11 Causes Of Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is one of the most mysterious and elusive events a human can have. Perhaps you’ve even decided that you want to experience awakening for yourself. How do you even experience it? What are the things that cause a spiritual awakening? Core Insights What Causes Spiritual Awakening? Many things can cause a spiritual awakening. There are certain spiritual techniques that can trigger a spiritual awakening as well as the possibility of it happening by random chance or by working with a guru. There are many potential factors that can cause a spiritual awakening you should know about. Here are all of the things that can cause a spiritual awakening: Traumatic Events According to current spiritual awakening statistics, the most common cause of spiritual awakening is “psychological turmoil” causing around 23.6% of awakenings. This psychological turmoil can mean many things including: Spiritual awakenings are like a life ring thrown to a drowning sailor. They’re your brain’s last option. A break from your current reality becomes a way to detach from all of the pain being experienced. These breaks from reality allow detachment from your ego. When you hit rock bottom the only way out is into something greater. This is when spiritual awakening is most likely to happen. Major Life Transitions Major changes in our lives can shake things up so much that we trigger an awakening. During these periods of drastic change we can begin to view reality from a new point of view. If the perspective shift is just right or intense enough, it can cause a spiritual awakening. Some of these major life events include: This is also a reason why spiritual awakenings can be lonely and hard. Spiritual Practices & Meditation There are many spiritual practices and techniques that have been developed over many thousands of years that can aid in the awakening process. I triggered a kundalini awakening in myself after practicing a particularly powerful visualization technique in 2023. Here are some practices and techniques that may cause a spiritual awakening: Some are more potent than others. Different practices may be right for you depending on the speed and intensity you want for your spiritual growth. According to research done on the causes of spiritual awakening, meditation was the cause of spiritual awakening 13% of the time. Spending Time In Nature There is something spiritually profound about spending time deep in nature. It connects us back to our spiritual roots. Spending time in nature reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things including ourselves with the rest of existence. In the face of vast beauty you can’t help but feel insignificant. These realizations come much more naturally in nature than they do in our regular life. According to the research spending time in nature was a cause of spiritual awakening 18% of the time. Spontaneous Awakening Sometimes there is no reason for a spiritual awakening. It may just strike you like lightning for no apparent reason. Some people are meant to awaken from birth. You could say it’s their destiny in a way. Another way of explaining this is karma. Everyone has a unique karma or destined life path they are going to follow due to past actions in this and past lifetimes. Some people’s karma involves spiritual awakening while others’ does not. For some people awakening happens randomly and naturally. Some advanced souls just stumble upon profound spiritual experiences, insights, and awakenings naturally. Working With A Guru One thing that is guaranteed to speed up the awakening process is working with a spiritual master. If you’re learning from a guru who is enlightened or awakened they will be able to pass on that information and wisdom to you faster than you could attain it on your own. If the guru is enlightened enough, they can give you direct spiritual downloads just by being in your presence or by touching you. This direct transfer of divine grace is known as shaktipat in the Hindu tradition. The bigger problem is actually finding a truly enlightened guru. Psychedelics Something that can cause a spiritual awakening in you in a very immediate way are psychedelics. Psychedelics are potent substances that drastically change your consciousness. Many report that the states encountered are blissful, divine, and expansive. Others report that psychedelics helped them achieve breakthroughs in their understanding of the divine. These substances include: A common experience on high doses of these substances is the dissolution of the ego and mergence with divine consciousness. Divine Grace It may be entirely possible that your spiritual awakening was divinely orchestrated. You may have spirit guides working to help you wake up in this lifetime. You may have no control or say in the matter and simply be blessed with an awakening from seemingly nowhere. This spiritual experience may be given to you as a gift randomly by the divine. Near Death Experiences Near death experiences are commonly reported to be mystical and transcendent experiences. Near death experiences are sometimes also out of body experiences, leading to realizations that there is more to life than just the physical body. People who experienced a near death situation come back to say their perspective on reality is forever changed. During the period of death many people say they peak behind the veil and merge with universal consciousness before being revived and coming back to life. Reading Spiritual Books Reading literature by the most enlightened beings to walk the earth can also cause spiritual awakening. By reading spiritual books you’re directly downloading information from spiritual masters. These books can shift your perspective in just the right way to cause a profound spiritual insight or awakening These books can also teach you specific techniques and practices that cause spiritual awakening. By practicing what you learn in these books you can get closer to awakening yourself. Guided Meditations There are guided meditations just sitting on YouTube and around the internet that will guide you into a spiritual awakening. Some of these guided meditation are lead by highly