Spiritual Growth

What Is “The Veil” In Spirituality?

If you’ve ever explored spirituality you’ve definitely heard of “the veil”. If you’re anything like me you were confused about what “the veil” is the first time you heard about it. Let’s dive into what this term really means and help you understand the spiritual concept better. What is “the veil”? “The veil” refers to the unseen barrier that separates our ordinary limited consciousness from the higher, more profound consciousness of existence. The veil is a metaphor for what separates ordinary consciousness from expansive and infinite consciousness. Our human brains weren’t meant to always be one with God and the universe, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to function in everyday life. If there was no veil between higher and lower consciousness we’d all be too blissed out to bother eating, drinking, and paying rent. When we have a spiritual awakening we pierce through this veil. Spiritual awakenings allow us a peak behind that veil into greater consciousness. The terms “piercing the veil” and “spiritual awakening” are basically synonymous with each other. Spiritual awakening is founded on the idea of connecting with higher consciousness. The veil is the limiting factor which keeps us from connecting with that higher consciousness. Why Does The Veil Exist? The veil exists for a very specific and explainable reason. The veil keeps us from transcending our human incarnate form. Why? According to some traditions we (either as individual spirits or as God itself) chose to experience life in a limited form as a human being. There are certain lessons we need to learn in a physical human life. If the veil didn’t exist our consciousness would simply merge back with infinite universal consciousness. This would make the experience of being a limited human impossible to have. For God to be truly omnipotent and infinite then they have to know what it’s like to have limited consciousness. So in this sense you are literally God experiencing limited consciousness. What does thinning the veil mean? “Thinning the veil” is a term referring to moments when we come closer to the divine. The boundary between our limited form and greater consciousness thins. The veil thins when we have spiritual experiences and come close to God. Certain locations around the world are said to have thinner veils. These also happen to be the most spiritual places where many are said to have had profound experiences and connections with higher consciousness. What Does Piercing The Veil Mean? Piercing the veil is the term used to describe when you break through your limited consciousness into a state of spiritual awakening. We pierce the veil when we have a spiritual awakening. You can think of piercing the veil as creating a portal to higher consciousness. You’re destroying the boundary between your limited awareness and expanded divine consciousness when you pierce the veil. How To Pierce The Veil Piercing the veil isn’t just about glimpsing the unknown, it’s about evolving beyond our spiritual limits. Peaking beyond the veil or spiritual awakening is one of the most blissful, awe inspiring, and jaw dropping experiences you can have as a human being. You’re probably thinking that this sounds awesome and you want to experience it yourself. So how do you pierce the veil and enter into greater consciousness? There are several pathways to peaking beyond the veil laid out by dozens of ancient traditions. Just about every major religion today has a mystical pathway to spiritual awakening. see my article, “The Mystical Traditions of Every Major World Religion” I recommend you dive into one of the many established spiritual traditions with a path to spiritual awakening. You may also want to find a spiritual mentor to guide you on this journey as well. There is no one right path to spiritual awakening and there are so many different things that can cause you to pierce through “the veil”. see my article, “What Causes a Spiritual Awakening?” for more information. Conclusion Though at first appearance the terms “the veil” and “piercing the veil” may seem confusing they both have to do with spiritual awakening. The veil is simply the thing that keeps our limited consciousness limited and when we pierce it we enter into greater consciousness. I wish you the best on your journey to peaking beyond the cosmic veil and awakening into divine consciousness spiritual seeker!

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7 Easy Ways To Nurture Your Spirit

So, you want to nurture your spirit and grow that divine part of you but you’ve run out of ideas. When you hit spiritual roadblocks it may be time to try a new practice to continue your spiritual growth. Here are 7 practices you may want to instill in your life to reignite your spiritual growth. 7 easy ways to nurture your spirit 1. Practice mindfulness My favorite practice for spiritual growth is simply mindfulness. I love mindfulness because you can bring it into just about anything you’re doing. Have to walk the dog? Or clean the dishes? Bring some mindfulness into it and it now becomes your spiritual practice. When you’re bringing yourself in the present moment you are nurturing your spirit. Becoming aware of whatever it is you’re doing will feel infinitely better than doing it unconsciously. “Mindfulness Meditation: What It Is & How To Do It” 2. Spend time in nature Nothing fills my spirit more than taking quality time in nature. Living near a park or somewhere with nature is so important to my well being. Living in the modern world we can get disconnected from our roots and the Earth. Getting outdoors will reconnect and ground you. Getting outside and simply walking around is a great spiritual practice for people who need to ground themselves. If you’re feeling anxious and too “high off the ground” spiritually, outside time will be great for grounding you. 3. Spiritual journaling Try establishing a practice of writing down your spiritual growth, insights, and thoughts throughout the week. Take a few days and establish a journaling habit. This will have many benefits on your spiritual growth. Journaling allows you to see patterns in your consciousness and life that you might not have seen before. Writing down the things that happen in your brain and life will help you have more insights into your spiritual growth. Journaling is also awesome for looking back at where you were in the past. How do you know how much you’ve grown if you don’t remember where you were in your journey last year at this time? “How to Journal For Spiritual Growth & Awakening (5 Prompts)” 4. Try chanting a mantra Mantras have been used by many spiritual traditions all over the world for communing with the divine and nurturing the spirit. Chanting a mantra has many spiritual benefits and purposes. Chanting a mantra has been proven to relax the mind and release stress from the body. Chanting can be a way to ground your awareness and foster mindfulness through the power of sound. Certain mantras are said to help you commune with God and merge with divine love and consciousness (such as the hare krishna mantra). 5. Start a meditation habit Nothing like some good ol’ fashioned meditation. It is the most ancient and straight forward spiritual practice there is. Taking time to come fully into the present moment and experience what is happening here now. Establishing a habit of meditation will give you the most growth and benefits. Meditation not only helps us relax the mind, but also helps us nurture our spirit. Clearing the mind is one way to foster our spirit. If a meditation habit seems a bit daunting try starting with just 5 or 10 minutes at the beginning or end of your day. “How To Meditate For Spiritual Awakening” 6. Practice Yoga You can take the meaning of Yoga one of two ways: 1. Yoga as in the ancient techniques and philosophies practiced by Indian Sages to attain enlightenment. or 2. Yoga as in the body postures and stretches practiced in the West. Either one of these interpretations of yogic practice will be sure to spice up your spiritual routine. Be warned though, there are dozens of different yogic philosophies each with different teachings and practices. It can get a little overwhelming! 7. Listen to your favorite spiritual teacher If you’re really feeling tired and lazy, nothing beats listening to a Ram Dass or Alan Watts lecture on YouTube. Whoever your favorite spiritual teacher is, taking some time to learn the philosophy can do a lot of good for your spirit. I consistently find myself having new insights after listening to lecture or clip of my favorite guru. (My favorite is Ram Dass) Conclusion There are so many ways to nurture your spirit. In fact there are nearly infinite ways for you to do spiritual practice. Try out a few of these ideas and most importantly listen to your heart and intuition. If one of these practices feels better for you than another, go with that for a while until you’re ready to try something else. Best of luck on your spiritual journey!

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How to Journal For Spiritual Growth & Awakening (5 Prompts)

We’ve all heard the purported benefits of journaling but can it help you awaken spiritually? Well, the hype does have some truth to it. Journaling has many benefits for your spiritual growth which we’ll be uncovering today. I’ll also show you how to journal for spiritual growth properly and give you a few special prompts to try for yourself. Benefits of journaling for spiritual growth Journaling has several spiritual benefits. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to journal, then take a look at the possible benefits that await you. 1. Tracking spiritual insights If you’ve ever had a spiritual awakening you know it’s a profound experience that cannot be described in words. However, after an awakening experience it’s important to remember what happened and why. Journaling about your spiritual experiences and insights is important so you don’t forget later on about the important spiritual information that flashed into your consciousness. Journaling allows you to keep a record of those insights to look back on in the future. 2. Journaling helps with shadow work Journaling can allow you to peak into your subconscious and shadow self. When you write out your thoughts and feelings you may find patterns and hidden things that you wouldn’t normally see. Writing out these thoughts and emotions will give you a peak under the curtain. Going back to read old journal entries can be very helpful when doing shadow work and work on your subconscious. 3. Journaling helps you process your emotions Emotions are a very important part of spiritual growth as our emotions are what motivate us most and signal things to your mind and body. Writing out how certain things, situations, and experiences made you feel will give spiritual insights around those things. Emotions are the primary factor in our astral selves, so emotional work can aid in the growth and balance of our astral bodies. 4. Creating a record of your spiritual progress Journaling allows you to create a record of your spiritual journey. Any time you have a new insight, struggle, or experience write it down. When create a progress record you can look back at previous entries to see how far you’ve come and know that you are making real progress. Having those past entries can help you realize lots of important things later on as well. 5. Journaling helps you get clear When you have a mess of thoughts and emotions all meshing together journaling can help you get clear. Writing out your thoughts and emotions will allow you to begin sorting it out in a less chaotic way. When you get clear on what it is you are feeling and thinking, you can begin changing them. Journaling is one way to bring those muddled thoughts and emotions to the forefront to be seen and processed. Becoming aware of the way you think and feel can lead to spiritual growth by itself. How to journal for spiritual growth So journaling can help with your spiritual growth, great! But how exactly should I go about doing that? 1. Decide when you’re going to journal When are you going to journal? How often are you going to journal? Decide on if journaling is going to be a daily habit, weekly habit, or simply when major events and insights occur. For some creating a habit is best or else they’ll never journal. A daily or weekly habit of journaling also helps to create a consistent record of your experiences and growth. However other people like myself struggle to maintain a journaling habit. The best bet for you is to keep your journal next to your bed and simply write when you feel inspired or when something important needs to be written down. What style fits best for you? 2. Use specific prompts to maximize your insights Free style writing is great and can have awesome benefits by itself. However, if you want to get specific with journaling for spiritual growth you may want to consider using journal prompts. These are questions that you ask yourself and answer in your journal on a consistent basis. Check out the prompts below for examples of some great questions to ask yourself when journaling. 3. Reflect on past entries One of the most important parts of journaling is going back to read old entries. Reading you’re past journal entries gives you insight into your past and may help you connect the dots for your present situation. This is why it’s important to journal when major life events and traumas happen. Past journal entries also show you the progress you’ve made and how far you’ve come. So take some time every once in a while to read a couple entries from the past. 5 journal prompts for spiritual growth and awakening 1. What spiritual insights or experiences can you recall from today? This is a great prompt for people who want to document their spiritual growth without too much structure. 2. When could you have been more mindful/aware today? This prompt helps you find where in your day you’re being unconscious and helps you become more aware of where you could bring more consciousness into your life. 3. Where in your day did you find your spirit feeling most light and joyful? A great prompt to find what nurtures your spirit so you can do more of that thing in the future and foster your inner growth. This is also great for fostering a bit of gratitude from your day. 4. How do you want your future life to look? How would you feel in this future? This question helps you look from your present perspective into the future to get inspired. The goal of this prompt is to help you visualize an inspiring future where your spirit is full and you’re excited for the day. 5. What are 3 things you’re most thankful for today? An oldie but a goodie. Fostering gratitude and love is so important for nurturing your spirit. A simple prompt like

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How To Find A Spiritually Awakened Partner

Finding a good partner in today’s dating pool is tough. On top of all of the other qualities you might be looking for (good looks, kindness, authenticity) you also want someone who is spiritually developed. But finding an awakened and conscious partner is no easy feat. This is because there are simply very few people who are on the path towards spiritual growth and awakening. So how do we go about finding a spiritually developed partner? Luckily, there is hope. Let’s dive into how you can find your spiritual honey. How To Find a spiritually awakened partner 1. Meeting through spiritual retreats & events If you’re a more hands on kind of person and want to take your destiny into your own hands you can go out of your way to attend spiritual retreats and events. Where do you think you’re going to run into more spiritually conscious people? That’s probably where you want to start looking. Attending meditation, yoga, or awakening retreats you will be surrounded by people pursuing spirituality. Make an effort to schedule a few of these types of things every year so you can meet these types of people. You can find spiritual events in your city or country by searching SpiritualEvents.com or by doing a simple google search. You might be surprised how many events show up! There are other events and organizations that will have more spiritually developed people such as Psychedelic Societies in your home city. You can also try going to a local ISKCON temple or Zen center. Try attending local meditation and yoga classes. You’ll be much more likely to meet spiritually conscious people there than randomly at the grocery store. 2. Spiritual dating sites Another way to get directly into the spiritual dating pool to meet an awakened partner is through online dating. There are several dating sites that have been specifically made for people like you. ConsciousSingles.com Online dating isn’t just for the regular unconscious people of the world. ConsciousSingles.com is a site exclusively for people who are spiritual and conscious. The age demographics for ConsciousSingles.com is a bit older, so this site is ideal if you’re someone who’s 30+ searching for a partner. There are very few members younger than 30 on the site. Another benefit is that ConsciousSingles.com is part of the Conscious Dating Network which means you’ll also be matched with people from other spiritual dating sites like SpiritualSingles.com. This site is great for all nationalities but has a greater number of international users, so if you’re outside the US you may want to try ConsciousSingles.com MeetMindful.com If you’re on the younger side and want to try online dating to find a partner on the spiritual path then MeetMindful.com is perfect. Meet mindful is for people who want genuine connections, are interested in a mindful way of life, and are more in tune with spirituality. Around 78% of users are from the US, there are more female users than male users on meet mindful, and most users are between 25-34 years of age. Use those statistics as you will to help make your decision. 3. Manifest them Another option is to manifest your partner into your life. No really… We won’t get too woo woo crazy about it but let’s talk about how to manifest your spiritual partner in concrete and understandable terms: The first step in this process of manifesting your ideal partner is setting an intention of finding your ideal partner. You need to get serious about finding that perfect mate and put that intention out into the universe. The second step is to get clear on what it is you want. Get specific about what kind of partner you want. Write it down, what is everything you want in your awakened partner. When we get clear on what we want we’ll start to see it better when it actually shows up in our life. The third step to manifesting your spiritual dream partner is to live with the belief that your soulmate is coming. You can enhance this step using visualizations of what it will be like to have found that partner. The fourth step is to act as if it is coming. Take the actions in life as if you know that the future you want IS coming. Do the inner work to be the best partner. Prepare yourself for the future knowing your partner is coming into your life. The final step is to surrender. Give up control and let the universe do the rest. Let go of how or when it will happen while simply knowing that that person you desire is coming into your life. 4. Let go and trust the universe The last thing I’d suggest is sending an intention of what you want into the universe and letting go completely. My most profound experiences in life occur when I simply surrender. Though you may be in a hurry or feel anxious to find that perfect spiritual partner, it’s best to be patient and allow them to come to you at the universe’s pace. In the grand scheme of things the things that are meant for you will come to you and the things that aren’t won’t. Trust that the universe will provide you with what you need when you need it. If you’ve been struggling to find someone for a while, maybe that’s a sign for you to surrender. You’d be surprised what might happen. Worrying That A partner Isn’t “spiritual enough” You might also have a worry that a current partner or prospective partner isn’t spiritual enough. I know I’ve worried about that in my past relationships. Though having a partner who is on the same page spiritually is great, it isn’t necessary for your journey to awakening. Your journey is deeply personal and not reliant on having a spiritual partner. The important thing is finding a partner who respects your passion for spiritual growth and awakening. If they don’t share that same passion that

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Should I Mantra Silently Or Out Loud?

Chanting a mantra can be a very helpful aspect to spiritual practice. But should you mantra out loud or in your head? Typically, chanting a mantra out loud will provide more benefits such as increased focus and auditory stimulation over chanting silently. However, when in a public location or somewhere you need to be quiet, a silent mantra is best. What is a mantra? A mantra is a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated during meditation or by itself as spiritual practice. A mantra’s purpose is to direct your focus on a specific idea or sound for a long period of time. This can aid in concentration during meditation, or be used by itself simply for spiritual gain. Benefits of chanting out loud 1. Auditory focus Chanting a mantra out loud can help engage your sense of hearing. If you are meditating on a specific mantra, the auditory stimulation can become the focus of your attention. In this way, chanting a mantra out loud can deepen your meditation practice and improve focus. 2. Physical sensation Chanting out loud gives the added bonus of feeling the physical vibrations given off by your voice. The vibrations themselves can become a target of your focus during meditation. Losing yourself in the physical sensation during a mantra meditation is really a cool experience that you should try for yourself. 3. External expression The externally oriented nature of chanting out loud can aid in your expression of spiritual devotion and intention. This is helpful for people who are introverted and in their heads most of the time. Chanting a mantra out loud can help get your spiritual practice out of your head and into your body and the external world. Benefits of chanting silently 1. Inner focus A silent mantra will direct your focus inward rather. Where the out loud mantra directs focus externally, the silent mantra directs that energy inward. Silent mantras make for an intimate spiritual practice that directs your focus inwards. As you chant with your mind instead of your mouth, you will be putting focus on the internal. 2. Quieter environments Silent mantras are ideal for public places or locations where you should be quieter. Let’s say you are on a break at work and want to do some spiritual practice, this is where you will want to use a silent mantra. You definitely don’t want to be chanting out loud in the break room after all… When to use each type of mantra see also How Long Should I Chant A Mantra? Chanting a mantra out loud is best in the following cases: Chanting a mantra silently is best in these situations: Conclusion When choosing your type of mantra it’s important to look what your intentions are with your practice and to notice your surroundings. Both silent and out loud mantras have their unique benefits, however chanting a mantra out loud is traditionally what is thought to be most useful.

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How Long Should I Chant A Mantra?

Chanting a mantra is a foundational part of a well rounded spiritual practice. Actually understanding how to mantra and how long you should mantra is important for your practice. The duration that you choose to mantra is entirely up to personal preference. However, some gurus suggest repeating a mantra 108 times or roughly 10-20 minutes at a time. What is a mantra? A mantra is a phrase, word, or sound that you repeat out loud or in your head. The purpose of a mantra is to aid in concentration in meditation and raise your consciousness. Lots of different types of meditations use a mantra as a concentration aid such as transcendental meditation, however mantras may also be used simply by themselves as spiritual practice. How long should I chant a mantra? There are several ways of you can choose for counting the duration of your mantra. Here are some ways that you may want to try for yourself. Counting by number of rounds You can choose a specified number of times that you want to repeat a mantra before you begin your practice. A common number of rounds used for chanting is 108. There are several types of mantras that follow this format. For example, the Hare Krishna mantra is said 108 times and is counted using a set of 108 mala beads. Other mantras like the Navakshari mantra are required to be repeated 9,000,000 times over several sessions. Different mantras may call for different numbers of repetition. You can choose whatever number is best for you, or try the commonly used 108 times. Counting by time Another way to mantra is by setting a timer for a specific amount of time. Yoga Journal recommends chanting a mantra for 5-20 minutes. I personally find that it takes at least 5 minutes to get into a meditative state with your mantra. The longer you mantra the deeper into the practice you will get. One way isn’t necessarily better than any other way. Whether you want to mantra for a specified amount of time or number of times, either should do the trick. How long do mantras take to work? There is no set amount of time that it takes a mantra to get you to your end goal. The important factors with chanting a mantra are the quality of the sessions and your consistency of practice. Quality over quantity Mantraing extra fast just to get through it quickly does absolutely no good. Take your time and get deep into your mantra work. There’s no rush when chanting a mantra. Your results with chanting a mantra will mimic the quality and depth of your mantra practice, not necessarily how fast you complete it. For this reason, you should focus on deeply understanding your mantra and learning quality chanting over quantity. The importance of consistency You may not see spiritual or mental results from your mantra right away. This is why it’s important to consistently practice chanting your mantra every day. As you mantra every day you will deepen your practice and get more and more spiritual value from it. If you don’t feel particularly good about one day of chanting, just try again the next day.

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11 Most Spiritual Locations In The US

I’m going to be moving cities within the next 2 years and I was curious to find out where the most spiritual cities in the US are. After all, I want to be surrounded by like minded spiritual seekers and of course beautiful nature and wildlife. I came to find out that there are dozens of spiritual communities all over the United States. Whether you’re looking for a spiritual vacation spot or a city to move to with a large spiritual community, this is the resource that can help you find it. Here’s the list I came up with using my specialized rating system: The spirituality score was determined by evaluating the number of spiritual locations and businesses in the area. For example: meditation centers, Hindu temples, Ram Dass gatherings, & retreat centers were all accounted for. The nature score was determined by the diversity and amount of nature around the area. Things like parks, nature reserves, and type of climate were taken into account. The community score was determined by population size and friendliness. Cities with more spiritual community oriented spaces and centers received a higher score. 1. Maui, Hawaii The second largest of the Hawaiian islands, Maui, is a spiritual oasis in the Pacific. Home to the late Ram Dass for 15 years before his death, Maui hosts one of the largest spiritual communities in the world. A large spiritual community was established in Maui when Ram Dass retired on the island in 2004 bringing spiritual seekers flocking there years after. Today you can find dozens of retreat centers, yoga studios, meditation centers, and more that are well established on Maui. Apart from the large spiritual community there is an abundance and diversity of wildlife on the island to explore and bask in. With perfectly warm weather all year round, Maui is truly a peaceful oasis. Notable locations: Temple of Peace Healing Sanctuary, Maui Dharma Center, & Hanuman Maui 2. Sedona, Arizona Sedona, Arizona has long been held as a deeply spiritual location in the US. This location is known as one of the most powerful spiritual energy vortexes in the world. Visitors say you can feel the difference in the energy of Sedona. The powerful energy flowing through Sedona is said to be deeply healing, making this location a prime place for spiritual cleansing and healing. There is an abundance of healers, retreat centers, and spiritual businesses in the area. Sedona is particularly well known for the number of psychics and mediums located there as well. Apart from the incredible spiritual energy and community in Sedona, this location is in the heart of Coconino National Forest. The weather is warm to hot all year round and hosts beautiful subtropical and semi-arid wildlife. Notable locations: The Global Center for Christ Consciousness 3. Island of Hawai’i The largest Hawaiian island finds its way to #3 on the list as a spiritual and natural hub. Though there are less spiritual centers than Maui, the big island has a deep spiritual community and is much more affordable than Maui. The Hawaiian islands are believed to be infused with an abundance of prana or spiritual energy, specifically on the western Kohala Coast. The idea that the Island of Hawai’i is an energetically healing place is rooted in the ancient Hawaiian culture even before Westerners settled the island. There are several ecolodges that connect spirituality with the beautiful nature of the big island. The islands also hosts several spiritual, meditation, and retreat centers. Notable locations: Center for Spiritual Living & Konalani Yoga Ashram 4. Ojai, California The first California location to make the list is the small town of Ojai. This town is known for its deep spiritual traditions and is believed to be another great energy vortex. Thousands of years ago Native American tribes believed Ojai to be a spiritual energy hub and to this day psychics, healers, and spiritual seekers find it to be powerfully spiritual place as well. One location is thought to be a particularly powerful place to meditate: Meditation Mount. Ojai as a whole is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forest as well as being home to several spiritual centers. Notable locations: Meditation Mount & The Krishnamurti Center 5. Gainesville, Florida Gainesville, Florida gained it’s spiritual reputation in the 70s as a haven for new agers and hippies. Since then it’s grown into a matured spiritual hub surrounded by palm trees and several state parks. There are plenty of meditation, spiritual, and retreat centers around the area to explore and get your spirit filled for the day. Gainesville also hosts many spiritual groups such as the “Philosophical Self Inquiry Group”. Though there are many spiritual hubs scattered around Florida, Gainesville appears to be the largest in the state. Gainesville, FL is also home to beautiful wildlife, warm weather, and an affordable cost of living. Notable locations: Temple of The Universe & Tu Viện A Nan Buddhist Temple and Statue Park 6. Joshua Tree, California Joshua Tree is thought to be one of the most powerful spiritual locations in the US. This town is thought to be able to balance your spiritual energies and was considered sacred land by the native inhabitants. With this powerful spiritual energy inhabiting Joshua Tree, many spiritual seekers and healers have opened up centers and businesses in the area. Joshua Tree, CA is home to a few spiritual centers, though significantly less than other locations on the list. On top of all that, Joshua tree is located in one of the most beautiful national state parks with 3 different ecosystems & 57 mammalian species. This town is also one of the most affordable towns in a state known for a high cost of living. Notable locations: Institute of Mental Psychics 7. Missoula, Montana Missoula, MT is was a surprise location to me during my research. This medium sized town in Montana is a spiritual oasis in the mostly barren upper middle states of the United States. Missoula is home to many meditation and

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What is The Qabalistic Cross? (Beginning of The LBRP)

The Qabalistic Cross (also known as the Kabalistic Cross) is part of a broader ritual known as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). It’s a practice that originated within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization that paved the Western magical tradition. The Qabalistic Cross is essentially a visualization exercise used to expand your consciousness and bring divine light into your being. Before we begin, I want to preface the power of this visualization. This exercise is something to be taken seriously, and not played around with. Only do this if you’re ready to bring powerful divine energy into your body. Seriously… How to do the Qabalistic Cross The Qabalistic Cross serves as both the beginning and end of the LBRP. It’s a way to center and ground oneself, aligning with the cosmic forces and bring divine energy into your being. Take your time with each step. Let’s break it down: What does the Qabalistic Cross do? The Qabalistic Cross is an exercise that brings divine energy into your body. This can signals to your subconscious mind and higher self that you are ready to handle more divinity. Doing this exercise will expand your consciousness and fill you with spiritual energy. This may look like: This is why I prefaced the power of this technique at the beginning, because some individuals may not be ready for this kind of energy to be held in their body. Personally, doing the Qabalistic Cross caused a kundalini awakening in me. Chanting Vs. Visualizing Chanting the words of the ritual may be helpful for some, though it isn’t necessary. The important part of the qabalistic cross is the visualization and feeling of the energy. Though saying the words associated with each step can help, in my experience it is not the important part. Make sure you genuinely feel your body expanding during the first step and feel the energy vibrating and pulsating through your body with each next step. It’s the deep feelings you bring up that causes the real changes and consciousness shifts. Make it your own Once you do this ritual a few times, feel free to ditch what doesn’t work for you and keep what does. Fine tune the exercise to suite what feels best for you. You are your own best compass in spiritual work. Trust what your gut is telling you and focus on what feels right. Conclusion The Qabalistic Cross is an esoteric technique created by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn used to access divine energy and bring it into your being. It can create profound shifts in your consciousness and grow you spiritually. If you ever feel like you have brought too much energy into your being, stop the practice for a few days and let the energy settle down.

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Is Spirituality Actually Important?

Spirituality has a number of tangible benefits from improving mental health to fostering connection with yourself and those around you. The practices and philosophies associated with spirituality are good for you in so many different ways. Here are the main reasons why spirituality is important: What is spirituality? Spirituality is the experience of connecting with something greater than one’s physical self and the practices that go along with it. It is the recognition that the universe is more than it appears on the surface and that all things that exist are divine in nature. Spirituality is an important subject to consider and discuss because it’s an important aspect to the holistic view of life. In fact, the best life coaching programs in the world include spirituality in the main pillars of a great life. To have an amazing and purposeful life, we can’t skip over spirituality. The benefits of spirituality 1. Spiritual Practice Improves Mental Health The first reason that spirituality should be seen as important is because of it’s mental health benefits. Spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and prayer are not only good for your spirit, but they’re good for your mind as well. We know from several scientific studies that individuals who practice meditation and mindfulness are much more likely to report lower levels of stress and have a better well being. Benefits of Meditation Meditation calms your mind down and allows you to view your thoughts and emotions from a different perspective. This can help you detach from constant negative thinking and painful emotions. Meditation is a practice associated with spirituality that can decrease your daily stress and anxiety levels. Mindful practice has been shown to lower cortisol levels, the chemical responsible for stress in the body. > see my article “7 Best Types of Meditation: Which is Best For You?” Benefits of Prayer Prayer, like meditation can offer many mental health benefits such as decreased anxiety and stress. The ritual of prayer and the slowing down during the practice can be incredibly calming and relaxing. Some may feel a greater sense of connection while praying causing increased happiness levels. Spirituality offers several other benefits like the ones further down this list that may compound and contribute to better mental health overall. 2. Spirituality Helps Us Understand The Universe Spirituality offers a perspective on reality and the universe that goes beyond the physical realm. Spiritual development may offer you a new framework to see the world. This framework allows for more than traditional science or the confines of religion. As a method to understand the universe, spirituality can help you see reality from a more interconnected and holistic perspective. This isn’t to say science is a bad way to understand the world, it’s just to say that science as a practice has its limits. Spirituality can fill in the gaps and offer us an understanding beyond the physical aspects of the world. 3. Spirituality Increases Peace & Happiness As you develop yourself spiritually you will find greater peace and happiness. Knowing there is something greater at play in this universe can offer a lot peace and contentment in your life. Knowing that something divine is guiding or helping you can help you feel happier and more at peace going about your life. As we talked about earlier in this post, spiritual practices associated with spirituality like meditation, yoga, and prayer help us feel better and more relaxed. These spiritual practices contribute to greater peace throughout your day. 4. Spirituality Fosters Love & Kindness Every major religion and spiritual philosophy has teachings of love and kindness. We see this in the teachings like the golden rule, “treat others as you want to be treated” which is found in almost every spiritual lineage that exists. Loving kindness is engrained in the DNA of spirituality. Spiritual development usually facilitates an increase in your empathy for others. This is because as you dive deeper into spirituality you start to see the interconnectedness of everything. You’re sense of self and other become diminished and you begin to treat others like they are a part of this divine universal whole. > see my article “The Illusion of Self: The Secret to Judging Less and Loving More” 5. Spirituality Increases Self Awareness Our self awareness increases as we dive deeper into spirituality. Several spiritual traditions and practices cultivate an increase in self awareness. One way that spirituality increases an individual’s awareness is by encouraging self reflection. There are several examples of this throughout every major spiritual philosophy including: As we do more mindful practice and observation of ourselves, our actions, and our thoughts we gain a deeper understanding into ourselves. Increased self awareness can then lead to greater emotional control and regulation. 6. Spirituality Offers Community & Connection Every spiritual tradition usually has a community aspect attached to it. By following a specific spiritual or religious tradition you’ll have no trouble finding a community with the same goals of growing spiritually. If you’re on a path of nonreligious spirituality, finding a community may be slightly more difficult. Not only will you find community on the spiritual path, but you’ll also develop a greater sense of connection. Not just with the people you meet on the path but with everything that exists. Profound spiritual insights or awakenings can leave you with an understanding of deep connection with the universe. Final Thoughts So there you have it, spirituality has an important part to play in a full and happy life. Spirituality has numerous benefits that will help you live a happier and more fulfilling. From meditation practice and the peace that it brings to creating a spiritual community, spirituality is indeed important.

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