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blue ray starseed
Blue Ray Starseed Traits, Origin, & Purpose
Blue Ray starseeds are some of the most intriguing and misunderstood starseeds in existence.These starseeds get their name “Blue Ray” for their dominant vibration. They vibrate at the level...
starseed types
15 Starseed Types Explained (Ultimate List)
Have you ever felt like you don’t quite belong on Earth? Is your soul pulled towards a connection to something beyond this world?If so, it’s possible you might be a starseed.Different...
Are You A Starseed? 11 Major Signs & Symptoms
Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and felt a pang of longing? Could it be possible that you actually originate from out there, that Earth isn’t your true home?A yearning for home beyond...
3 waves of volunteers
The 3 Waves of Volunteers Explained (And Quiz)
Dolores Cannon described an unusual spiritual phenomenon occurring on the Earth at this period of time. She says we are currently shifting into a higher dimension (specifically from 3D to 5D) as a planet...
lucid dreaming
Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming (How They're Related)
Astral projection and lucid dreaming seem like two very similar phenomena. Both experiences involve a sense of being in a non-physical world.However, astral projection and lucid dreaming differ in...

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