Personal Development

What Is Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise?

Stage turquoise is the 8th stage of the spiral dynamics model. It comes after stage yellow, but before stage coral (which is not always included in the model). Stage turquoise is characterized by holistic thinking. It is the stage of self-transcendence and global collectivism. Universal Holism and Collectivism Turquoise understands that the world’s problems can’t be solved simply with systemic understanding like stage yellow believes. Stage turquoise knows the value of community efforts. Stage turquoise wants to understand the universe from an infinitely interconnecting perspective where all is connected to some degree. This is where nondual thought originates Everyone is allowed to be freely individual and independent in turquoise, yet they come together in community to help one another and solve world problems. Self Transcendence The boundaries between self and the world around you begin to dissolve in stage turquoise. Deep deconstruction of your previous ideas of what physical reality is begins to occur. Your self and individual personality are viewed as completely inseparable from the reality around you. There is no separation between these in stage turquoise. A classic stage turquoise experience is that of ego death, which is the experience of dissolving the sense of self completely. Mystical Knowledge Turquoise combines scientific knowledge, with logic, emotions, & spiritual truth. The thinking done in stage turquoise is holistic and perfectly balanced. Consciousness itself becomes the fascination in this stage. As one dives more deeply into consciousness they discover existential truths that are mystical in nature. Another name for the mystical knowledge in stage turquoise is metaphysical knowledge. Stage turquoise understands that God exists and it is not a man in the sky, but rather it is everything that exists. Everything that is in the universe and consciousness itself is God. More importantly than knowledge to turquoise is being itself. Stage turquoise values being over having and knowing. Turquoise understands that true wisdom resides in the present moment. Examples Turquoise makes up less than 1% of the population, so turquoise individuals are few and far between! Here are a few examples of what turquoise looks like: Infinitely Expanding Stage turquoise is one of the largest of the stages because of how deeply you can go into stage turquoise. This is where universal understanding expands exponentially. There are parts of stage turquoise you may not even believe are possible. For example stage turquoise abilities include: This may seem completely impossible if you are a tier 1 individual. Usually only tier 2 thinkers are able to fathom and hold these as possible. Reality becomes deeply magical and mystical to turquoise, and with deep understanding of it allows for seemingly impossible abilities to develop. In this way stage turquoise is truly the most amazing and beautiful stage of spiral dynamics. It is also the most difficult spiral dynamics stage to develop to. This is why less than 1% of the population are stage turquoise. Find out what stage of spiral dynamics you’re in. Take the free quiz here.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow?

Stage yellow is the seventh stage of spiral dynamics that comes after stage green but before stage turquoise. Spiral dynamics stage yellow is a tier 2 stage characterized by systems thinking and the ability to understand complexity, nuance, and non-linearity. A leap in consciousness Stage yellow is the first stage that enters into what is known as tier 2 consciousness. A leap has to be made from tier 1 to tier 2 that is more difficult than moving up any of the previous stages. Due to the difficulty of getting to stage yellow, there are relatively few individuals that reach this stage. Tier 2 shifts from a needy “me first” perspective of the world to an objective understanding of reality and existence. There is an awareness of one’s own perspective in tier 2. Stage yellow sees how every previous stage fights with each other and elevates itself above it. Systems thinking Life and reality is a set of complex systems to stage yellow and there is a desire to understand and maintain the health of these systems. In this way, stage yellow often loves spiral dynamics because it is one of these systems. Yellow understands the stages of spiral dynamics that come before it. Stage yellow understands that reality is fundamentally complex and multi-faceted. This understanding drives them to understand the reality fully and from every way possible. Multiple perspectives at once Stage yellow is a multi-perspective stage. This means that a stage yellow individual isn’t stuck in just one perspective, rather they understand the importance of viewing the world through multiple different perspective. New and different perspectives are valued in stage yellow. There is no fear of new perspectives no matter how different it may be. Every perspective is partially true to yellow, even in things deemed “evil” by the rest of society. Stage yellow is able to find the hidden gems of truth in everything. Yellow loves new information, models, learning, and perspectives. Autonomy and adaptability Stage yellow is an individualist stage, breaking away from groupthink once more. Unlike previous individualist stages such as stage orange, yellow is about expressing the independent self but not at the expense of others. Spiral dynamics stage yellow frees itself from staying in just one perspective held by the group. In this way, stage yellow’s independence allows it to explore many different and new perspectives. Stage yellow is a lone wolf. It finds information more valuable than being a part of a greater community like in stage green. Yellow doesn’t care what others think of them, especially if they deem them a lower spiral dynamic stage than them. Examples Yellow examples are harder to come by since it is a rarer stage to come across. Here are a few: Pros and Cons Although stage yellow is tier 2, this does not mean it’s free of problems. Let’s discuss these here. Pros Stage yellow is an excellent problem solver due to its ability to think outside the box and use multiple perspectives. Stage yellow is also a stage of increased understanding and learning about the world. There’s also an emotional maturity the develops that stage green didn’t quite have. Stage yellow is able to approach issues with neutrality and level-headedness. Cons Because stage yellow is a lone wolf, they may become isolated. It’s important to maintain close relationships during this phase as you become more autonomous in your thinking. Stage yellow can also be caught in overthinking and struggle to put the theory into practical action. Conclusion Stage yellow is an exciting stage of spiral dynamics, as it makes the leap from tier 1 consciousness to tier 2. This means stage yellow individuals become aware of their own perspective and begin to explore many new and different perspectives. Yellow is a stage of deep learning and increased understanding. Stage yellow is the lone wolf phase that approaches the world from the level of systems thinking.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Green?

Stage green is the sixth stage of spiral dynamics known as the relativist. This stage comes after stage orange but before stage yellow. The main characteristics of stage green include community, equality, idealism, & empathy. Femininity and Sensitivity Stage green is the first stage where feminine qualities begin to be valued above the masculine qualities. This stage is known for its ability to tap into sensitivity and emotions. The world of intuition and feelings really begins to open up here. Logic and rationality take a backseat to our feelings in this stage. The ability to tap into our emotions and sensitivities can help create personal internal healing as well as societal healing and change for the better. Share The Love There is a deep sense of love, care, and empathy that develops in stage green. This trickles into caring about human rights and taking care of the environment. Think about the “peace and love” hippie when you think about stage green. There is a deep love for all humanity and the earth in this stage. This greater access to our feelings in stage green is what fosters empathy and the desire to connect with others. Community & Social Justice Stage green swings back to a sense of community as opposed to the previous stage orange’s individual focus. This stage values inclusivity and non-discrimination. Everyone should be included and have fair and equal treatment in the eyes of stage green. There is a strong desire to connect with others for the sake of social change. We may connect to a sense of world injustice that creates a passion to change it and make the world a better and more fair place. Social justice movements are strongly stage green. Examples Pros and Cons Every stage in spiral dynamics has its strengths and weaknesses and stage green is no exception. Pros Stage green works towards an ideal world that is fair, kind, and sustainable. All aspects of ourselves begin to be tapped into and accepted in this stage. Lots of positive personal and societal change happens in stage green. Cons The opening of emotions in stage green can cause an air of rashness and a disregard for rationality at times. Feelings can be valued above thoughts and that can cause us to become carried away. Stage green can have a nihilistic perspective, perceiving overwhelming injustice and inequality in the world. This can make the world seem cruel and depressing. Conclusion Stage green is like the hippie stage of spiral dynamics. It’s filled with love, community spirit, lots of new ideas, and heightened sensitivity. Though there are pitfalls to this stage, stage green is all in all a period of growth, harmony, and positive change. Find out what stage of spiral dynamics you’re in. Take the free quiz here.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange?

Spiral dynamics stage orange is the fifth level of spiral dynamics that comes after stage blue but before stage green. Stage orange is also known as the achiever and is characterized by achievement, progress, and innovation. Achievement Oriented Individuals in stage orange care about being the best. The focus shifts from collective to individual achievement in this stage. In a stage orange society, everyone is gunning to get ahead of everyone else. It’s back to survival of the fittest, but this time much less violent and much more competitive. A sense of hustle culture develops in stage orange as people push themselves to be the best in whatever they put their energy into. Science and Innovation Stage orange is the age of science and innovation. With people gunning to be the best in whatever they do, societal progress skyrockets. Scientific breakthroughs speed up in stage orange and technology greatly advances. Stage orange is focused on how can we make life better by working hard and innovating new ideas. Industrialism and capitalism reign supreme in stage orange. The competitive achievement mindset is applied to the economy as well. Success in stage orange is measured by GDP, IQ, scientific breakthroughs, and money. Freedom Stage orange throws off the oppressive chains of rigid structure and tradition that stage blue loves so much. If there’s one thing stage orange loves more than achievement it’s freedom. Freedom to explore new ideas, work your way up, and chart your own course in life. Stage Orange Psychology The average stage orange person is rational, scientific, and focused on getting ahead. The stage orange brain believes its value is in hard work and achievement. The greatest fear of stage orange is being useless, purposeless, and not being the best. Someone in stage orange will be deeply ambitious, independent, and will want to carve their own path in life. Examples Pros and Cons Though stage orange is thought to be the stage of greatest external progress, it has many downsides as well. Pros Some of the greatest societal advance and innovation comes from stage orange. Stage orange is a results and goal oriented stage, leading to an abundance of success. Lots of new ideas and technologies are born from stage orange. Cons Stage orange is often materialistic which can distract from real inner growth. This materialism can also be destructive to the environment as products are mass produced for the sake of achievement and monetary growth. Being stage orange can also be hard for people as their internal value is completely tied to external results. Conclusion The focus of stage orange is achievement and progress. Stage orange is materialistic yet innovative. Being the best is held as the pinnacle of life. Your value in stage orange is determined by your individual success and achievement. Find out what stage of spiral dynamics you’re in. Take the free quiz here.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue?

Stage blue is the fourth stage in spiral dynamics that comes after stage red but before stage orange. Stage blue is known as the absolutist and is characterized by order, structure, and conformity. Authority, Hierarchy, and Structure Stage blue is a direct reaction to the previous stage red. This stage is focused on creating an organized lawful structure. A clear hierarchy is established in stage blue, and rank in that hierarchy is enforced and respected. Individuals in a stage blue society accept their position in the greater structure without question. There is a deep loyalty to ones rank in the hierarchy and to whoever is above them in the chain of command. The strict hierarchy allows for great societal advance as order reigns supreme. “Us” Vs. “Them” A sense of us versus them arises in stage blue, but on a much larger scale than in any of the previous stage. Individuals have a loyalty to one’s country, nation, or religion. Stage blue is a team sport but on a mass scale. The hierarchy and structure of another nation is viewed as distinctly different from one’s own. There’s a deep division between differing “teams” in stage blue. Think medieval conflicts of one nation versus another. Outsiders are to be rejected in stage blue as they don’t reflect the value system that needs to be upheld of one’s own “team”. Law Lovers A strong sense of morality is established in stage blue. To enforce this new sense of morality and combat the reckless lawlessness of stage red, rules are created. There is a deep love of the law in stage blue. The rules established in stage blue are seen as noble and good. People in stage blue have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. When the rules are broken there is often a deep sense of shame that accompanies it in stage blue. Examples Pros and Cons Stage blue has its benefits and pitfalls just like any other spiral dynamic stage. Let’s check them out. The Pros Stage blue is often associated with law and order. There’s much less individual violence in stage blue compared to previous stages. Morality reigns in stage blue. Much societal advance is facilitated in stage blue. The structure and hierarchy makes for a very efficient nation unit to develop. Grand visions can be created on a mass scale in stage blue due to this structure. The Cons Stage blue breeds dogmatism and group think, which can lead to intolerance for any new ideas that don’t fit in with the current structure of thinking. Creativity is often stifled in stage blue as new and differing ideas are threatening to the established ideological structure. Conformity is valued above individual innovation and diversity, leading to a lack of inventive ideas. Wrapping Up Stage blue is all about structure, rules, and a strong sense of group identity. Morality and hierarchy are deeply valued in this stage. Conformity is what keeps it all together and allows for a greater national and religious identity to form before moving up into the next stage of spiral dynamics which is stage orange. Find out what stage of spiral dynamics you’re in. Take the free quiz here.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Red?

Spiral dynamics stage red is the third stage in the model that comes after stage purple, but before stage blue. Stage red is characterized by domination, asserting individual power over others, and gratifying immediate desires without concern for others. Stage red is focused on control, power, and getting what you want as soon as possible. Power The main focus of stage red individuals is power. How much power do you have and how much you can accumulate. This need for power is based in a fear of survival and leads to a mindset of domination. In stage red it’s survival of the fittest. If you can’t keep up, you’re done. That’s the mindset that drives a stage red individual. The need for individual power dominates everything else. The group mindset falls to the wayside in this stage, and individual survival once more prevails. Conquer and Dominate You can often find a group of stage purple individuals being led by a single stage red individual. People in stage red will still use group dynamics if it serves them and they have control over the group. The stage red mindset often leads to conquering of other stage red or stage purple people. Within stage red communities power struggles break out as individuals vie for power. Stage red is often characterized by an admiration for violence as a way to get what you want. Wherever there are a lot of stage red individuals there is bound to be violence. Examples Here are some classic examples of stage red: Any culture, country, or group that is based around complete control using any means necessary is stage red. The positives Though stage red is pretty ruthless it also has it’s positives. Stage red is where innovation may start to begin, though only as a means to accumulate power and control. Stage red may also manifest as bravery, rebelliousness, and changing old hierarchies. Stage red pushes the boundaries and traditions set by its predecessor stage purple. Red Psychology Stage red individuals are egocentric and have a strong desire to enforce their will onto the world. They are not interested in rules or regulations. They’d rather do things their way over anyone else’s. Red individuals can be incredibly charismatic and inspiring. This combined with their ability to get things done makes them great leaders. However their leadership can appear sociopathic as they get things done at just about any cost. Anger and aggression are hallmark characteristics of stage red as they constantly feel their power is under threat. Conclusion Stage red is developed as a response to stage purple, as an individual breaks free of group think to accomplish what it is they desire for themselves. Power and domination by any means is often the main focus of stage red. Though stage red is chaotic and destructive, it is important for our development as we learn to break free from the collective and develop our individuality. Find out what spiral dynamic stage you’re in. Take the free quiz here.

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What is Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple?

Stage purple is the second stage in the spiral dynamics model following stage beige but preceding stage red. Stage purple is the stage of spiral dynamics focused on maintaining the survival of the group as well as community and bonding. Those not in the tribe are immediately deemed dangerous, as tribe members are deemed safe. Sticking together is key in stage purple. Welcome to The Tribe The focus in stage purple is on tribal community. The tribe is in essence a family unit that sticks together. Everything is done for the benefit of the tribe. Your individual needs and desires come second to the needs of the tribe. Purple individuals figure that there is safety in numbers. Though the previous stage beige also focused on survival, stage purple’s survival is now group oriented. Group members will work together to keep everyone healthy, fed, and protected. Everyone has each other’s back in the tribe against whatever force comes upon them. Magic, Rituals, and Tradition Stage purple is the first to have a sense of spirituality. Tribes in this stage are often deeply enchanted with the superstitious and magical thinking. The world and the environment is cryptic to the mind of a stage purple. The best way they can make sense of this mysterious world is through magical and mystical thinking. You’ll often find this stage enthralled in magical rituals, chants, and behaviors. Stage purple individuals believe in the greater power and influence of spirits, gods, ghosts, and other mystical characters. Need help with a fruitful hunt? A sacrifice to the spirits should do the trick… Fear of The Unknown and “Other” Stage purple has a very limited perspective on the world. There is a very black and white way of thinking about what is safe and what is potentially dangerous to stage purple. What is in the tribal community is considered safe and good. Outsiders and other tribes are looked at with great suspicion. Stage purple individuals will often be scared of unknown or new things. Sticking with what the tribe already knows is safe is best to stage purple. If it’s not broken don’t fix it, right? Stage Purple Examples Though you might think stage purple is ancient history, there are plenty of present day examples as well. Here are some examples: The most classic examples of stage purple are the indigenous tribes of Africa or the Amazon. More examples can be found here. Most humans in today’s society only stay in stage purple for a few years until moving on to stage red in later childhood or adolescence. Wrapping up Stage purple is all about creating community and fostering safety and comfort within the group. The group is safe and its traditions of several generations is welcomed with warm open arms. If beige is focused on survival of the individual, purple is focused on the survival of the tribe. Individual wants are set aside for the greater good of the whole in this stage. Since “others” are deemed scary and the world is mysterious to purple individuals, the group and their magical rituals offer safety and comfort. Want to find out what stage you’re at in spiral dynamics? Take the free quiz here.

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Spiral Dynamics Stage Beige

The first rung on the ladder of spiral dynamics is stage beige just before stage purple. Stage beige is the most primitive of the ego stages. Stage beige at its core is characterized by survival instincts and complete selfishness which is why this stage is often called the “animalistic stage”. Survival Life is completely automatic at this stage and it’s based solely on survival. Just like an animal, humans in stage beige act purely on it’s survival instincts. Everything revolves around staying alive and nothing more. Concerns at stage beige include: All action is taken for survival and selfish intent. People at this stage of spiral dynamics are incapable of having higher concerns like group benefit, learning, and self development. It’s All about me Those in stage beige are completely self centered, but still have yet to develop a sense of “self” and “other”. Even though stage beige individuals are focused solely on self survival, it does not yet have a concept of self. All action is taken for survival of the self. There is no concern for a group or other individuals at this stage as the focus is completely filled with self survival. Animalistic Instinct Individuals in stage beige have a deep primal instinct. It is the basic function of animals to stay alive and reproduce. This too is the main function of humans at stage beige. Humans at this stage of spiral dynamics are essentially equivalent to other animals. There is no higher thought in the mind of a stage beige person than getting food, staying alive, and staying safe. It would make sense evolutionarily that stage beige is the first level of human development since we originally began on the same playing field as other animals. Who is stage beige? What are some examples of humans in stage beige? Most humans in today’s society only spend a few years at most in this stage from when they’re infants to about the age of 2 or 3 years of age. For a comprehensive list of examples of stage beige click here. Wrapping up Stage beige is essentially the starting block for human development. It’s the floor that all humans start from when they’re born. It’s about survival and nothing more. There’s no concern for society or development here. The mindset is utterly primal with the focus on keeping “me” safe and alive. Want to find out your stage on the spiral dynamics spiral? Take the free spiral dynamics quiz here.

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Spiral Dynamics: What Stage Are You At? (Quiz)

Take the free spiral dynamics test below to find out what stage you’re at. Spiral Dynamics is a theory & model created by Clare Graves Ph.D. that describes an individual’s or community’s level of awareness and development. Spiral Dynamics is described by 8 distinct stages: Development of the individual follows this linear order. Stages cannot be skipped on the path of development. One must go through each stage in their development to reach the next. However, some individuals get stuck in certain stages for their whole life or will spend decades in a single stage. Learning what stage you’re in can help you look to the future of your development. It’s important to realize that most people have similarities to the stages just above and below them. If you feel like you identify with another stage more than your spiral dynamics test result, remember that it is a spectrum. For example your primary result may be stage orange, even though you hold some values from stage green and from stage blue. Tier 1 Value systems Stage Beige (Animalistic) Beige is purely concerned with survival. This is the stage that most life forms on this planet are at. It’s also where most babies and small toddlers fall on the spectrum. There is no concern for the collective during this stage, it is highly focused on meeting its own survival needs. If you are able to take this spiral dynamics test you are most definitely not at stage beige Learn more about stage beige here. Stage Purple (Tribalistic) Stage Purple marks a shift from individualism to collectivism. Instead of a concern for the survival of self, it has now morphed into the survival of the group. This stage values rituals and spirits. A sense of a higher power starts to form in stage purple, especially in the form of spirits. This stage is highly curious and views the world as magical and enchanting. Exploration begins in this stage as the fear of individual survival diminishes. Learn more about stage purple here. Stage Red (Egocentric) Stage Red marks a shift back to individualism with a self serving attitude. This stage is concerned with amassing power and status. Those in power take from those under them without guilt. Individuals in stage red are often aggressive, easily angered, and impulsive. Stage red is egocentric as the name implies and those in power believe they can get whatever they want through force. This stage is heavily linked to feudalism where a leader has power and those below him serve him. Stage red leaders can often be found leading a stage purple tribe. Learn more about stage red here. Stage Blue (Absolutist) The pendulum swings back towards collectivism in Stage Blue. The group once again becomes more important than the individual like in stage purple. However, in stage blue there is an established hierarchy with rules, morals, and procedures. There is an emphasis on precedent and tradition in this stage. Stage blue rejects violence and aggression and instead desires peace above all else. The increased care for individuals in the group leads to more peace. Individuals in this stage may be religious and entrenched in their own viewpoints. Because their morals are the highest priority, any new ideas that challenge their beliefs are viewed as threatening. Learn more about stage blue here. Stage Orange (Achiever) Stage orange is where the average American is located on the spiral dynamics spectrum. Stage orange is all about achievement, breaking barriers, and living up to your full potential. Conventional hierarchies found in stage blue are questioned here. Individuals pursue personal development during this stage. Stage orange individuals feel pressure to push themselves to be the best. Science and reason are born from and valued in stage orange. A free market capitalist system thrives under stage orange. You have this stage to thank for modern technology, inventions, and medicine. Stage orange is about pushing yourself and playing to win. Although this stage often leads to workaholism, over-attachment, and excessive consumerism. Learn more about stage orange here. Stage Green (Relativistic) This stage sees beyond the self and the group to view the world as a whole. The stereotypical hippie would quite likely be stage green. Stage green values diversity, new and conflicting ideas, and equality. People in stage green are often open minded and aren’t threatened by new perspectives. Stage green is associated with social democracies, social justice, liberalism, and activism. Many individuals in stage green may identify as vegetarians, LGBTQA+, or environmentalists. If you’re in stage green you most likely have a concern for the welfare of our planet and how it will turn out for future generations. Drawbacks to stage green include: excessive relativism, indecisiveness, and wanting to please everyone. Learn more about stage green here. Tier 2 Value systems Tier 1 value systems are externally focused as opposed to tier 2. Most of society is operating from tier 1. There is a greater sense of openness and complexity to tier 2 stages. The jump to tier 2 is a difficult jump because there are so few at these stages to guide you. Tier 2 value systems start to realize that real knowledge and truth can only come from deep inside. A great Tier 2 guide I have stumbled across is Leo Gura from, check him out if you’re looking for a good teacher. Stage Yellow (Integral) Stage Yellow enters a state of deep curiosity. There is a thirst for understanding and truth simply for the sake of itself in this stage. Systems thinking comes into play at this stage. Stage yellow individuals embrace paradox and understand it as a natural part of reality. This stage is about learning as much as possible and integrating it all together despite conflicting viewpoints. Stage yellow is all about big picture thinking on a deeper level than even stage green. A state of existential angst may arise in this stage. Stage green was more actively worried about the issues of the world

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