spiritual journey. Shaktipat Symptoms Shaktipat is a powerful spiritual experience that can bring about a range of signs and symptoms. These can include physical sensations such as tingling, heat, and vibrations. You might also experience emotional and mental changes such as heightened awareness, increased intuition, and a sense of inner peace. Some individuals even experience visions or out-of-body experiences. Guru-Disciple Relationship The relationship between a guru and disciple is an essential part of Shaktipat. The relationship must be a deep and profound connection built on trust, respect, and devotion. The guru helps the student navigate their spiritual journey and provides support along the way. In turn, the student offers their dedication and commitment to the guru. This trust in the guru allows the student to surrender to the experience fully. Finding a true guru who you can trust is important for shaktipata to be safe and effective. Shaktipat Challenges While Shaktipat can be transformative and blissful for some, many still struggle with the experience. Some individuals may struggle with the intensity of the experience. Kundalini can be overwhelming causing Kundalini syndrome in those who are not fully prepared for the awakening. Others may have preconceived notions about what Shaktipat is or what it can do, leading to disappointment. It’s important to approach Shaktipat with an open mind and a willingness to surrender to the process. While it may not be for everyone, there’s no doubt it can be an indescribably transformative experience.

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Is Awakening Actually Real? (Or Just Spiritual Fiction)

If you’ve been exploring spirituality or the self-help world, you’ve likely come across the term “awakening.” You’ve probably heard stories of people who have had profound spiritual experiences, but aren’t sure if it’s real or not. So is awakening actually real? or is it just a metaphorical concept created by spiritual teachers and writers? Key Takeaways Is Spiritual Awakening Real? Many people who have experienced awakening describe it as a real, tangible phenomenon that has transformed their lives in profound ways. They report feeling more connected to themselves, others, and the world around them. After awakening people tend to experience a sense of peace and joy that they never thought was possible. There are however those who argue that awakening is nothing more than a myth or a delusion made up by spiritual fanatics. They might make the argument that the experiences people describe are simply the result of unknown psychological or neurological processes. People who claim this haven’t experienced awakening. Spiritual awakening is a 100% real and achievable phenomenon. How do I know? Because I’ve had plenty of them. All kinds of awakenings. Can you believe that there are multiple types of awakenings?? The Nature of Awakening Defining Spiritual Awakening Spiritual awakening is a term used to describe a profound shift in consciousness. Awakening is often accompanied by a sense of liberation, clarity, and connectedness to something greater than oneself. It is a process of becoming more aware of the true nature of reality and one’s place within it. The experience of awakening is often described as a sudden realization. The moment of awakening can be caused by many things including meditation, psychedelic substances, near-death experiences, or simply a deep desire for spiritual growth. While there is no one-size-fits-all definition of awakening, some common themes include a sense of oneness with all things, a recognition of the impermanence of all phenomena, and a release from the grip of the ego. Historical Context and Philosophies The concept of spiritual awakening has been present in various forms throughout human history. In many Eastern traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, awakening is seen as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. It is often described as a state of enlightenment and/or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. In the West, the concept of awakening has been popularized by the New Age movement and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, and Adyashanti. Listening to one of those guys is maybe what got you curious enough to google if awakening is even real at all! There is no shortage of philosophical and spiritual frameworks that attempt to explain the nature of awakening. Ultimately spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and subjective experience that cannot be fully captured by words or concepts. It is up to each individual to explore their own path of awakening, and to remain open to the possibility of transformation and growth. Debating Reality vs. Fiction As you delve deeper into the concept of awakening, you may encounter different perspectives on whether it is real or just fiction. Psychological Perspectives From a psychological standpoint, some experts argue that awakening may be a result of certain mental states, such as meditation or altered states of consciousness. These states can lead to a sense of clarity and connection with the world around you, but they may also just be some form of hallucination. To this argument I would ask how do the scientists know that their reality isn’t the hallucination and awakening isn’t closer to true reality? Those that have experienced awakenings know how indescribably real it is. Cultural and Religious Views Some may be skeptical of awakening because they’re skeptical of religion in general. This makes complete sense to me as religion can make a mess of spirituality and misinterpret the truth behind dogma and scripture. Awakening is fundamentally a non-religious universal experience that anyone of any culture and religion can have. Awakening transcends all human boundaries placed on it. Though different religions may claim awakening is some form of mystical experience unique to their tradition, it is in fact not. Personal Testimonies and Skepticism Many people claim to have experienced awakening firsthand. Skeptics, on the other hand, may question the validity of these experiences, arguing that they are subjective and difficult to verify. The truth of the matter is that you have to experience awakening for yourself to know. You don’t even have to pay anyone to teach you! With the internet at your fingertips you have all of the resources necessary for spiritual awakening. If you would like to find a spiritual mentor check out the MyGuru directory on our site to connect with an experienced guide.

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The Spiritual Awakening Diet (What To Eat & What To Avoid)

You may be wondering if it’s possible to optimize your diet for spiritual awakening. If you’re on the spiritual path you want to increase your chances of having an awakening as much as possible. Your diet can absolutely be one of these factors. Let’s dive into what diet is best for your spiritual growth and awakening. Key Takeaways The Connection Between Awakening And Diet The foods we eat have a direct effect on our mind, body, and soul. In other words, you are what you eat. If you’re eating mostly junk food, you’re keeping yourself in a cycle of high dopamine spikes followed by low mood and brain fog. This is why it’s so important to be conscious of the food you’re consuming during your spiritual journey. The Food We Eat Affects Our Consciousness An important thing to consider is how the food you’re eating is affecting your consciousness. Many foods cause high insulin spikes and brain fog. This state of mind will keep you from seeing reality clearly. Think of foods that make you feel sluggish after eating them. These are high sugar, high calorie, and highly processed foods. These are the foods you will want to avoid. To optimize for spiritual awakening we want to be in a clear mental state. It’s this mental clarity that facilitates spiritual insights. Eating a lighter diet full of whole foods and low in sugar will ensure a clear head. The Purpose Of A Spiritual Awakening Diet The purpose of a spiritual awakening diet is to optimize our mind and body to make it as easy as possible to have an awakening. The goal of a spiritual awakening diet is two-fold: 1. To make our consciousness as light and vivid as possible The best diet for spiritual awakening will facilitate a crisp and clear consciousness 2. To generate as little additional Karma as possible The best diet for spiritual awakening will limit the amount of harm we do to other living beings. With this in mind let’s talk about which foods to include in your diet and which to avoid for optimal spiritual growth. Foods To Embrace For Spiritual Growth These are the best foods to consider adding to your diet for optimal spiritual growth: Foods To Avoid For Spiritual Awakening These are the foods to avoid in general to optimize your diet for spiritual awakening: All of these “foods to avoid” are simply suggestions to experiment with. Obviously nothing awful will happen if you decide to enjoy a steak every once in a while. These suggestions are for you to try out and utilize when doing deep spiritual work. What I Eat In A Day For Clear Awareness I tend to follow a healthy diet consisting mostly of whole foods that is aligned with the path to spiritual awakening. My diet consists of foods that help keep my mind feeling clear and my body light. This will give you an example of a flexible diet optimized for spiritual growth. This is what I eat on a typical day: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks The Best Diets For Spiritual Awakening There are some already available diet plans that work very well for spiritual growth. The following diets are the most inline with facilitating clear consciousness and limiting additional karmic debt: All of these diets serve as great templates to work from. Vegetarianism For Spiritual Growth Vegetarianism is the most common diet known for its spiritual benefits. The greatest yogis of India all, for the most part, follow a vegetarian diet. In fact 38% of Indians follow a vegetarian diet due to the cultural influence of Hinduism and its karmic teachings. Not only is a vegetarian diet healthy for the body, it is said to help lessen your karmic debt. Vegetarian Karmic Benefits Vegetarians generate much less karma than their omnivore counterparts. Karma is simply the law of cause and effect. From a spiritual level you are creating much more suffering when consuming meat. Plants don’t experience pain and sometimes even want to be eaten. Whereas conscious beings do not desire to be slaughtered and eaten. The universe must keep a balance (which is what causes karmic debt). The suffering and pain experienced by that animal must be paid back somehow and in someway. Racking up karmic debt can lengthen the amount of cycles of reincarnation you go through according to the Hindu tradition. In this way, vegetarianism is the best diet to limit your karmic debt. Fasting For Spiritual Awakening There are some instances where limiting your food intake can help your spiritual awakening process. Some people report that fasting helps create clear consciousness. The body moves into a state of ketosis when it goes without carbohydrates for just 12 hours. This state that arises from fasting is described as being calm and clear headed. This is the perfect state of mind to be in for spiritual insights. Meditating while fasting can be a particularly effective combination for spiritual awakening. Caution should always be utilized when fasting. Listen to your body, stay hydrated, and know when enough is enough. The Best Diet Is A Healthy Diet The truth is that there isn’t a right or wrong diet for spiritual awakening. Whether you choose vegetarianism, veganism, or the Mediterranean diet, at the end of the day what is healthiest for your mind and body will be the best for your spiritual growth. This tends to be a diet made up of whole, unprocessed foods with a mix of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and light meats. A healthy diet will naturally create a clear awareness and limit the amount of meat. So just by trying to eat healthy you will inevitably reap some spiritual rewards as well. Pay Attention To Your Body Experiment with different foods and notice what feels best for your body. Take notice of the foods that make you feel lighter and clearer. Then incorporate more of those foods into your diet. Take notice of the foods that make you feel

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161+ Best Spiritual Captions For Instagram (Ultimate List)

We’ve all been there, ready to post that stunning Instagram photo from a truly spiritual experience only to have no idea what to caption it. Sharing this experience with others online is difficult and finding the right words to describe it is hard. You want the caption to convey true spirituality but you don’t want it to be cheesy. You want a truly unique caption that embodies all of the spiritual juice that your divine experience was to you in a concise one or two sentences. Creating captions can be hard, so I did the hard work for you coming up with 162 different ideas for your Instagram captions, bios, and quotes. 33 Best Spiritual Captions For Instagram 25 Quotes By Spiritual Teachers 25 Captions For Spiritual Awakening 30 Spiritual Bios For Instagram 25 Spiritual Captions For Girls 25 Spiritual Captions For Guys Conclusion Surely one of those captions will live up to the spiritual splendor of the moment you’re sharing on Instagram. Post with the confidence of an awesome spiritual caption. Best of luck on your journey spiritual seeker!

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6 Best Spiritual Awakening Courses of 2024

If you’re a spiritual seeker you may be in search of a course that will teach you all you need to know to spiritually awaken. There are many self proclaimed gurus offering spiritual courses promising “enlightenment” and “awakening”. But which of these is really legit? And which will really teach you what you need to know? When choosing to spend your hard earned money on expensive online courses it’s important that you know what’s really worth the spend. With that in mind, when evaluating courses I ranked more credible and established teachers above less established teachers. Courses are also ranked by overall depth and expertise. I analyzed dozens of major spiritual awakening courses available online and here are the top 6: #1) The 7-Day Spiritual Awakening Accelerator Ryan Molkentin’s 7-Day Spiritual Awakening Accelerator is the most comprehensive and in-depth course on this list. From learning how to access states of samadhi and non-duality to mastering your kundalini, this course covers every aspect of awakening. For only $19.95 you gain access to the full course, 2 bonus modules, and an exclusive members only forum of other spiritual seekers. The Spiritual Awakening Accelerator walks you step by step into spiritual awakening so you can’t mess it up. Teacher: Ryan Molkentin Hosted on: NurtureYourSpirit.org Price: $19.95 Noteworthy for: Overall most powerful and in depth Check it out here. #2) Discovering Your True Nature Course By Ram Dass Ram Dass and the leaders of the Love Serve Remember foundation have created 13 different courses each with a different spiritual focus. You can gain access to Ram Dass’s extensive course library for just $149 a year. Some of the incredible courses included in your subscription include: “Alchemy of The Heart”, “No Death, No Fear”, “Discovering Your True Nature”, and many more. Ram Dass is one of the most credible and loved spiritual teachers of the century, making his course library a no-brainer #1 on our list. Teacher: Ram Dass, Jack Kornfield, Ram Dev & more Hosted on: RamDass.org Price: $149 Noteworthy for: Most credible and far reaching Check it out here. #3) The 30-Day Wake Up Challenge By Adyashanti Adyashanti is one of the most profound spiritual leaders alive today in the West. His 30-Day Wake Up Challenge is an in-depth course that not only explains the process of awakening, but teaches you tangible practices and techniques to raise your consciousness. This course includes 30 days of lectures, Q&As, and guided meditations to help you spiritually awaken. Teacher: Adyashanti Hosted on: SoundsTrue.com Price: $97 Noteworthy for: Beginner’s who want an in-depth and accurate explanation of awakening Check it out here. #4) The DailyOm’s Meditation For Spiritual Awakening Course Jim Malloy’s Meditation for Spiritual Awakening is a 14-lesson course that teaches you how to use meditation to awaken. Each module takes you step by step closer to ultimate awakening. Though this course has an emphasis on meditation, it dives into many other aspects of awakening like opening the heart chakra and how to prepare the body for enlightenment. The knowledge taught in the DailyOm’s course draws from several different spiritual traditions and presents it in an easy to understand contemporary format. Teacher: Jim Malloy Hosted on: DailyOm.com Price: $19 Noteworthy for: a meditation focused experience Check it out here. #5) The Embody Self Love Spiritual Awakening Course Sophie Frabotta is a spiritual life coach and meditation teacher with over 10,000 hours of 1-1 spiritual guidance experience. Sophie Frabotta’s Embody Self Love Course takes a healing transformational approach to spiritual awakening. This course teaches you how to connect with your highest self, heal limiting parts of yourself, and tap into the infinite love of the universe. Teacher: Sophie Frabotta Hosted on: AwakenWithSophie.com Price: $144 Noteworthy for: an emphasis on personal healing & growth Check it out here. #6) How To Awaken & Connect To Your Spiritual Higher Self (Udemy) Julian Jenkins’s Udemy Spiritual Awakening Course is a great brief introduction to spiritual awakening. Taking only 3 hours to complete, this course will give you a great first glance at spiritual awakening for beginner’s who want to learn about awakening but aren’t ready to commit to a month long course. This Udemy course gives you the basic tools to start your spiritual practice towards awakening and can be completed in half a day or less. Teacher: Julian Jenkins Hosted on: Udemy Price: $74.99 (often on sale for much less) Noteworthy for: a brief yet thorough explanation of awakening Check it out here.

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Spiritual Awakening Anxiety: Why It Happens & How To Overcome It

Spiritual awakening is often thought of as a glorious and mystical event full of bliss and happiness. And yes, that can be true. But the truth is that a spiritual awakening can leave you feeling anxious beyond belief. The path to awakening is NOT as easy and glorious as you might initially think. Yes, the process will eventually lead you to a better version of yourself and a better understanding of reality. But it will also be reality shattering. And let me tell you, reality shattering experiences can be mistaken for reality ending experiences. I’ve spent several sleepless nights dealing with the mind, body, and reality altering effects of spiritual awakenings. If you’re experiencing heightened anxiety from a spiritual awakening know that you’re not alone in this experience. With time you will come back to a normal state of mind. Understanding Spiritual Awakening Anxiety: Normal or Not? Let’s first determine if this is normal anxiety or spiritual awakening anxiety. Anxiety isn’t a single factor phenomena, meaning lots of things can trigger it. Not just spiritual awakening. Anxiety is characterized by: Having just these symptoms alone doesn’t mean you’re going through spiritual awakening anxiety. If you’re already prone to anxiety your spiritual awakening may just be exacerbating already present symptoms. However if you recently had a spiritual awakening and these symptoms are directly stemming from that experience, you’re most likely going through spiritual awakening anxiety. Identifying the Two Types of Awakenings To know how to work through your spiritual awakening anxiety you must know about the two main types of awakening: 1. Consciousness breakthroughs – spiritual awakenings that occur from heightened states of consciousness forcing you to see reality from a completely new paradigm. 2. Energetic awakenings – activation of powerful spiritual energy in our body such as kundalini awakenings and chakra opening. Both of these types of awakenings can cause anxiety. The first type of awakening (consciousness breakthroughs) will most likely cause general feelings of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty over your life and reality. While the second type of awakening (energetic awakenings) can be mistaken for full blown panic attacks. The symptoms of a kundalini awakening and a panic attack are nearly identical: If you believe you’re going through an energetic or kundalini awakening see my guide to handling an unexpected kundalini awakening. Why Spiritual Awakenings May Cause Anxiety ‎ 1. Surges Of Divine Energy Certain types of awakenings can create a lot of divine energy in your body. Energetic awakenings can be incredibly unsettling if you’re not expecting one. The sudden surge of Shakti energy through your body can be an unwelcome surprise to many. Some negative symptoms from this type of awakening include: Learn more about Kundalini Syndrome here. 2. Your Ego Is Dying One of the most terrifying experiences of spiritual awakening is ego death. Ego death is a very common experience during psychedelic use, but can happen for any number of reasons. Your literal sense of self is under threat of death. As you wake up, your ego starts to dissolve. But it won’t go down without a fight. This ego resistance causes fear and anxiety because it does not want to die. It’s important to realize this fear is all an illusion. Once the ego is finished off once and for all there lays only peace, love, and unity. 3. Awakening Can Be Shocking Some spiritual realizations can turn your world upside down. Everything you once thought to be true is now turned on its head. Insights realized from spiritual awakening can be reality-breaking. You may be forced to come face to face with a new reality that you weren’t expecting or even thought possible. These intense perspective shifts can cause a lot of personal and mental distress. 4. Heightened Sensory Perception Spiritual awakenings can put you into a state of high sensitivity. You may be vibrating at such a high level of divine energy that your consciousness is extremely sharp. Sights, sounds, and feelings can become overwhelming as you’re able to tune into every little detail with your heightened awareness. This can easily overload your brain and cause anxiety. 5. Healing Past Trauma Sometimes profound spiritual experiences will bring up past traumas that need to be healed. This is especially the case during difficult psychedelic trips. Though they may be extremely distressing, it is for your greater healing. To transcend into your highest self you need to dissolve many things holding you back. One of these things may be traumas. When traumas arise to be worked with and healed you may feel a lot of anxiety and resistance. See also “Struggling With Spiritual Awakening? Why It Can Be Lonely And Hard” Understanding Psychological Distress and Spiritual Awakening The #1 cause of spiritual awakenings happen to be psychological distress. Spiritual awakenings don’t just happen when we’re happy and cozy in life. They often hit us during our lowest points like a life preserver thrown to a drowning sailor. Spiritual awakening is the mind’s last resort in many cases. Life can get so painful that a break from reality is actually necessary. According to a research survey by Steve Taylor, psychological turmoil causes spiritual awakening more than anything else. More than prayer, meditation, and even psychedelics. Anxiety, distress, and psychological turmoil are often intertwined with spiritual awakening experiences. Spiritual awakenings and their reality-altering effects may offer some relief to those suffering from mental distress. But if your spiritual awakening experience is causing you extra anxiety there are a few things you can do to help. Coping Strategies For Awakening Anxiety ‎ The anxiety you encounter during your spiritual ascension is all part of the process. It will not harm you, it’s just really really uncomfortable. It’s important to realize that you’re not actually in any danger. You may feel like something dangerous is happening inside your mind or body, but I promise you will be okay. Let’s talk about how you can best deal with this awakening anxiety. 1. Surrender The first piece of advice

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Appetite Loss After Spiritual Awakening? Here’s Why

Appetite changes are very common among people who have recently experienced a spiritual awakening. When appetite changes after an awakening it is usually a decrease in appetite. This is a fairly common phenomenon and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Eventually, your appetite will likely return. why Your appetite Can Decrease after spiritual awakening 1. You’ve disconnected from bodily desires Some spiritual awakenings will disconnect you from your sense of self to merge your awareness with greater consciousness. This can leave you feeling disconnected from the desires of the body. You may become more aligned with the higher self which doesn’t need food for survival. This is because your higher self or soul doesn’t reside in the physical dimension. Though this raised state of consciousness can lead to a decrease in hunger or desire to eat, it is usually a temporary experience. 2. Your body is recalibrating to a higher vibration You may be going through a process of raising your consciousness or baseline vibration. When we ascend our bodies may need to tweak a few things for you to stay up in a higher consciousness state. Some find they don’t want to eat anything at all for several days after an awakening. This could be your body forcing a fast to aid in your ascension. Fasting has been known to detox the body of many harmful and cancerous substances, recharge bodily energy, and repair body cells. To aid in your “en-lighten-ment” you may need to rid the body of things for it to become lighter for your new higher state of being. 3. Your spirit desires fresh, light, and healthy food Many foods have been known to keep us weighted down to Earth which is why the Hindu tradition recommends a vegetarian diet. The body desires healthy food. As you develop spiritually you may find that you are less keen on certain unhealthy foods you used to indulge in. Dolores Cannon says that as we begin shifting into higher planes of reality we need to be eating lighter and healthier foods like fruit and vegetables over heavy and fatty foods like meat. 4. You may be experiencing anxiety Sometimes awakening experiences can be anxiety inducing and scary until we fully relinquish control (especially with kundalini awakenings). Your body might be releasing a lot of adrenaline and cortisol if this is the case which will reduce your appetite. The key to overcoming this is to surrender to whatever experience you are having completely. Trust the universe to guide you to where you’re supposed to be safely. “Struggling With Spiritual Awakening? Why It Can Be Lonely And Hard” How to deal with appetite changes after awakening So how exactly should you approach the appetite changes after a spiritual awakening? 1. Surrender and trust your body Trust the changes that are occurring in your body. If the change is coming from a higher spiritual place you can trust that the universe knows what it’s doing. You’re not going to die from abstaining from food for a couple days. Allow yourself to go with the flow of your body and spirit. If you feel worried about malnutrition during this period, you can try eat some juice or fruit. If your appetite doesn’t return after a few days then it’s best to talk to your doctor. Eventually your appetite will come back, but you have to trust the process until you get there. 2. Shift to a lighter/ healthier diet Another option if you’re struggling to eat after an awakening is to change your diet. Your body may be trying to get you to eat better healthier food for your ascension process. Try to eat more foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid meat and fast food. You may want to try foods like: At the end of the day trust your body and your intuition as to what is best during this tumultuous period of change.

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How Long Does Spiritual Awakening Take?

Are you getting a bit antsy for the spiritual results of your meditations, visualizations, and spiritual practice? Once that desire is ignited in you it can feel frustrating trying and waiting for that consciousness expanding experience of spiritual awakening. So how long does it take to have a spiritual awakening? And how long does it last when it does finally happen? Short answer: It may take many lifetimes for you to have your first spiritual awakening, but when it does happen it often hits in an instant. If you have the desire to “wake up” then you’re probably ripe for a spiritual awakening in this lifetime. How long does it take to have a spiritual awakening? Because we live our human experience in time, but our full spiritual reality is outside of time we need to look at this question from a couple different perspectives. You already are enlightened… If we look at spiritual awakening from an absolute perspective, you already are awakened. In the fullest sense where time does not exist but only pure divine consciousness, you are already enlightened. How does this work? To be infinitely conscious means that you are able to fabricate a reality where you feel limited and “not awake”. That is what you are doing here right now. Pretending to be asleep, simply experiencing separation from infinite consciousness. The process of awakening in time is just to remember what has been here the entire time through our awareness. Awakening may take many lifetimes Awakening doesn’t have a set amount of time or lifetimes required for it to happen, but it likely will take many lifetimes (possibly hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes). In the human physical world where we live in the confines of time and space we are subjected to the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation. Spirit decides to come to live a physical human life thus subjecting it to samsara willingly, knowing one day in one lifetime they will awaken and break out of samsara. The eventual way out of this incarnate reality is awakening. Awakening will happen soon. If you’re asking this question and are concerned with your spiritual growth you are likely close to the end of the process. Essentially if you have the desire to awaken you are ripe for a spiritual awakening. Continue to seek spiritual growth and awakening with a pure heart and you will certainly find what you are looking for. See my article “Spiritual awakening at a young age? Yes, it’s possible” How long does a spiritual awakening last? The experience of spiritual awakening often happens in an instant. Awakening is a sudden experience when it does happen. You may find yourself in an awakened state of consciousness that is actually just temporary. An example of this temporary awakening is when a psychedelic user has ego death and merges with reality. Though the experience only lasts as long as the trip does, the insight will likely stay in the user’s mind for long afterwards. It’s important to distinguish the difference between enlightenment and spiritual awakening here. The rare yogi who achieves full enlightenment can stay in an awakened state of consciousness for the rest of their lives and can leave the reincarnation cycle. Most people who have a spiritual awakening aren’t experiencing full enlightenment and thus the experience is temporary. A spiritual awakening experience can last just a few seconds, a couple minutes, hours, or even days.

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