
Seeing Colors During Meditation? What It All Means

Have you noticed strange colors, visuals, or patterns during your meditation practice? During deep meditative sessions, you might start to see certain colors even though your eyes are closed. In fact, it’s more common than you might think. Why you might ask? The reason you may be seeing certain colors during meditation could be due to closed eye visuals (or phosphenes) being created from increased eye pressure. Another possibility is that you may be getting into deep meditative states where you can begin to view your energetic or chakra system. Closed Eye Visuals (Phosphenes) Have you ever rubbed your eyes a little too hard to then be surprised by a colorful burst of light? You may be experiencing a phenomenon known as phosphenes. These closed eye visuals are simply an illusion created by your brain to interpret the unknown optical nerve signals. It’s possible that this can happen during meditation if you’re closing your eye lids tightly or rubbing your eyes. The good news is that this is a perfectly natural phenomenon and is nothing to worry about. Simply relax your eyelids or open your eyes and continue to meditate. Viewing Your Energetic System Another likely cause of this color appearance during meditation is that you’re beginning to sense your internal energetic system. We are energetic beings with a deep and complex chakra system in which energy or prana flows. When you get into deep meditative states you may begin to become aware of this bodily energy system. This can look like a swirling color in your consciousness or simply be a vague blurry color in your mind. During particularly deep meditations you can really crank up the dial on your consciousness, sometimes to these point where you can sense these metaphysical aspects of reality. The color that manifests itself in your minds eye is usually correlated to the most energized and active chakra in your body. > see my article “Why Are My Ears Ringing During Meditation?” Meditation Color Meanings The colors viewed in meditation are most likely tied to a specific spiritual energy. The best way to describe them is with the 7 chakras of the body. Seeing a particular color may signify either an abundance or a lack of that particular energy (though it’s most likely an abundance). Red The Root Chakra (Muladhara) The color red in meditation is related to the root chakra which is responsible for our basic human needs, primal instincts, and anchoring self to Earth. If you’re seeing red during meditation, it may mean that you’re grounded to physical reality and you feel safe and secure. Orange The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) If you’re seeing the color orange it may mean you have access to a lot of sacral energy. The Sacral chakra and seeing orange during meditation are responsible for sexual function, creative expression, and regulating some emotions. Yellow The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) The color yellow is reflective of accessing an abundance of your solar plexus chakra energy. Seeing yellow could mean you’re accessing the part of yourself that is responsible for your personal power and confidence. Green The Heart Chakra (Anahata) Seeing the color green during meditation is reflective of accessing your heart chakra energy. This means you’re sensing and tapping into the part of your energy system responsible for compassion, empathy, and balancing your higher and lower selves. Blue The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) If you see the color blue during meditation it’s reflective of accessing your throat chakra energy. Seeing blue means your tapping into the part of your energy system responsible for self expression and speaking/ acting out your truth. Indigo The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Indigo is one of the most commonly reported colors seen when meditating. The color indigo or a blueish purple color appears when you’re accessing your third eye chakra. The color indigo appearing during meditation is indicative of you accessing your intuition, higher consciousness, and universal wisdom. Violet The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Violet or purple can appear in meditation practice when you access your crown chakra. If you see the color violet you may be accessing the part of your energy system responsible for enlightenment and connecting with the spiritual forces outside of you in the universe. Is This Something to Worry About? Seeing colors appear in your mind during meditation is nothing to worry about. It’s most likely you accessing parts of you energy system in states of higher consciousness from deep meditation. This is something very exciting! It means you’re raising your awareness level and accessing previously undiscovered parts of yourself. If you’re experiencing vision disturbances or prolonged phosphenes after meditation you should go to your doctor or optometrist. Otherwise, it’s most likely a sign of you connecting with your internal spiritual energy system. > see my article “Struggling To Meditate? 7 Common Issues And Their Solutions”

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Meditation With Pets: How to Meditate With a Distracting Pet

Does your dog get confused when you meditate in front of them? Maybe your cat can’t keep away from you while you sit for your morning meditation. Or perhaps you struggle with getting distracted by the curious creatures you’ve adopted into your home. Having pets in your home while you’re trying to cultivate a meditation practice can be a tricky situation. Today we’re going to go over everything you need to know about meditating with pets in the house and how to deal the common struggles that can ensue. Why won’t my cat/dog leave me alone during meditation? There’s a lot of reasons why your pet might be bothering you so much during your meditation practice. The main reasons your pet is bothering you during a meditation session is most likely because they are either curious, want attention, or need to go potty. 1. They’re curious Your furry friend might be curious of what you’re up to. Afterall, curiosity killed the cat remember? Animals are naturally curious and will want to investigate what you’re doing if it’s a new behavior they’ve never seen you do before. Although it may be bothersome, they’re just following their furry little instincts and checking out what’s going on. 2. They want attention When you meditate your pet may feel ignored. This can then cause them to come over get that attention back from you. Your dog or cat may also just want some extra love and attention from you. When you meditate you are pulling your attention away from your pet and they may feel jealous of that attention and try to come get some back. This can prove to be frustrating when a pet comes up to you or sits in your lap as you meditate but this could simply be because they want your love and attention. 3. They want something else from you It could very well be that your pet is bothering you during a meditation because they need something from you. Perhaps your dog needs to go outside and use the bathroom. Or maybe your cat is hungry and wants you to put out the food bowl. Make sure to take care of all the things your pet needs before you start your meditation to ensure they are content and taken care of. Why does my cat/dog Freak Out when I meditate? You know that curiosity I was talking about earlier? Sometimes your pet’s curiosity may turn into anxiety or worry. Sitting still for long periods of time on the floor may seem like unusual behavior to your pet. If your pet suspects something is wrong they may start to freak out and get really anxious. If your dog or cat seems agitated by your meditation, just give them a few pets of reassurance to let them know you’re alright. Then keep on meditating. What can you do about a bothersome pet? There are a few things you can do when it comes to dealing with a curious pet interrupting your meditation practice. 1. Move them to another room The simplest solution to your problem is to just lead them to another room and shut the door. If they can’t see you meditate they may just ignore you and go on their merry way. You could also put them outside if you have a fenced in backyard or yard leash. This could backfire though and make them feel more anxious as they wonder what’s going on. It’s worth a try, but these other options may work better 2. Include your pet in your meditation Something you may want to try is to meditate with your pet. If they are distracting you, notice that distraction. Bring your mindful awareness to what your dog or cat may be doing. If your cat comes to lay on your lap, try to allow and accept the situation for what it is. Meditation after all is about observation, acceptance, and flowing in the present moment. Try to notice why something they do bothers you. Observe that annoyance as you would any other thought passing through your mind. This might work for minor distractions, but if your dog is being particularly loud and obnoxious it’s probably best to move them or yourself to another room in the house. 3. Wait for your dog or cat to fall asleep Does your dog usually take a nap in the afternoon? or maybe your cat snoozes in the evenings. Keep track of when they usually sleep throughout the day and take advantage of that time for a meditation session. If they’re asleep, they can’t be bothering or worrying about you. This one requires a bit of waiting however, so if you’re not up for that its okay to just move them to another room. Is it OK to meditate with a pet in the room? Of course it’s okay to meditate with a pet in the room! Pets can be easily incorporated into a meditation session. Simply observe them as you would anything else that arises in a meditation session. However if your pet proves to be especially difficult you can move behind closed doors to meditate in peace. Either is fine and at the end of the day it’s up to personal preference.

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