Types of Awakening

Ego Death: The Awakening To No-Self

If you’re in pursuit of spiritual awakening and enlightenment you’ve likely come across the term “ego death” or “ego dissolution” in your search. Ego death has a deep tradition in Hinduism and Buddhism, becoming popularized in the west by Carl Jung’s term “psychic death”. But what exactly is ego death? How do you experience it and is it even desirable? These are all questions we’re going to answer today. Key Takeaways What Is Ego Death? Ego is an individual’s sense of a separate self. It’s the identification with your mind and body. Ego death is the experience of losing your sense of self. During ego dissolution your sense of self identity literally dies leading to a feeling of unity with all of existence. It’s the experience of losing the boundaries between the self and the external world. What Does Ego Death Feel Like? At first, ego death can be the most terrifying experience of your life. It’s a truly intense experience. Imagine feeling like you’re actually dying. The ego death experience itself can be full of panic, fear, shakiness, and adrenaline. Now you aren’t dying of course, just the “you” that you thought you were dies. After the death of the ego you merge with infinite consciousness. That is what “you” end up being behind the ego. The experience after ego death can be quite blissful and peaceful as you’ve merged with all of existence. Some say they merge with love itself during ego death which is a very pleasant experience. Other’s say that after ego death you forget not only who you are, but you forget that anything exists at all. You just are. Plain and simple. Ego Death Symptoms The symptoms of going through the ego death itself can be described as: After the ego actually dies and you merge with consciousness itself symptoms include: What Causes Ego Dissolution? Many things can cause the experience of ego death. Some can be intentional while others accidentaly causes. Spiritual Awakening Ego death is a form of spiritual awakening itself. However, other types of spiritual awakenings can trigger the experience of ego death as well. Anything that increases your conscious awareness has the potential to trigger ego death including spiritual awakening. Psychedelic Usage Another common cause of spiritual awakening is using psychedelic substances. These mind altering drugs can expand and change your consciousness in such a way that ego death occurs. Substances that can induce ego death include: * I am not advising anyone to take these substances, use your own discretion and consult local laws in your area for legality. Meditation Many spiritual practices can induce ego death. The most notable of these practices is simple meditation. Meditation is known for its ability to expand your awareness and help seekers have spiritual insights. The best way to meditate for spiritual awakening and ego death is by using a technique known as strong determination sitting. Benefits Of Ego Death Many ego death experiencers claim that it changed their life for the better. Some commonly reported benefits of ego death include: The experience of ego death is deeply personal. What one person experiences will be totally different from what you might experience. Ego Death Common Issues Ego death is not without its issues. Especially leading up to the experience ego death can cause a lot of inner turmoil. Common issues with ego death include: Though ego death may have some common problems, most report it to be a positive experience leading to beneficial life transformations. Ego Death FAQs How long does ego death last? The duration of ego death can varies from person to person. The experience after ego death is often that of timelessness. Usually the experience lasts from a few minutes to several hours. In rare cases some individuals experience a prolonged state of ego death that lasts for several days or even longer. Is depersonalization the same thing as ego death? Depersonalization is a dissociative experience that involves feeling detached from one’s self. It can be a symptom of ego death, but depersonalization is not the same thing as ego death. Can you experience ego death without psychedelics? Yes, it’s possible to experience ego death without using psychedelic drugs. Ego death can be triggered by many things including meditation and other spiritual practices. However, the use of psychedelic drugs can induce ego death more quickly and reliably than other methods. Conclusion Ego death can be the most intense and transformational experience of your life. Though at first it may be challenging, this common type of spiritual awakening will leave you feeling connected with all of existence. At the end of the day ego death will lead to positive spiritual transformation.

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Shaktipat: How A Guru Can Cause Spiritual Awakening

Shaktipat is a Sanskrit term that refers to the process of spiritual awakening caused by a guru. This phenomenon has been practiced in India for centuries and is still alive today. The word ‘Shaktipat’ is derived from two words, ‘Shakti’ meaning power or energy and ‘pat’ meaning to bestow. Put the two words together and you get the act of bestowing spiritual energy to a disciple by a guru. Each of us has dormant divine energy in us known as Kundalini. In Shaktipat a guru is able to awaken this powerful dormant energy. The awakening of Kundalini then helps you awaken further. The process of Shaktipat involves the transfer of spiritual energy from the guru to the disciple through: A particularly powerful guru may have the ability to help you awaken your Kundalini with just their force of will. The student can experience intense physical and emotional sensations during the process, such as heat, vibrations, and strong emotions. Understanding Shaktipat Historical Context The practice of Shaktipat has been a part of the Hindu spiritual tradition for thousands of years. The earliest references to shaktipat can be found in the Upanishads dating back to around 800 BCE. Over the centuries, Shaktipat has been practiced by various schools of Hinduism, as well as by some branches of Buddhism and Sikhism. The Process of Transmission There are several ways in which shaktipat can be transmitted. In some cases, it is done through touch. A guru may place their hands on the spiritual seeker’s head or heart. It can also be done just through eye contact, where the guru looks into your eyes. Some gurus may use a mantra or meditation to transmit the energy. Sometimes the guru isn’t even present! They simply will it to happen and it activates the awakening in you. The Two Forms of Shaktipat There are two main types of shaktipat: spontaneous and deliberate. Spontaneous shaktipat occurs when the guru’s energy spontaneously activates the disciple’s dormant spiritual energy. This can happen unexpectedly during a random encounter with a guru or during spiritual retreat. Deliberate Shaktipat is a formal process of being initiated by your guru. The seeker may be required to undergo a period of preparation before receiving the transmission. There are also different levels of Shaktipat. Some people experience a mild awakening while others a full-blown kundalini awakening. The intensity of the experience can vary depending on the disciple’s readiness and receptivity, as well as the guru’s level of spiritual enlightenment. It’s important to approach anything around Kundalini with respect and reverence. make sure to seek out a qualified and trustworthy guru who can guide you on your spiritual journey. Shaktipat Symptoms Shaktipat is a powerful spiritual experience that can bring about a range of signs and symptoms. These can include physical sensations such as tingling, heat, and vibrations. You might also experience emotional and mental changes such as heightened awareness, increased intuition, and a sense of inner peace. Some individuals even experience visions or out-of-body experiences. Guru-Disciple Relationship The relationship between a guru and disciple is an essential part of Shaktipat. The relationship must be a deep and profound connection built on trust, respect, and devotion. The guru helps the student navigate their spiritual journey and provides support along the way. In turn, the student offers their dedication and commitment to the guru. This trust in the guru allows the student to surrender to the experience fully. Finding a true guru who you can trust is important for shaktipata to be safe and effective. Shaktipat Challenges While Shaktipat can be transformative and blissful for some, many still struggle with the experience. Some individuals may struggle with the intensity of the experience. Kundalini can be overwhelming causing Kundalini syndrome in those who are not fully prepared for the awakening. Others may have preconceived notions about what Shaktipat is or what it can do, leading to disappointment. It’s important to approach Shaktipat with an open mind and a willingness to surrender to the process. While it may not be for everyone, there’s no doubt it can be an indescribably transformative experience.

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7 Major Types of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening has an air of secrecy around it. What does it really mean to have a spiritual awakening? And are there different types of spiritual awakening? Short answer: Yes, there are several different types of spiritual awakenings you can have. In fact there may even be an infinite number of awakenings that are possible. Including: Here are the most notable and common types of spiritual awakening broken down a bit further. The 7 Major Types of Spiritual Awakening 1. Ego Death Ego death refers to the realization that there is no self. Your individual self identity disappears in the awakening of ego death. Ego death is a common occurrence among psychedelic users. It’s reported to be a feeling of being completely unified with all that exists. The lead up to ego death can be scary as you may actually feel like you are dying. Once you “die” to your identity, you then awaken to your true self which is all that exists in the universe. 2. Kundalini Awakening Kundalini awakening is a form of bodily energetic awakening. Kundalini is a divine energy that resides in the body at the base of the spine. When Kundalini awakens it will feel like a surge of intense energy rushing up your body. This type of awakening is unique because it begins with the body. The rising kundalini will open and activate your bodily energy centers. This will allow you to connect to divine energy much more easily. 3. Top Down Spiritual Awakening A bodily energetic awakening may also begin from the top down. Divine energy may enter in at the crown chakra or third eye chakra and act in a very similar way to a Kundalini awakening. This type of awakening is often how Kundalini awakens for people who are more in their heads and are less grounded. The effects of this type of awakening are similar to Kundalini awakening, however the energy begins in the top chakras. Learn more about top down spiritual awakenings here. 4. Awakening to Love Another type of spiritual awakening is the awakening to love. You can enter into a state of infinite and divine love with specific spiritual practices. This often occurs along side the opening of your heart chakra. Opening your heart chakra and awakening to divine love can feel like a warm sensation in your chest, merging with the feeling of love, orgasmic feelings in the body, and “blissing out”. 5. Non-dual Awakening In the Zen Buddhist tradition, they have a specific type of awakening known as a non-dual awakening. This is the realization that everything is one and that all separation is only an illusion. In a non-dual awakening you awaken to the truth that nothing is separate. In a non dual state of consciousness everything is unified in your experience. There becomes no separation between things like: All is experienced as one in the most profound sense. 6. God as Self Realization There is a profound type of awakening where you realize your own divine nature. This can happen in many ways. One way it can happen is through a non-dual awakening where everything merges in your experience including “God” and “self”. Another way it might happen is through a Kundalini awakening where divine energy literally awakens and surges through your body. 7. Samadhi Samadhi is the highest state of being while still being attached to the body which is achieved through meditation. Samadhi in the yogic traditions refers to the state of being where you merge completely with the divine. You enter into divine consciousness during a samadhi state. This state is said to be very pleasurable and utterly perfect/ peaceful. Overlap between types of Awakening These different types of spiritual awakening are not mutually exclusive. Some awakenings may fall under several of the categories listed above. You might enter into a Samadhi state, but that might also touch much of the same experience as a non-dual awakening. Another example of this is a top down awakening just being a different form of Kundalini energy awakening for example. It’s hard to draw hard borders on spiritual experiences and thinking about awakening requires a bit of nuance. Allow yourself to flow into the grey area between black and white when trying to understand the different types of spiritual awakenings.

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What is a Top Down Spiritual Awakening?

A top down kundalini awakening is when divine kundalini energy awakens in one of the upper most chakras of the body and moves its way down the body. Kundalini awakenings can begin in many ways and from many places in the body. Though most kundalini awakenings begins with a surge of divine energy starting from the root chakra and working its way up the body, this isn’t the only way. Top down awakenings beginning in the any of the upper chakras are entirely possible. > see my article “What Is A Spiritual Awakening” Top down vs bottom up awakenings The top down awakening Those that experience a top down awakening often have a natural preference or inclination towards understanding the divine from a higher consciousness, less grounded, more mental approach. Top down awakenings usually begin in one of the upper chakras such as the crown chakra, third eye, throat, or heart chakra and emanate out and down the body. When I had my top down awakening it felt as if my third eye was vibrating like crazy. A few moments later a profound feeling of warm energy starting emanating out of my heart chakra and shooting through the rest of my body. I suspect this was the kundalini opening my heart (that’s usually the chakra I struggle most with, as it’s hard for me to open my heart). That’s just one example of what a top down kundalini awakening can look like. The truth is that kundalini awakenings are entirely subjective and can happen in a near infinite amount of ways. The bottom up awakening Conversely, those that experience a bottom up awakening are most likely deeply practical and grounded individuals. Unlike top-downers, bottom-uppers don’t love to intellectualize life, instead they prefer living in the real world and not in their heads. These people approach life from a more earthly connected perspective. This is because bottom up awakenings begin in the root chakra and move upwards. The root chakra is the energy center at the base of your spine that grounds you to earthly reality. Bottom-uppers have a strong connection with their root chakra, keeping them grounded and stable. Bottom up awakenings may be more orgasmic in nature. As the next closest chakra up from the root is the sacral chakra which is responsible for sexual energy. As the kundalini energy passes up into this chakra, sexual pleasure may begin to shoot through the entire body. Issues that arise from top down awakenings Those that experience top down awakenings often don’t feel as grounded as those who have bottom up kundalini awakenings. This can lead to a feeling of anxiety due to detachment from the physical world. You’re consciousness may be so elevated during these experiences you can’t seem to get back down to physical reality again. This can be a very jarring experience, as it was for me the first time I had a top down awakening. If you face fear or mental blocks throughout this process it’s important to remember to surrender. Notice the fear and let go completely during these energy surges. How to manage a top down awakening First of all, know that there’s no right or wrong way to awaken or to have a kundalini awakening. Whether you’re a top downer or a bottom upper, you’re waking up as your were meant to. Know that despite the issues you may encounter, it’s all part of the process. The most important part of handing a kundalini awakening is surrendering to the process. You are being divinely guided, so trust in the process and allow the energy to flow through you. Let go completely, surrender, and allow as much as possible. After top down awakenings its a good idea to practice some grounding exercises such as mindfulness, exercise, walking in nature, and yoga. This will help you reconnect to physical reality. > see my article “How to Handle an Unexpected Kundalini Awakening”

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