Ryan Molkentin

Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a meditation teacher, spiritual seeker, and founder of nurtureyourspirit.org. I’m glad you’re here! I founded Nurture Your Spirit because of my love of meditation, spirituality, and spiritual awakening.

Hadarian Starseeds | The Universally Loving Soul

Hello you beautiful souls and starseeds 🙂 today we are discussing the Hadarian starseed. Hadarians are souls who are from the planet Hadar in Beta Centauri and have incarnated on Earth. These starseeds’ energetic signature is an extremely loving one. So loving in fact that they may struggle with life on Earth. You see, we on the 3D realm on Earth aren’t unconditionally loving, while on Hadar beings are unconditionally loving by nature. Hadarians will pretty often be dissatisfied with the conditional love expressed here on Earth and would rather be able to express their love freely without bounds. Don’t forget to take the Starseed Discovery Quiz to find out which starseed you might be! Hadarian Traits The core feature of a Hadarian is their unconditional love. These beings come into the world ready to love and be loved unconditionally. If you’re a Hadarian you’re a natural fountain of love energy, radiating out to those around you. In other words, Hadarians are extremely heart centered beings. Of course, being this heart centered will have its challenges which we’ll discuss later… Being so heart centered leads Hadarians to be great empaths. They can tune into the wants and needs of people around them very easily. Their empathic nature stems from their vibration of unconditional love. This can manifest as a desire to help others and comfort those in pain and loss. Are you a starseed? Purpose On Earth Hadarians decided to come down from their high vibrational realm on Hadar into 3D life on Earth for the specific purpose of helping the ascension process. Their entire purpose is to raise the vibration of Earth at this time through their unconditional love. Hadarian souls give love where others struggle to give love. They point out where we have placed conditions on love. For example, many humans on Earth at this time still have a problem with same sex relationships. On Hadar love always takes precedence and any limitations on that love simply don’t exist. Hadarians on Earth will likely support the expansion of love in all forms and challenge the beliefs of those who want to limit it in any way. Hadarians Struggles If you’re a Hadarian you likely struggle with boundaries. Though unconditional love is the highest form of love, as a relative being on Earth you will need to learn when to say “no” to people. If you’re unconditionally loving by nature, you may be walked on like a doormat. It’s important that Hadarians learn boundaries in unhealthy and codependent relationships on Earth. Hadarians might also be easily manipulated and controlled. Their incredibly loving nature can be used against them by people who feign a need for help. This always loving nature can land Hadarians in trouble in relationships especially. As you give and give to relationships, you might be perceived as “needy” or “too much”. Your love might be too strong for the average person living in the 3D. This perception of being overwhelmingly loving can be mistaken for being overly emotional leading to abandonment by naturally avoidant personality types. Many of the struggles of Hadarians arises from their transition from a higher dimensional existence to a denser 3 dimensional existence. Hadarians are also known for being a bit impatient. This impatience stems from their higher dimensional origin. You see, manifestation happens much more easily in higher vibrational realms. So when Hadarians incarnate on Earth, they are partially expecting things to work as quick as they used to on Hadar. This can be frustrating for Hadarians and lead to the trap of seeking instant gratification. See the other 15 starseed types here. Wrapping up Hadarian starseeds are souls who have incarnated on Earth from the higher dimensional planet of Hadar. These beings are heart centered and unconditionally loving. Hadarian souls are here on Earth at this time to assist in the vibrational shift to the New Earth. Though coming from a higher dimension can cause Hadarians a lot unique struggles on Earth which can lead to much frustration.

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Blue Ray Starseed Traits, Origin, & Purpose

Blue Ray starseeds are some of the most intriguing and misunderstood starseeds in existence. These starseeds get their name “Blue Ray” for their dominant vibration. They vibrate at the level of Blue Rays on the light spectrum. That is to say they emanate a blue aura, often associated with highly wise beings. These are spiritually advanced beings who have incarnated on Earth to help raise humanity’s vibration and to assist in the shift in consciousness at this time. Blue Ray Origin Blue Rays aren’t from anywhere specifically, though they have often been associated with the Sirius star system. Blue Rays can be from anywhere as long as their dominant frequency is that of blue light energy. These souls might not be from somewhere in the physical universe, but rather from somewhere in the vibrational energetic spectrum. Blue Ray Characteristics The high vibrational nature of Blue Rays allows them certain abilities and gives them particular characteristics that other starseeds might not have. Incredibly sensitive Blue Rays are incredibly sensitive beings. They are able to pick up on subtle energies. At the same time, this sensitivity can lead to feeling overwhelmed at times. Their heightened sensitivity allows for their incredible intuitive nature to shine. Blue rays are able to access realms that are not usually accessible on this plane of reality due to how subtle and high vibration they can be. Profound wisdom The Blue Rays nature allows these souls to tap into high frequency knowledge and wisdom not accessible to most of humanity. Being highly senstive allows them to tap into hidden wisdom found in the mundane and ordinary. Blue Rays are some of the most wise beings on Earth today. Empaths No surprise here, Blue Rays’ high sensitivity make them incredible empaths. These beings are able to pick up on subtle emotions in other individuals and feel it for themselves. This makes Blue Rays great healers. This ability to tune into emotional traumas and hurts is what allows them to heal and transmute the darkness of humanity. Negative Energy Magnets Because of Blue Rays’ alchemical and healing nature, these beings seem to find themselves as beacons of light among a field of darkness. Their aura attracts negative and dark energy for the simple reason of transmuting it into higher vibrational energy. This once again makes them great healers. Though this can at times feel overwhelming, as they never seem to be able to tune out the negative energy around them. They’re just to sensitive to it! Blue Rays’ Purpose Blue Ray’s fundamental purpose for incarnating on Earth is to aid in Global healing through alchemy. This means that Blue Rays are responsible to finding, healing, and transforming the darkest aspects of the 3rd dimension. This can lead Blue Rays to having difficult life experiences as their very nature of being on Earth at this time is to transmute the darkest and densest parts of life in the third dimension into high vibrational light. Blue Rays’ energy makeup are uniquely capable of handling and transmuting incredibly painful and hard to handle experiences. Wrapping up Blue Rays are incredibly sensitive and wise beings. Their nature is high vibrational, vibrating at the blue light frequency. These beings are here on Earth to help transmute the darkest parts of humanity through divine alchemy. Fundamentally, Blue Ryas use their high vibrational and sensitive nature to heal humanity and awaken its Christ Consciousness for the New Earth.

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15 Starseed Types Explained (Ultimate List)

Have you ever felt like you don’t quite belong on Earth? Is your soul pulled towards a connection to something beyond this world? If so, it’s possible you might be a starseed. Different types of starseeds have different soul origins. Each of these galactic origins have specific spiritual effects on your soul here on Earth. Today, we’ll be looking at the 15 most common types of starseeds. Make sure you take the Starseed Discovery Quiz before reading this article to know your soul’s cosmic origin! What Are Starseeds? Starseeds are people with an extraterrestrial soul incarnated in a human body. The idea of starseeds originated from Dolores Cannon’s work with contacting higher intelligences through deep hypnotherapy. In these deep hypnotherapy sessions she was told that some souls on Earth are here as volunteers to help the planet at this particular time. Many of these soul volunteers come from higher dimensions and other galactic origins. These souls are known as starseeds. Starseeds often have special spiritual purposes on Earth at this time and have particular identifying traits. Are you a starseed? Every Type of Starseed Lyran Starseed Lyran starseeds are often first wave souls who came to Earth to help the beginning of the transition into the New Earth. They are old souls who have come from the Lyra constellation to aid Earth. Origin: Lyrans are souls from the Constellation Lyra known for it’s bright star Vega. Characteristics: Lyran starseeds are intelligent, graceful, and determined leaders. They tend to be quiet observers who are not overly social but possess a strong sense of purpose. Lyrans are drawn to cats due to their past association with feline beings. Purpose: Lyran starseeds are here to uplift humanity’s consciousness through innovation and leadership. They may be drawn to careers in science, engineering, education, or any field that allows them to share their knowledge and inspire progress. Sirian Starseed Sirian starseeds originate from the Sirius star system, specifically the Canis Major constellation. They are known for a fiery passion and strong leadership. Origin: Sirian starseeds originate from the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius. Characteristics: Sirians are natural leaders who are confident, assertive, and sometimes impatient. They are known for their protective instincts. For this reason Sirians may be drawn to law enforcement, the military, or any role that allows them to help others. Purpose: Sirians are here to help uplift humanity’s consciousness. They often work towards creating a more just and sustainable world. Sirians are also said to possess a strong healing energy and may be drawn to careers in medicine, therapy, or alternative healing practices. Arcturian Starseed Arcturian starseeds originate from the Arcturus star system. They are known for their compassion, wisdom, and healing abilities. Origin: The Arcturus star system, specifically the Boötes constellation. Characteristics: Arcturian starseeds are often empaths with a deep capacity for love and compassion. They are intuitive and possess healing abilities. Arcturians also have a natural knack for energy work. Arcturians tend to be drawn to nature and may feel a strong connection to the healing arts and environmentalism Purpose: Arcturians are here as peacekeepers and healers. Although all starseeds aid in the expansion of consciousness, Arcturians specifically have a focus on the expansion of love energy for a more harmonious world. Pleiadian Starseed Pleiadian starseeds originate from the Pleiades star cluster. They are known for their creativity and gentle nature. Origin: Pleiadians are souls from the Pleiades cluster (also known as the Seven Sisters) in the Taurus constellation. Characteristics: Pleiadian starseeds are creative and intuitive. They are often drawn to spiritual exploration and creative expression. Pleiadians can be peacemakers and have a natural ability to connect on a deep level. These starseeds can also be characterized by their gentle feminine nature. Purpose: The innate purpose of Pleiadians is to uplift humanity’s consciousness through artistic expression, scientific exploration, and the promotion of peace and love. Andromedan Starseed Andromedan starseeds originate from the next closest spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way. They are known for their advanced knowledge and desire for innovation. Origin: Andromedan galaxy (just next to the Milky Way) Characteristics: Andromedan starseeds are often described as intelligent, analytical, and problem-solving. They have a strong interest in science and technology. Andromedans are innovative thinkers and enjoy exploring new ideas. These starseeds can daydream and philosophize all day long. Many Andromedans have a deep fascination with the universe itself. Purpose: Andromedan starseeds are here to share their knowledge and inspire humanity to embrace progress and innovation. This may manifest as taking part in actual research and innovation or simply by challenging norms to pave the way for humanity’s future possibilities. Orion Starseed Orion starseeds originate from the Orion constellation. They are known for their leadership qualities and adventurous spirit. Origin: Orion starseeds come from the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel from the Orion constellation. Characteristics: Orion starseeds are independent, strong-willed, and natural leaders. These souls possess a deep sense of purpose and drive to make a difference in the world. These types can be incredibly protective of those they care about. Purpose: Orion starseeds incarnated on Earth to push the boundaries of humanity and lead it into the New Earth. Fundamentally, they guide and protect humanity. Mintakan Starseed Mintakan starseeds originate from the Mintaka star. They are characterized by their upbeat nature, connection to water, and intuitive wisdom. Origin: Mintakan souls come from a specific star (Mintaka) which is part of the Orion constellation belt. Characteristics: Mintakan starseeds are optimistic, empathetic, and drawn to water. These souls love spending time near the ocean, or anything connected to water. Mintakans are known for their intuition and inner wisdom. They are natural healers and have a calming presence that uplifts those around them. Purpose: You are an original lightworker, helping guide humanity into a more harmonious age. Fundamentally, your positive energy and intuitive wisdom is your greatest gift to the world. Blue Avian Starseed Blue avian starseeds are high-vibrational beings originating from higher dimensions. They are often depicted as humanoid

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Are You A Starseed? 11 Major Signs & Symptoms

Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and felt a pang of longing? Could it be possible that you actually originate from out there, that Earth isn’t your true home? A yearning for home beyond your earthly existence could be a sign that you’re a starseed. Today, we’ll explore what a starseed is and 11 signs you might be one. What is a Starseed? Starseeds are souls who have incarnated on Earth but who originate from other planets, star systems, or even higher dimensions. These souls often carry the essence of their origin within them. These innate higher qualities can be seen in specific traits and behaviors. These are the signs we’ll be discussing later. Starseeds also often have an innate purpose to assist humanity in its growth and evolution. Those who resonate with the idea of starseeds often describe a deep sense of being different, a yearning for a place they’ve never been, and a powerful urge to contribute to positive change on Earth. Many starseeds are thought to be part of a greater phenomenon of soul volunteers who have come to earth at this time to help it transition to a higher frequency. Make sure you take the Starseed Discovery Quiz before reading this article to know your soul’s cosmic origin! 11 Signs You’re a Starseed Starseeds carry an essence of their galactic origins with them which can manifest itself as real world signs and symptoms. Here are some of those signs and symptoms: 1. Deep yearning for “home” that feels beyond Earth This feeling can manifest as a persistent sense of longing. It’s a homesickness for a place you’ve never been, a yearning for something more. If you feel this deep sense of longing for a home other than this one, you may in fact be a starseed. 2. Feeling different or like you don’t quite fit in You might feel like an outsider, even within your own family or social circles. This “otherness” can stem from having different values, interests, or perspectives that feel out of sync with your true origins. 3. Unexplained memories or dreams of other worlds Another sign is having vivid dreams or memories that feel strangely familiar, depicting landscapes that are not of Earth. These could be echoes of your past lives or glimpses of your starseed origins. 4. Having psychic abilities Starseeds often report to experience heightened intuition, telepathy, or a strong connection to divine energies. This can manifest as premonition dreams, a strong sense of “knowing” things without explanation, or an ability to pick up on the emotions of others. 5. A drive to heal the planet or make a positive impact Do you have a strong desire to protect the planet or make Earth better? You might be drawn to environmental causes and promoting peace and harmony on Earth. This stems from a deep sense of responsibility for the well-being of the planet you’ve chosen to inhabit which you chose for yourself prior to incarnating. 6. A longing for a simpler, more harmonious way of life Earth’s fast-paced, modern, and technologically disconnected way of living may feel abnormal to you. You might crave a deeper connection with nature, a more sustainable way of living, and a focus on community and collaboration. This yearning reflects the potential influence of a more peaceful and harmonious reality you experienced before Earth. 7. A sense of purpose or mission beyond personal life You might feel a strong pull towards a specific cause, artistic expression, or field of study. This sense of purpose goes beyond personal gain. It feels like a calling to contribute something unique and valuable to the world. This could be a calling you may have made a commitment to bring to Earth before incarnating. 8. Heightened intuitive senses If your gut feeling is often right and you have a strong intuition, this could be a sign you’re a starseed. Starseeds often have heightened intuitive abilities as they are more spiritually developed beings than the native inhabitants of Earth. 9. Heightened empathy for others Starseeds are often in tune with their intuitive senses as perviously mentioned. However, this can lead to starseeds being great empaths. If you feel you have heightened empathy for those around you and the planet in general, you may be from an otherworldly origin. 10. Being more spiritually advanced than most If you have a greater propensity for spiritual growth and learning than those around you, this is another sign you could be a starseed. Being from higher vibrational locations in your past life may give you a spiritual advantage here on Earth. 11. Receiving sudden insights and downloads You might experience moments of sudden clarity, receiving information or creative ideas seemingly out of thin air. These “downloads” can be a way for your higher self or starseed consciousness to guide you on your path. What Does it Mean to be a Starseed? Being a starseed means your soul’s last incarnation was not on Earth. This has several implications and possible benefits and downsides. Psychic and intuitive gifts Starseeds often come to Earth with special intuitive and psychic abilities. These may include increased: Divine purpose You may also be a part of the 3 waves coming to Earth to help humanity raise into 5D or the New Earth. You will likely find yourself divinely guided and have a deep sense of purpose on this Earth. Starseed challenges Being a starseed is not without its challenges though. Often these types of people will feel like they don’t belong here on Earth. This feeling of not belonging can lead to depression, loneliness, and other negative emotions. You will also likely not fit into the common framework of Earthen society. Your nature is divine and of higher vibrational planes, so Earth will likely feel quite dense in comparison. Conclusion Starseeds are here for a specific purpose in this time on Earth. This gives you special intuitive and healing abilities to help Earth shift upwards in frequency. Though

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The 3 Waves of Volunteers Explained (And Quiz)

Dolores Cannon described an unusual spiritual phenomenon occurring on the Earth at this period of time. She says we are currently shifting into a higher dimension (specifically from 3D to 5D) as a planet and a species. To facilitate this process a call went out everywhere in the universe for ascended beings to “volunteer” to incarnate on Earth during this transition. This would ensure the Earth transitioned smoothly. There would be three waves to come to Earth, each with a different duty and purpose. Many of the spiritually developed on the Earth at this time are from these three waves of volunteers. The 3 waves of volunteers are ascended souls who “volunteered” to come to Earth to help the shift into the New Earth and 5D consciousness. How do you know which wave you are from if you even are one of the volunteers at all? Take the quiz at the end of the page to find out. The 3 Waves of Volunteers Dolores Cannon’s vision of the 3 waves came out of decades of quantum healing hypnosis sessions. It was in these deep states of hypnosis that she spoke with the collective subconscious (also known as the higher self) The higher selves of these people all told her the same thing: There is a massive energetic change happening on Earth and millions of souls have come to help with this change. The souls have specifically come in 3 distinct waves. Each wave is here to usher in a new age that goes by many names including: These souls aren’t like the rest of humanity who is largely stuck in the samsara cycle of birth and death. The souls who have come to help during this time volunteered to be here. For many of these volunteers, life on Earth is unpleasant and difficult. It truly was a sacrifice to come to a dense Earth at this time. The First Wave The first wave were the pioneers of light on a largely unchanged Earth. Completely new to physical experience, they lack the “earthly filter” that dampens the intensity of existence here. This makes adapting to Earth’s dense energy a significant challenge. The first wave struggle to remember their purpose and often feel overwhelmed by the harshness of the world. However, their pure connection to the divine makes them beacons of empathy and sensitivity. The purpose of the first wave is simply to bring divine energy directly from the source to begin the transformation process. However, because the first wave volunteers come directly from source they often feel quite disconnected and lost on a spiritually dense planet like Earth. Due to their nature of coming before the other two waves, first wave individuals were born sometime around world war 2 all the way up to the mid 1960s. The Second Wave The second wave of volunteers are souls with lots of prior life experiences to help begin navigating the consciousness shift in a more tangible way. These volunteers have lived on other planets and dimensions, carrying the weight of past lives. This grants them a broader perspective and an edge when navigating Earth’s complexities. Having accumulated knowledge from diverse experiences, they excel at analysis and problem-solving. However, the fragmented nature of past-life memories can create a sense of disconnection from the present. They may also carry emotional baggage from past experiences and feel like outsiders amidst the unfamiliar energy of Earth. Second wavers are often born between the mid 1960s and the mid 1990s. The Third Wave The third wave is the last and final wave to help usher in the new age of 5D consciousness on Earth. Often identified as Indigo or Crystal children, they possess an innate understanding of their purpose: to usher in a new era of consciousness on Earth. Their strength lies in their groundedness and natural leadership qualities. They effortlessly inspire and guide others towards a brighter future. Unlike the previous 2 waves, the third wave is fairly comfortable on Earth and have an intuitive awareness to its energy. However, navigating a world in constant transition can be challenging. The Third Wave may feel misunderstood by those clinging to traditional and older ways of living. Third wavers are likely born more recently, any time from the mid 1990s to now. How Each Wave Helps The Shift Into 5D Each wave contributes a unique change in the ongoing shift towards the New Earth. What is The New Earth? The concept of the New Earth isn’t about a physical relocation, but rather a shift in humanity’s consciousness. It represents a world vibrating at a higher frequency. Dolores Cannon described this as a shift from 3D into 5D. Life in 5D is more peaceful, joyful, lighter, and less dense. However, not everyone will make the shift into 5D. There will be a rift between those living in 5D versus those living in 3D. Though both groups will be living on the same physical Earth, the consciousness of each group will be vastly different. 5D individuals will not get sucked into the drama of the 3D world as they’ve transcended into a state of harmony and peace. The conflict and disharmony of the 3D will still be around, but it won’t affect you if you’ve transitioned into the New Earth. It will be as if there is a pane of glass between the two, you’ll be able to see it but you will be separate.

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Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming (How They’re Related)

Astral projection and lucid dreaming seem like two very similar phenomena. Both experiences involve a sense of being in a non-physical world. However, astral projection and lucid dreaming differ in a couple different ways. Though both astral projection and lucid dreaming exist in non-physical astral consciousness, they are achieved in different ways and the level of objectivity in their experience will differ as well. Astral projection itself can be achieved through a lucid dream by becoming conscious enough to shift into the projection experience. Key Takeaways What is Astral Projection? Astral projection, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), is a phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness separates from their physical body. During astral projection your consciousness enters into the astral plane. In astral travel you experience a sense of floating and can observe your physical body from a distance. In the astral you can go wherever you want and learn from some of the most enlightened beings in the universe. Astral Projection vs Lucid Dreaming Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul could leave the body during sleep and travel to other realms. Hinduism and Buddhism refer to astral projection as “yoga nidra” and “dream yoga”. Clearly there is some connection between dreaming and astral projection. So what’s going on when we lucid dream? Are we astral traveling when this happens? Dreams happen in the astral You are not astral projecting when you lucid dream, however your dream is happening in the astral. You can think of lucid dreaming as less conscious astral travel. Lucid dreams exist in a subjective astral domain while astral projection exists in an objective astral domain. The more conscious you become in the astral the more objective it will become. This means that the things that happen and the people you meet in during astral projection will be real entities and events. It’s not just happening in your own little dream world anymore. Think of it like this: Two people can dream of eachother but not actually encounter eachother in the astral. If both people then astral project and meet in the objective astral, then they can have a conversation, come back to the physical, and know exactly what the other has said to them. Think of a dream as your own personal non-physical world in your mind. Lucid dreaming still happens in this subjective environment as well. However lucid dreams can be used to enter into astral projection directly. Once you fully astral project from a lucid dream you will be in an objective non-physical astral reality. Astral projecting from a lucid dream One of the most well known astral projection techniques involves having a lucid dream and then becoming conscious enough to astral project. In this way you slowly move into more objective astral space. Lucid Dreaming Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and can manipulate the dream environment and events. In a lucid dream, the dreamer can control their actions and the dream’s narrative. Techniques to Induce Lucid Dreams There are several techniques that one can use to induce lucid dreams. Reality testing One of the most popular techniques is reality testing. In this technique the dreamer checks their reality several times a day to determine whether they are dreaming or not. For example, during the day look at your hand and count 5 fingers. This will create a mental habit that will happen in your dream. When you look at your hand in your dream and there are more or less than 5 fingers you may then realize you are dreaming. Wake back to bed Another technique includes wake back to bed (WBTB). In wake back to bed you wake up after a few hours of sleep and go back to bed with the intention of having a lucid dream. For some reason this works like a charm for many people. Transitioning from a lucid dream to astral projection It’s possible to transition from a lucid dream into a full on astral projection. See John Dennery’s method of converting a lucid dream to an astral projection here: Comparing and Contrasting Similarities Between Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming Astral projection and lucid dreaming share some similarities: Key Differences Despite their similarities, there are some key differences between astral projection and lucid dreaming: One of the main differences is the level of control the individual has over their experience. In astral projection you have greater control over your actions and can explore the astral plane with more freedom. In lucid dreaming you are more limited in terms of control despite being aware you are dreaming. Another difference is the level of objectivity. Astral projection happens in an objective reality. Lucid dreaming is happening in your own personal subjective reality. Interconnectivity of Experiences Despite their differences, astral projection and lucid dreaming can be interconnected experiences. Some individuals report being able to transition from one experience to the other seamlessly. Some individuals may start with a lucid dream and then transition into an astral projection experience by accident. This interconnectivity happens because both experiences are happening on the same astral level of reality. Frequently Asked Questions Is astral projection dangerous? No, astral projection is not dangerous. Though it may be a scary experience at times, your physical body cannot be harmed at any time in the astral. see my article is astral projection dangerous? How can I astral travel while awake? There are many methods to astral project from waking consciousness. I recommend you see my article the 4 stages of astral projection to learn more about how it works. Can real entities visit me in my dreams? Yes, though dreaming happens in a more subjective version of the astral it is possible to be visited by other objective beings. Many people experience visits from deceased loved ones or spiritual guides during dreams.

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The Astral Plane (Lower, Middle, & Upper Astral Explained)

Understanding what the astral plane is and how it works is crucial to understanding your spiritual development. Today we’ll be discussing what the astral plane is and the various levels that make it up. The astral plane is a non-physical level of existence that we exist in every night when we sleep and when we consciously astral project. The lower planes of the astral are where most of humanity’s low vibrational collective consciousness resides. The upper astral is associated with higher vibrational frequencies, light, and enlightened beings. Through conscious spiritual development we can raise ourselves up into the higher levels of the astral. What is the astral plane? The astral plane is fundamentally a level of non-physical existence. We as conscious beings reside on multiple planes of existence at once. We have in a sense 7 different bodies. Just as our physical body resides in a location in space and time, our astral body resides somewhere in the astral plane. When we sleep at night we enter the astral in our dreams. When we astral project we enter into this non-physical realm consciously. see also is astral projection dangerous? Even though the astral is a non-physical plane of existence it is just as real as the physical world. We also have the ability to move up and down the levels of the astral through conscious spiritual development. Astral plane map Image credit: Astral Doorway on YouTube. I highly recommend you check him out if you want to learn how to astral project! The astral doesn’t exist the same way that location does in the physical world. There are simply higher and lower consciousness areas of the astral that can be accessed in various ways. Levels of the astral realm There aren’t “fixed” levels of the astral plane designated as lower, middle, or upper. These are just relative terms to describe the levels of vibration that exist in the astral. Lower astral The lower astral is where the most unconscious and low vibration entities and beings exist. Remember this isn’t a physical location, but rather a description of vibration in the astral. The lower astral is where most of humanity’s consciousness resides in. The lower astral is full of fear, doubt, and negativity. Beings that reside in this level of frequency may be trapped in this realm due to unresolved issues, attachments, or negative karma. It’s advised to avoid the lower astral when astral traveling due to its unpleasant nature. Middle astral The middle astral is the transition vibrational location between the lower and upper astral planes. The middle astral is characterized by neutrality, and mix of lower and upper vibration. There is more clarity in the middle astral, but there isn’t enlightenment. It’s more of a low level neutral peace. Beings encountered in the middle astral plane vary widely. They may include guides, teachers, and helpers who assist individuals in their spiritual journey or entities with unresolved aspects from the lower astral plane. The middle astral offers transformation in frequency both upwards and further downwards. Upper astral The upper astral is where the highest frequencies are experienced. The upper astral is characterized by enlightened beings, widespread joy and peace, and total clarity. Beings encountered in the upper astral will be positive, full of love, and happy. There will be many enlightened and wise teachers to learn from in the upper astral. The upper astral is where you can have profound spiritual insights and transcend the limits placed on consciousness in the physical. How to move up the astral planes There are fewer and fewer human souls the further up the astral you go. Only the most enlightened and spiritually developed find themselves in the upper astral. When consciously astral projecting it isn’t too difficult to move ourselves into higher frequency planes. If you are consciously astral traveling, then simply ask be transported to a higher plane and you will find yourself there. Most of humanity is unable to consciously astral travel. In this case, to move yourself up in astral plane means raising your vibration and consciousness in general. This happens through spiritual development and growth. As you become more awake and enlightened in the physical realm your consciousness will reflect this shift in the astral.

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Is Astral Projection Dangerous? (The Risks of Astral Travel)

So you’ve just finished hearing a horror story about astral projection, and now your hopes and dreams of astral travel are down the drain. But wait! What if I were to tell you astral travel isn’t dangerous at all? Astral projection is a completely safe phenomenon. Your body and soul cannot be harmed in the astral. Though you can encounter some terrifying things and experience a lot of fear during astral projection, nothing in the astral can kill or truly harm you. What is astral projection? Astral projection is the process of moving your consciousness outside of your physical body and into the astral. Astral travel can also be described as an out of body experience. When we astral project we enter into the astral plane. The astral has different properties than the physical world. In the astral time does not move in the same way it moves in the physical. You also have the ability to go anywhere in the universe in an instant during astral travel. See the stages of astral projection to find out how to actually do this. The astral takes away all limits on when and where you can go if you know how to control it. This brings in the possibility for a lot of exciting and fun experiences. But it also brings the possibility of some scary and even demonic experiences. Physical Danger is only an illusion At no time during your astral projection will you be in any physical danger at all. No matter how scary of an entity you meet or even if you are attacked in the astral your physical body will always be safe. If you are “killed” in the astral you will simply wake up into your physical body safe and sound. It’s true you can have some scary experiences during astral travel, but you will not actually be harmed. Can the silver cord be severed? Some people worry that the silver cord that connects the astral body to their physical body can be severed, cut, or destroyed during astral travel. It is not possible for the cord that connects your astral and physical body to be severed during astral travel. No entity, force, or being in the astral has the ability to cut this cord. No matter how much negativity you encounter in the astral your connection to your physical body will always stay intact. We enter the astral every night Believe it or not we enter into the astral every night when we fall asleep and dream. Have you ever been harmed by a dream? No. But have you had very scary nightmares that feel real? Yes. The same is true with conscious astral travel. We may experience very real feeling scary experiences but nonetheless you are perfectly safe. In fact, learning how to astral project and control your experiences will lead to more positive astral travel and will make for a “safer” experience. Psychological Dangers of Astral Travel It’s possible (but unlikely) that attempting to astral travel can exacerbate already present psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia or breaks from reality. I have not really heard this to happen, but I’m writing it just as a precaution to those who may have psychotic conditions. The worst psychological damage that can really occur during astral projection is experiencing heightened levels of fear. Fear during astral projection The worst thing that can happen during astral projection is you experience a scary situation. The astral can feel sometimes even more vivid than waking physical consciousness. The things encountered in the astral can be terrifying especially if we’re in the lower astral or are operating from a fear mindset. Luckily, this is the worst thing that can happen. So the only thing to fear in the astral is fear itself. The lower astral The astral realm is a vast and broad place. You can enter into the lower, middle, or upper astral. The lower astral will appear dark and dreary. This is the part of the astral where you are more likely to encounter negative beings. More fear can be experienced in the lower astral compared to the upper astral. If you find yourself in the lower astral there are a few things you can do to get to a lighter higher part of the astral: Encountering negative entities One of the most unpleasant experiences you can have during astral travel is encountering negative entities. These beings are usually in the lower astral and will try to make you sacred. Fear is the level that some beings live at in the astral. These entities can not hurt you, they will simply try to scare you. To deal with negative entities here are some simple guide rules: Tips for safe astral travel If you want to ensure a peaceful and pleasant astral projection here are some things to keep in mind. Get astral guidance It can be helpful to get help and guidance in the process of astral projection. This guidance can be both in the physical world and astral world. When in the astral simply request help from a guide and they should appear to aid you. Perform a protective ritual As you relax at the beginning of the astral projection process before you actually leave the body you can conduct a protective ritual. Simply imagine either a sphere or pyramid of white light surrounding you in your imagination. Feel the power of this protective energy and know you are protected. Now you will be impervious to unwanted negative contact in the astral. Stay in the upper astral Try your best to stay in the upper levels of the astral. This is where the most benevolent and peaceful beings will be. Staying away from the lower astral will keep you from having negative experiences in your astral travel. Happy Traveling It’s much more likely you’ll have a positive astral travel experience if you come prepared. Worst case scenario you have a frightening encounter and wake back up in your

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How To Astral Project (In 4 Stages)

Astral projection intrigues the most curious spiritual seekers. It’s something I’ve practiced and worked with over my spiritual journey and can understand why you may want to explore it. You may be wondering what the process of astral projection and what the astral plane are actually like. You will essentially progress like this through your astral projection: First you will relax and enter into a state of deep meditation. Eventually your body will start to vibrate from head to toe. At the peak of the vibrations you’ll have a chance to exit the body and astral travel. Let’s go a little more in depth on the 4 stages. #1 The Relaxation Stage The first stage of astral projection is getting yourself into a deep state of meditation. We want out bodies to fall asleep while our minds stay awake. It’s important to stay as still as possible during this stage as we want to trick the body into thinking we are falling asleep. All the while make sure you stay conscious and aware. Some recommend listening to binaural beats to enter into a deep meditative state. You can also say the mantra “mind awake, body asleep” in your mind during this stage. The longer you stay in this state of deep relaxation while staying aware the more likely it is you will enter into stage 2. #2 The Vibrational Stage After about 20-30 minutes of deep relaxation you will start to feel your entire body starting vibrating. The vibratory stage is the gateway into astral projection. Many people get scared by this stage because it can actually be very intense. You will quite literally feel your entire body vibrate like crazy. It will feel like you’re actually moving even though you’re just laying there in reality. During this phase we want to feel deeper into the vibrations. Try and make the vibrations even stronger if you can. At the peak of the vibratory stage you will have the chance to separate from your body. The vibration is your consciousness becoming aware of your astral body and away from you physical body. You’re quite literally feeling your astral body’s energy which can be powerful and intense. VELO (Voluntary Energetic Longitudinal Oscillation) To intensify the vibrations in the vibratory phase of astral projection we can practice a technique known as VELO. The process of VELO involves feeling the vibrations in your body starting at your head and feeling it move down to your feet. Then feel that energy moving back up to your head. Continually feel into and move this vibratory energy up and down your body. Take your time with this. The goal is to make this energy move up and down the body as fast as possible to eventually fully tune into your energy body. #3 Separating From The Body At the peak of your body vibrations it’s time to exit the body. Without physically moving visualize yourself floating up from the body. There are several ways we can go about moving into the astral and out of the vibrational stage. The rope method Imagine there is a rope above you that you can grab onto. Imagine grabbing onto this rope and pulling yourself up and out of your physical body. The roll over method You can also attempt to roll out of your physical body. Attempt to will your astral self to roll over out of your body. Everyone has different results with different methods. Try each to see what works best for you. It’s important to remember not to actually move the physical body or you will wake back up into regular physical consciousness. #4 The Stabilization Stage Once you’re out of the body you’ll likely feel disoriented, scared, and possibly excited It’s important that you don’t get wrapped up in your emotions. Try to assert a goal into your astral reality. Somewhere you want to go, something you want to see. Attempt to move about the astral. You want to start cementing this astral reality. Often on your first out of body experience you will get scared or excited to the point you pull out and back into your physical body. Try your best to stay focused on your goal. Why are you in the astral? staying focused on your intention of astral projecting will help you stay in the astral for longer.

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Body Vibrations During Meditation: Causes & Explanation

Vibrations, humming, tingles, and buzzing in the body are to be expected at different times on your meditative journey. I’ve experienced all kinds of strange energy in my body while meditating and practicing other spiritual techniques. Here’s the basic reason it happens: You may simply be tapping into bodily sensations like your heartbeat. It’s also very possible that you’re awakening specific types of spiritual energy in your body. This can happen when chakras become activated, kundalini awakens, or when you begin shifting into the astral. In almost all of these scenarios you are perfectly safe. Why your body is vibrating during meditation There are so many possible causes of body vibrations during meditation. We’ll start off by discussing the most mundane and likely causes of this body buzzing. Later we’ll discuss what it means in specific locations in the body. You are feeling your heartbeat The simplest explanation for feeling vibrations in your body is that you’re becoming aware of the sensations of the heart. Your heart can create vibrations in your chest and body. The blood being pushed around your vessels can cause a subtle buzzing feeling when you sit still and quiet enough. Though this can be frightening at first, it’s totally normal and you’ll get used to the feeling with further mindful practice. Hyperventilation body tingles Another possibility is that your body tingles may be caused by your breathing. If you’re breathing deeply and intensely you may be experiencing a phenomenon known as respiratory alkalosis. Breathing too heavily while meditating can cause a reduction in the CO2 in your blood to a point that causes your blood pH to change. This change can cause tingling and buzzing in your body, often starting with your toes and fingers while working its way up into the body. This can be easily reversed by slowing down your breathing. Vibrating in your forehead If you experience vibrations specifically in your forehead during meditation you may be activating your third eye chakra. This happened to me during a spiritual practice right before I broke into vivid consciousness. Buzzing or vibration in your forehead is a sign of third eye activation. This happens when a lot of bodily and spiritual energy becomes active in this specific energy center of the body. The intensity of this buzzing can often be very uncomfortable. Vibrating in your throat Meditation can cause the awakening of all kinds of energy centers in the body. One such energy center is the throat chakra. If you feel vibrating in your throat you may be opening your throat chakra. This is a rarer symptom of throat chakra activation, but nonetheless does happen. If your throat is buzzing during meditation you can simply mindfully observe it or begin humming along with it to enhance the throat chakra opening. Vibrating in your chest The chest is a common location for vibrations to occur in during meditation. This is because the heart, one of the greatest energy centers in your spiritual system, is located here. You may simply be feeling your heart beating more intensely due to an increase in awareness. But you may also be opening your heart energy center during meditation. It’s a common experience among meditators and often catches them off guard. The opening of your heart chakra can be very intense including symptoms like: When this occurs simply surrender and relax. Allow the heart to open and enjoy the experience. Vibrating in your hips Vibrations in your lower body, base of the spine, and hips are signs of sacral chakra activation. This is also a sign of awakening Kundalini. Your Kundalini is held dormant at the base of the spine and can begin shooting up the body when activated. This can be a very intense vibratory experience. Chakra openings of any kind can cause vibrations in the body, and kundalini can forcibly open up your chakras. It’s entirely possible that your meditation practice can cause this to happen. Kundalini can also manifest itself as body convulsions, shaking, and shivering. An important note about Kundalini If you think you may have accidentally activated your kundalini it’s important to handle it correctly. Mishandled Kundalini can result in Kundalini Syndrome. See my guide to handling an unexpected Kundalini awakening. Your body is preparing for astral projection You may be getting into such a deep meditative state that your consciousness is preparing for an out of body astral experience. The state that comes before astral projection is known as “The Vibratory Stage“. In this stage of the astral projection process your body will begin to intensely vibrate from head to toe. Once in the vibratory stage you can begin visualizing yourself rising from your sleeping body to enter into an out of body experience. This is a very real phenomenon. You can induce this vibratory stage of astral projection in your meditations by practicing VELO (Voluntary Energetic Longitudinal Oscillation). How to handle body vibrations during meditation You have 3 main options when you’re experiencing body vibrations. Not all options are best for every situation. It’s best to discern which is best for yourself. 1. Stop meditating If this is too uncomfortable for you simply stop meditating and try again tomorrow. These vibrations can sometimes be scary and uncomfortable so it’s okay to just stop. Sometimes, stopping meditation won’t work. In that case follow option #2. 2. Surrender to it You have the option of observing and allowing the buzzing in your body. This is my preferred method. This will allow you to figure out what is going exactly and why. Surrendering to the vibrations will also facilitate the flow and eventual dissolution of the energy in your body. 3. Intensify it In some scenarios you may want to intensify and expand the energy and vibrations in your body. This is likely the case if you want to continue into an astral projection experience or if you want to open one of your chakras that is activating. There are specific practices you can do

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