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Is Meditation Pointless?
The Buddhists have a famous saying,“Zazen is good for nothing” – Kodo Sawaki RoshiZazen is the Buddhist tradition’s form of meditation.If meditation is good for nothing...
Why Are My Ears Ringing During Meditation?
If you’ve experienced ringing in your ears you know that it’s not an enjoyable experience. However, some people experience ringing in their ears when they meditate and are confused as to why...
Meditation With Pets: How to Meditate With a Distracting Pet
Does your dog get confused when you meditate in front of them? Maybe your cat can’t keep away from you while you sit for your morning meditation. Or perhaps you struggle with getting distracted by...
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Meditating While High: How to Use Marijuana With Meditation
Look, we’ve all been there. You took an edible, but you forgot you still need to get your 10 minutes of meditation in for the day. Now you’re wondering if meditating under the influence of...
eyes open
Can You Meditate With Your Eyes Open?
According to a recent poll of 137 meditators only 10% of them regularly meditate with their eyes open.According to this pool, meditating with eyes open appears to be an uncommon practice but some...

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